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From DDO Compendium
Year of the Dragon - January
The January free giveaway is the Armor of the Dragon Cult Set: Chromatic Dragon Armor, Chromatic Dragon Helm, and Chromatic Dragon Helm for every character. Talk to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes to unlock the reward and then Estraz to retrieve the Feat on each character you want it.
VIP Loyalty Reward Program
We are updating our VIP program in addition to all current offers with new benefits and gifts! Unlock something special every month with our VIP Loyalty Rewards Program! Starts May 1st, 2024! Visit Violet Peregrine in the Eberron Hall of Heroes to claim your reward.
Read more about VIP Loyalty Reward Program on DDO.com!
New Event - The Lanterns in the Mists
Cormyr, the new 64-bit server, is arriving on October 23. This is a VIP only server, however January 22nd through April 15th this server will be open to everyone. On the new server, there will also be a new event The Lanterns in the Mists. Read more on DDO.COM.

The DDO Compendium is designed to be a simple, drama-free, data source for the game Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO).

While continuing to remain ad-free, we do have fees for hosting and maintenance to consider. So far, those fees have been paid out-of-pocket by individual DDO players and fans.

In order to make sure the DDO Compendium stays funded and will continue to evolve we have established a Patreon account.

We have enjoyed some great support from people submitting content and editing, and we wanted to add an option to support the endeavor monetarily as well.

Thanks everyone for any support.

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Update 71.2
The Fall of the Night Brigade.jpg
Fall of the Night Brigade
Release Information
Released on January 21, 2025

News and Notes:

  • A new Year of the Dragon gift is now available! Read more about the Armor of the Dragon Cult on DDO.com.
  • The Year of the Dragon Dragon Path Aura Footprints now display properly for other clients.
  • The odds of reaching the rare item table in Myth Drannor quests has been increased. Note that the odds of finding some non-rare items in those chests have been reduced slightly to account for the higher rate of rare items.
  • The odds of finding Fallen Age weapons in Myth Drannor has been increased.
  • The odds of finding Golden Age weapons instead of Fallen Age weapons in Myth Drannor has been increased. Note that the odds of finding some Fallen Age weapons has been reduced slightly to account for the higher rate of Golden Age weapons.
  • The odds of reaching the rare items table in Fall of the Night Brigade quests has been increased. Note that the odds of finding some non-rare items in those chests has been reduced slightly to account for the higher rate of rare items.
  • Higher tier Mist Stalker red name bosses will now reward more durability for the Lantern of the Order in Reaper difficulty.
  • The icon for the Guest Pass for the Fall of the Night Brigade has been corrected.
  • Various typos have been corrected with one of the Year of the Dragon vendors.
  • Fixed an issue where picking a locked lever at the start of The Zulkir's Plan could block completion of the quest.
  • The Lanterns from the Lanterns in the Mists event can now be used while Raging.

Update 71.1
The Fall of the Night Brigade.jpg
Fall of the Night Brigade
Release Information
Released on December 18, 2024

News and Notes:

  • The Fall of the Night Brigade Adventure Pack now has its guest passes available.
  • A few game performance issues with hirelings and animal companions have been addressed. We are hopeful that this fix addresses some of the worst lag spikes in the game. Please report exceedingly strange hireling behavior that is out of the normal range of hireling idiosyncrasy.
    • Known Issue: Animal companions that automatically break breakables will no longer do so.
  • An issue with quest objectives in the Mists of Ravenloft quest "An Invitation to Dinner" has been corrected.
  • An NPC in the quest "The Wizard's Labyrinth" can no longer spawn as a Reaper to prevent an issue where a Reaper can spawn while players are in rat form.
  • Fixed teleportation bugs in "The Wizard's Labyrinth".
  • Typos have been corrected in the Saga dialog with Old Tarlow in Fall of the Night Brigade.
  • Fixed a typo in the repeat quest dialog for "The Wizard's Labyrinth".
  • The Legendary Poniard of Pain now properly drops in Legendary difficulty.
  • Several Rest/Resurrection shrines in the game that visually look transparent are now also ethereal and should no longer trap people inside them when they appear in the dungeon.
  • Fixed an issue where the quest "A Frosty Reception" would sometimes fail to progress.

Update 71
The Fall of the Night Brigade.jpg
Fall of the Night Brigade
Release Information
Released on December 11, 2024

Of Special Note:

Fall of the Night Brigade - FREE to VIPs!

Help a group of wererats to bring down the Night Brigade, a ruthless gang that's killed and pillaged its way into power. Transform into a rat to explore hidden nooks and crannies and bring the leaders of the Night Brigade to justice in four hand-crafted quests set inside Wheloon Prison.

Fall of the Night Brigade is a new Adventure Pack available in the DDO Store and FREE to VIPs! This quest pack is CR 4 in Heroic difficulty and CR 35 in Legendary difficulty! Get started by going to the Wheloon Docks, either via Gatekeeper's Grove in Eberron or by traveling there in Eveningstar in the Forgotten Realms. Look for the group of wererats and speak to the NPC Old Tarlow to get started! Includes the following quests:

The Jester of Festivult has arrived!

The Jester of Festivult is now available to trade your Festivult Copper, Silver, and Gold Coins for cookies! Some cookies have been adjusted this year. Additionally, we've fixed a bug with last year's Abishai Cookies so you can once again eat all of them in a row for a buff. Festivult Coins will continue to appear through January 7th, and the Jester of Festivult will remain in-game throughout Eberron through January 14th, 2025.

News and Notes:

  • Lanterns in the Mists rewards earned on Cormyr are now available to claim on other game worlds. Find the NPCs in the Hall of Heroes.
  • The Lantern of the Seeker now properly gives you subsequent copies of the reward mount or creature companion, and a text error in its dialog has been corrected.
  • A typo has been corrected along with the text when a higher level character defeats a Mist Stalker in a too-low-level quest.
  • Festivult Cookie Updates:
    • The Blue Abishai Cookie is now a Resist Electricity buff.
    • The Green Abishai Cookie is now Neutralize Poison again.
    • The Abishai Destroyer Buff can now be obtained again (due to the requirement of all Abishai cookies being a buff for this to work.)
    • The Beholder Cookie is now True Seeing.
    • The Cupcake is now Lesser Restoration.
    • The Daanvi Jelly Cake is now Order's Wrath
    • Returning from 2023: There is a chance to receive a stack of small cards from the Deck of Many Curses when turning in a Gold Festivult Coin!
  • The quest "Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener" has been permanently retired from the game due to irreconcilable performance issues. Unique treasure from the quest has been relocated to Mask of Deception, located in Eveningstar.
  • The Myth Drannor Saga now has a chance to grant one of the nine Rare Sun/Moon Augments from Myth Drannor as an option in its reward list. This chance is 10% on Normal, 16% on Hard, 25% on Elite, and 34% on True Elite. The Heroic Saga drops Heroic Augments, and the Legendary Saga drops Legendary Augments.
  • The drop rate of named items from the purple-named landscape bosses in Myth Drannor has been raised.
  • Legendary Affirmation from item upgrades in Threats Old and New now properly works on spellcast.
  • Heroic and Legendary Glasses of the Studious Mage that had lost their Magical Efficiency effect should regain it on logging in or removing it from your Bank.
  • Expanded Clip no longer gives more Doubleshot than listed, and no longer grants Doubleshot with weapons other than Repeating Crossbows (also as listed).
  • AOE Crossbow Attacks in Battle Engineer and Inquisitive no longer fire one more shot than your crossbow normally shoots.
  • Dripping with Magma on the Reflection of the Warblade now works for both attacks and spells. (Note: The tooltip still only mentions attacks).
  • Many Fear effects now properly block Rune Arm use.
  • Adjustments have been made to main party room of Partycrashers to improve frame rate.
  • Fixed a stuck spot in Legendary Chronoscope.
  • Fixed some lamps that were improperly floating in the air in "Just Business".
  • Fixed a hole in the staircase of "Army of the Endless Night".
  • Adjusted lighting in the Hall of Heroes to be more performant.
  • The Hag in the quest "Witch Hunt" should now be more responsive to the placement of Banners.
  • Optimized the performance of how certain game text is generated in various parts of the game interface.
  • Renamed a portal in "Caught in the Web" to be more clear, and updated the map note as well so that it no longer claims to be taking you to "The Underdark".
  • Reduced the difficulty of the traps that appear in the final room of "Finding Doris".
  • Massaged a misbehaving staircase in the Marketplace to prevent getting stuck while using a Mount.
  • Fixed a typo in "Eye Know Whodunnit".
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing certain NPC rogues from dropping traps, exploding spiders, etc.
  • Fixed a typo in the Wild Magic Fey feat granted to Eladrin Chaosmancers.
  • Fixed an issue where Rinar d'Thuranni's reward window improperly stays open under certain conditions.

Update Loot
Update 70
Lanterns in the Mists
Release Information
Released on October 22, 2024

Cormyr Arrives!

The first 64 bit server for Dungeons & Dragons Online has arrived! Cormyr is a VIP access fresh start world featuring an exciting and rewarding event called Lanterns in the Mists.

News and Notes:

Ranged Combat Adjustments:

  • We have been focusing on performance issues in recent weeks, and we are implementing a change to address one of the more common community reports related to performance, specifically Repeating and Dual Crossbow attack speed.
  • The current rate of fire is negatively impacting the game client, server, and other players when used by many players. The infamous Fusillade/No Holds * Barred abilities exacerbate this performance issue, but fixing these abilities by themselves would not lead to the right performance outcome. Instead, we have taken some measures to slow down the rate of fire and reloading speed while compensating with an increase in general damage over time.
  • The Doubleshot penalties of -66% for Repeating Crossbows and -50% for Dual Crossbows has been removed, meaning both styles can now benefit from 100% of their Doubleshot score.
  • The timing of each shot of a Repeating Crossbow and the timing in each volley before the reload portion begins has been increased slightly.
  • The baseline attack speed of Repeating and Dual Crossbows has been reduced slightly.
  • Rapid Reload's bonus for Light Repeating Crossbows has been reduced from 65% to 35%.
  • Rapid Reload's bonus for Heavy Repeating Crossbows has been reduced from 70% to 40%.
  • Rapid Reload's bonus for all Dual Crossbows has been reduced from 40% to 20%.
  • The bonus to Reload Speed from Rapid Shot for Repeating and Dual Crossbows has been reduced.
  • Repeating Crossbows now have a slight pause between each three shot volley when using Endless Fusillade.
  • Inquisitive's Tier 5 paths now grant +15% Attack Speed and +15% Doubleshot instead of the prior +30% Attack Speed.
  • Inquisitive's Core 2 Hit the Streets now grants +5% Doubleshot in addition to its other benefits.
  • Shoot First's damage is now +40%.
  • Shoot Later's damage is now +60%
  • Shoot First and Shoot Later are now area of effect ranged attacks that shoot twice with Dual Crossbows.
  • Battle Engineer's Shatter Defenses has had its damage changed to +10/30/50%.
  • Battle Engineer's Thunder-Shock Weapon's damage is now +50%.
  • Battle Engineer's Core 2 Infused Weapons now grants +5% Doublestrike and Doubleshot in addition to its other benefits.
  • The Expanded Clip Epic Feat no longer adds an additional shot, instead granting a +33% stacking Doubleshot with Repeating Crossbows.

Other changes:

  • The quest Oghma's Song has reopened.
  • The quest Partycrashers has reopened.
  • After some surgery, the Hirelings "Owlbear Defender" and "Darling" are back and ready to adventure with those who summon them.
  • The time duration of Lesser, Greater, and Sovereign Discovery Elixirs has been extended from 1 hour to 6 hours. Saltmarsh VIP Discovery Elixirs remain 3 hours and VIP Loyalty Reward Discovery elixirs remain 12 hours. This applies to already existing potions as well.
  • All Chests that drop from Champions now turn red after 3 minutes, and then disappear a minute after that (for a total of four minutes). This includes standard champion chests, as well as ones from Champions in The Night Revels, Crystal Cove, and Snowpeaks festivals.
  • Framerate should no longer drop so dramatically in the multi-level encounter room of the Sword Crest passage of White Plume Mountain.
  • Adjustments have been made to some invisible dungeon monitors in the Shroud to improve performance, particularly at the end of Part 1. Gameplay mechanics of the Shroud have not been changed.
  • Reduced the VFX that activate when a creature becomes Frozen to help game performance.
  • Adjusted VFX that activate for Alchemist Bombardier's Burning Ambition to help game performance.
  • Mounts that aren't animals should no longer claim to be animals in their Mount type (Carpets aren't animals, who knew!)

Update Loot
Update 69
Magic of Myth Drannor
Release Information
Released on August 14, 2024

Of Special Note

Magic of Myth Drannor has arrived!

Venture into the heart of the Forgotten Realms and brave the perilous ruins of Myth Drannor! Harness the power of chaotic Wild Magic, navigate mysteries of the Forgotten Realms, and thwart the sinister Red Wizards of Thay in their quest for dark secrets. Join the adventure to restore the Elves' ancient capital—will you rise to the challenge? Dive into Magic of Myth Drannor and shape the future of the legendary Elven city!

Read more about the Magic of Myth Drannor expansion!

Venture through the lands of Myth Drannor with 13 new quests and an exciting new wilderness area! A raid will be released for this content in the future as well. Myth Drannor's quests are level 13 on Heroic difficulty and level 35 on Legendary difficulty. Talk to Aelorin Ungive in the Outskirts of Myth Drannor to begin the story. You can reach the Outskirts of Myth Drannor from either Eveningstar (near the Thunderholme entrance) or the Gatekeeper's Grove.

The game's level cap is now 34! More experience, more powerful loot, new Feats and more!

News and Notes:


  • Two tiers of Cormanthor elven Favor are now available. Tier 1 awards +1 to your Saving Throws versus Spells, and Tier 2 awards +5 Hit Points.

New Epic Feats:

  • These are all Minimum Level 21, and can be taken with normal feat slots that you get at levels 21, 24, 27, 30, and 33.
    • Patience: Your attack speed is reduced by 10%, but you gain +1 Critical Multiplier with all weapons.
    • Eerie Aim: You gain +5% Dodge Bypass, +5% Deflection Bypass, and +10 to Attack.
    • Paranoid: You take 10% less damage from Traps, and you automatically Spot almost all traps as you approach them.
    • Inspiring Bond: When your Hirelings or Pets die, after 2.5 seconds they are automatically resurrected and heal to full health. This can occur only once for each creature every 3 minutes. In addition, your Hirelings, Pets, and Summons gain +25 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating.
    • Defensive Tumble: When you Tumble, for the next 3 seconds you take 20% less damage from all sources (except Bane). In addition, your Tumble charges recharge .5 seconds faster, and the bonus to Reflex Saving Throws you receive while actively Tumbling is now also applied to Fortitude and Will saving throws while Tumbling.
    • Trick Shot: When you Tumble, you gain +40 Ranged Power for 4 seconds. In addition, your Tumble charges recharge .5 seconds faster.

New Epic Destiny Feats:

  • These are all Minimum Level 21 except for Titan's Blood, which is ML34. These can be taken with Destiny Feat Slots, which you get at 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34.
    • Titan's Blood: Minimum Level 34. You gain a +10% Legendary Bonus to Maximum Hit Points.
    • Guarded Actions: Whenever you use an Action Boost, you take 20% less damage for 6 seconds.
    • Arcane Actions: Whenever you use an Action Boost, you gain a +50 Competence Bonus to Universal Spell Power and +2 to Spell Penetration for 3 seconds.
    • Channel Power: After blocking with an Orb or Staff for at least 3 seconds, you gain a +100 Competence Bonus to Universal Spell Power and +2 to Imbue Dice for six seconds.
    • Intimidating Shout: Activate to shout at all nearby creatures, Intimidating them unless they make a Will Saving Throw (DC equal to your Intimidate skill). This works on all creature types, including those normally immune to Intimidate.
    • Face Me: Whenever you use an Action Boost, your threat generation is increased by 200% for 6 seconds.

New Items and Augments:

  • Loot in this update is Minimum Level 13 in Heroic, and Minimum Level 33 in Legendary.
  • Weapons from the Weapon Suite can be found in chests:
    • Like previous expansion packs, most chests (including Optional Objective chests) have a chance to drop weapons from the Weapon Suite - In this case, the Fallen Age weapons.
    • In rare cases, when the Weapon Suite table is rolled, you will receive a weapon from the Golden Age suite instead.
  • Generation 3 Filigree: On Legendary difficulties, end reward chests may drop Generation 3 Filigree.
  • The named loot table for each dungeon's end chests includes named items, Sun and/or Moon Augments, and rarely something from that dungeon's Rare Loot Table. The Rare Loot Table includes a mix of exclusive Named Items and Sun/Moon Augments that are unique to that chest. In Legendary, Minor Artifacts may also drop from this list in certain dungeons.
  • Sun and Moon Augments / Set Bonuses:
    • In Update 69, there are no traditional Set Bonuses. Instead, items in this pack (both Heroic and Legendary) have Sun and Moon Augment Slots.
      • One Sun Augment Slot appears on Armor, Helm, Cloak, Goggle, and Trinket slot items.
      • One Moon Augment Slot appears on Glove, Bracer, Belt, Necklace, and Boot slot items.
      • Sun and Moon Augment Slots do not appear on Ring, Rune Arm, Quiver, Ammunition, or Weapon/Shield slot items, and we intend to keep it that way in future updates.
    • Sun and Moon Augments work exactly like Chromatic (Red, Blue, Colorless, etc.) Augments. They are slotted the same way, removed with Jeweler's Toolkits, and can be replaced by slotting a new Sun or Moon Augment in an existing one's place.
    • Sun Augment Slots only accept Sun Augments, and Moon Augment Slots only accept Moon Augments.
    • The Sun and Moon Augments in this pack are Unbound.
    • Sun and Moon Augment Slots can appear on items in addition to the expected number/type of Chromatic Augment Slots (so an item may have Yellow, Green and Sun slots simultaneously).
    • Sun Augments replace Primary sets in this pack, meaning their Effect Bonus Type is usually Artifact. Moon Augments replace Secondary sets in this pack, meaning their Effect Bonus Type is usually Profane.
      • This means their effects do not stack with similar Set Bonuses from previous packs, though if you have a combination of loot with an old Set and Myth Drannor Loot with Sun/Moon Augments that provides bonuses to different stats, they will work together. Most Artifact and Profane bonuses from recent sets have a corresponding Sun or Moon Augment somewhere in Myth Drannor.
    • Sun/Moon Augments that drop in Legendary Dungeons in Myth Drannor are ML30. Most Sun/Moon Augments that drop in Heroic Dungeons in Myth Drannor are ML1, though some have higher minimum levels. This isn't especially relevant in Myth Drannor, as the only items with slots will be ML13 and ML33, but it may be relevant if this system is used beyond this pack.

Bug Fixes:

  • The guild airship Farshifter can now offer more than nine teleportation options, and now offers the ability to teleport to Myth Drannor for characters with access to the Myth Drannor teleportation item available in the Ultimate Edition of Magic of Myth Drannor.
  • The Spell Damage tooltip on the character sheet now properly displays Chaos, Lawful, and Evil damage.
  • The Dragon Hatchling Pet now has its proper preview avatar.
  • Eladrin and Tabaxi icons are no longer missing from the Social Panel.
  • Various typos have been corrected.
  • The Flying Carpet mount no longer sticks to your hand when drinking a potion or casting teleport.
  • The Blue Draconic Wings have had a display issue corrected for Aasimar Druids and veiled Druid elemental forms.
  • A stuck spot has been fixed in the Isle of Dread quest "The Trouble with Tar Pits".
  • A variety of enemies in entrance states which were attackable but not targetable now can be targeted. Not every enemy with this bug has been corrected, but many have.
  • The damage from Quick Cutter in Fury of the Wild now properly scales with Melee Power.
  • An issue has been corrected with many humanoid caster enemies which caused them to throw a dagger instead of casting a spell.

An issue that could cause Nothics to go brain dead after defeating a target has been corrected.

Gameplay Changes:

  • Naarhesh now offers the teleport item "Book of Legends: Myth Drannor" to any who have purchased the Ultimate Edition of Magic of Myth Drannor.
  • The Gatekeeper's Grove now has a Stormreach teleporter, and can be reached via the Stormreach teleporter system and Airship Captain.
  • Howler Quills now have a shorter duration and the player now rechecks their Saving Throws against them more frequently.
  • Howler Quill Saving Throws now scale with level.
  • Casting a Teleport spell now dismounts you.
  • Knight's Challenge now adds 400 Hate times the level of the target against the user, and removes all other targets on the character's Hate list. This makes it easier for players using this ability to make a lead in Threat before the taunt override expires.
  • All "socket" style objects in the socket/crest system will now display on the mini-map until they are filled.

Update Loot
Update 68
Magic of Myth Drannor Prepurchase
Release Information
Released on June 6, 2024

Of Special Note

The Pre-Purchase for Magic of Myth Drannor begins Wednesday!

Venture into the heart of the Forgotten Realms and brave the perilous ruins of Myth Drannor. Harness the power of chaotic Wild Magic, navigate mysteries of the Forgotten Realms, and thwart the sinister Red Wizards of Thay in their quest for dark secrets. Join the adventure to restore the Elves' ancient capital—will you rise to the challenge? Dive into Magic of Myth Drannor and shape the future of the legendary Elven city! Read more about the next expansion for Dungeons & Dragons Online on DDO.com (link arrives tomorrow)!

  • Myth Drannor's quests are level 13 on Heroic difficulty and level 35 on Legendary difficulty.
  • Play as a member of the Eladrin, elemental masters of the Feywild, adept in versatile combat and specialized seasonal magic.
  • Discover the Eladrin Chaosmancer Iconic Hero, where seasonal affinities transform elemental spellcasting into a spectacular display of unique, powerful magic. They start with one class level in the Wild Mage Archetype.
  • Access the new Wild Mage Archetype for the Sorceror and unlock a new class Enhancement tree!
  • Some of the most renowned villains in Dungeons & Dragons lore have come to Myth Drannor! Followers of the lich Szass Tam, the Red Wizards of Thay, have come to the ancient Elven ruins. What secrets do they seek?
  • Venture through the lands of Myth Drannor with 13 new quests, an exciting new wilderness area, and raid (the raid content will be released after the release of the expansion in a subsequent game update).
  • The game's level cap will increase to 34 with the release of Myth Drannor.

News and Notes

Wild Magic

  • Wild Magic is a chaotic force that can be harnessed by some spell casters, or appears as an environmental effect that can be found where an extremely powerful magical event occurred. The casting of spells as a Wild Mage or in a Wild Magic Zone has a random chance to cause a Wild Magic Surge.
  • Wild Magic Surges are random magical effects that occur on or around the caster at the moment they cast a spell. The frequency of surges and chance of good or bad results can be manipulated by things in the Wild Mage Enhancement tree.
  • Wild Surges do not interact with snapshotting for persistent spell effects like Death Aura, Lantern Archon, or Wall of Fire. The only exception is the Enlightened Spirit's Aura. Because this aura is a Warlock blast shape toggle, each tick of the aura is considered a "cast" for the purposes of determining Wild Surges. This will only happen if the aura hits a target and the Warlock is in combat.
  • All Warlock Eldritch Blasts and spells can cause Surges, but free Warlock abilities like blasts will only cause a Surge when in active combat.
  • Wild Surge Luck has been added to the +Stats panel in your character's UI. This stat indicates you have a bonus on the table that is rolled to determine if you get good or bad surges. High rolls are better. Note that this bonus represents a random range so it will never make it impossible to get very bad surges, just less likely. The Rapid Surge and Action Boost enhancements in the Wild Mage tree feature this bonus as does the Iconic Eladrin Racial Tree.
  • Surges are divided into five categories:
    • Very Good (chance is very rare)​
    • Good​
    • Neutral​
    • Bad​
    • Very Bad (chance is very rare)​
  • ​Wild Magic Surge Rules:
    • The spell you are casting when you surge always resolves normally (the surge is an ADDITIONAL effect.)
    • Wild Magic Surges can only occur in dungeons.
    • Bad or Very Bad negative effects ONLY affect the caster but Good/Very Good effects will sometimes apply to allies/party members
    • Bad effects may debuff you but will not Crowd Control you.
    • Very Bad effects may Crowd Control you, making them very dangerous.
    • You will get a VFX/Sound warning a few seconds before you character becomes "hot" with a wild surge on your next cast, that will indicate if it is good or bad surge. Red means bad.
    • Monsters/Henchmen use this system as well but certain surges will not occur for them or will be different.

New Race: Eladrin

  • The Eladrin is a Feywild denizen attuned to Seasonal magic. They are fey creatures in the form of elves. Mechanically, they are an elemental generalist, great at most forms of combat, with the ability to specialize into their seasonal abilities to further customize their combat prowess. The Iconic is a Wild Mage Sorcerer, whose seasonal affinity lends a unique bend to their elemental spell casting.
  • Racial Traits:
    • +2 Dexterity
    • Fey Ancestry: You have Immunity to Sleep spells and effects, gain a +2 Saving Throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects, and have a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot.
    • Seasonal Affinity: At level 1, gain access to 4 Seasonal feats. You may switch Seasonal affinity once every 12 seconds.
      • Spring Affinity: You gain +1 Charisma.
      • Summer Affinity: You gain +1 Strength.
      • Autumn Affinity: You gain +1 Wisdom.
      • Winter Affinity: You gain +1 Intelligence.
  • Racial Past Lives:
    • +1 Listen
    • +1 Dexterity
    • +1 Racial Action Point

Iconic Hero: Eladrin Chaosmancer

  • Iconic Traits:
    • 1st level in Wild Mage Sorcerer
    • +2 Charisma
  • Fey Ancestry: You have Immunity to Sleep spells and effects, gain a +2 Saving Throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects, and have a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot.
  • Wild Magic: Being an Eladrin who is exceptionally attuned to the chaos of the Feywild, your spells always have Wild Magic active. When you cast spells, you have a small chance to have additional strange effects occur around you. These effects very greatly from helpful, dangerous to just silly. Grants a +5% chance of gaining a Wild Surge every time you cast a spell. Wild Surges will also manifest over time passively. Wild Surges do not occur in public spaces.
  • Seasonal Affinity: At level 1, gain access to 4 Seasonal feats. You may switch Seasonal affinity once every 10 minutes.
    • Spring Affinity: You gain +1 Charisma.
    • Summer Affinity: You gain +1 Strength.
    • Autumn Affinity: You gain +1 Wisdom.
    • Winter Affinity: You gain +1 Intelligence.
  • Iconic Past Life Active: Fey Step: Disappear and reappear several feet in front of you. You have maximum charges equal to your number of Eladrin Wild Mage past lives. These charges stack with other sources of Fey Step.

Sorcerer Archetype: Wild Mage:

  • A new sorcerer Archetype is now available called the Wild Mage! The Wild Mage is included in your pre-purchase of Magic of Myth Drannor and is FREE to VIPs.
  • The Wild Mage has a new Enhancement tree in addition to the Sorcerer trees of Fire Savant, Water Savant, Air Savant, and Earth Savant.
  • Changes vs. Base Sorcerer:
    • Wild Mages gain the Wild Mage Feat at level 1.
    • The sorcerer's Eldritch Knight Enhancement tree is replaced with the Wild Mage Enhancement tree.
    • The Spell List differs as follows:
      • Wild Mages have access to Chaos Bolt (new) as a level 1 Sorcerer Spell.
      • Wild Mages have access to Chaos Ball (new) as a level 3 Sorcerer Spell.
      • Wild Mages have access to Chaos Hammer as a level 4 Sorcerer Spell.
      • Wild Mages have access to Greater Color Spray as a level 5 Sorcerer Spell.
    • New Feat: Wild Mage:
      • Automatically granted at Wild Mage class level 1: When you cast spells, you have a small chance to have additional strange effects occur around you. These effects very greatly from helpful, dangerous to just silly. Grants a +5% chance of gaining a Wild Surge every time you cast a spell. Wild Surges will also manifest over time passively. Wild Surges do not occur in public spaces.
    • Unless specifically listed, assume the class is otherwise identical to Sorcerer.
  • Past Life: Wild Mage: +3 Universal Spell Power per stack of this Past Life.
  • Supporting Changes for Wild Mage:
    • The spell power tool tip in the character sheet has been updated to reveal new spell powers (Chaos, Evil, Lawful).
    • The book spells Prismatic Spray and Prismatic Ray have had their random damage effects boosted to 1d6+7 per caster level.
    • Maximize, Empower, and Intensify now apply to Color Spray and Greater Color Spray.
    • The Destiny feat "Epic Spell Power: Light" has been renamed "Epic Spell Power; Light and Alignment" and now reads "+20 Light and Alignment Spell Power, +10% Light and Alignment Spell Crit Damage, +5% Universal Spell Crit Damage". Please note that it already had this updated functionality, the only change is to the text to make it reflect the existing functionality.

Bug Fixes:

  • Stormsinger Core 18 and 20 should now have the correct maximum caster level.
  • Quest: Fred's First Date - It should be easier for Hirelings to move around ropes and plants during your date.
  • A string table error has been fixed in the 2nd Water Savant Enhancement tree Core and in Earth Savant's Melf's Acid Arrow spell description.
  • Blightcaster's Everything Decays buff no longer displays an icon on the player's buff bar since it is a permanent passive ability.
  • Tabaxi Females will no longer fall through their Mount when feather falling.
  • Efficient Metamagic: Embolden II and Efficient Metamagic: Intensify II when appearing on loot now properly reduce the Spell Point cost of Emboldened or Intensified spells.
  • An issue has been corrected when filtering by double-digit numbers in the Adventure Compendium.
  • Trip and Improved Trip are now a Reflex Saving Throw with a recurring Fortitude Saving Throw to get back up. This is a significant increase in these feat's effective DCs. To compensate, the duration of these effects now match Stunning Blow, which is a reduction in duration. So, enemies will Trip more easily, but stay down for a shorter period of time.
  • The spell Web now has a line of sight check to prevent it from being cast at targets behind doors.
  • Violet Peregrine the VIP NPC vendor in the Eberron Hall of Heroes now has a map icon.
  • Some voice over nodes in Temple of Elemental Evil now play properly.
  • The Clearwater Diamond Augment now heals at its proper rate and value of one Hit Point per minute.
  • Corrected an issue where some quest panel tooltips improperly report Legendary quests as Epic.
  • We have attempted to correct an issue that caused in-game Voice Chat to not function properly.

Engineering Changes:

  • Fixed an issue where the game client would fail to initialize/disappear after the player entered their login information.
  • Decreased frame rate drops when mousing over targets.

Known Issues:

  • Wild Mage's Wildstrike tool tip says it does 1d6+6 damage when it is actually 1d6+10 damage.
  • Eladrin Chaosmancer Iconic Hero: Iconic Eladrin's Stat pickers should be Wis/Int/Cha not Dex/Int/Cha.

Update Loot
Update 67
Slice of Life!
Release Information
Released on March 27, 2024

Of Special Note

A new Adventure Pack is available: Slice of Life!

Daily life in Sharn isnt quite as ordinary as some would believe. Take part in a cooking competition, renovate a home, and go on an educational date in this "totally ordinary" series of quests! The Slice of Life quest pack is level 18 on Heroic difficulty and level 34 on Legendary difficulty. The quest givers can be found in Nymph's Court at Morgrave University.

Three quests are available:

This new adventure pack is available FOR FREE for a limited time as part of our Year of the Dragon celebration! Read more about the Year of the Dragon on DDO.com and make sure to claim this adventure pack for FREE through April 23rd, 2024! Slice of Life will be available to purchase separately in the DDO Store after April 23rd. This adventure pack is also free to VIPs!

Daily Gold Rolls for VIP through April 23rd!

We're also giving VIPs free Daily Dice gold rolls through April 23rd! Learn more about our VIP program on DDO.com.

News and Notes:

Bug Fixes:

  • The puzzle and reset lever have been fixed in Grand Theft Aureon.
  • Improved Intensify items now properly reduce the cost of Intensified spells.
  • The quest "Explosive Situation" is no longer incorrectly flagged as a solo quest.
  • Animation issues caused by tumbling rapidly have been corrected.
  • Rapid tumbling will no longer sometimes cause a charge token to be improperly consumed.
  • Tumble no longer erroneously breaks stealth and invisibility.
  • The single target Shield Throw now needs a shield to throw.
  • Draconic Incarnation's Scales of the Dragon now properly scales with level.
  • Exalted Angel
    • Curative Admixtures now properly trigger the Mantle.
    • Consecrated Sparks now work properly when using the area of effect version.
    • Ascendance now properly applies to enemies when using Fire Domain.
  • Grandmaster of Flowers' Drifting Lotus damage has been fixed along with some typos.
  • Legendary Dreadnought's Dire Charge now properly states how its DC is calculated.
  • Magus of the Eclipse
    • Zero Degree Comet and Moon's Shadow now have visible saving throws.
    • Dark Light of the Moon no longer damages undead.
    • Grand Summoner now works properly and has a better icon in your hireling or summoned creature's buff bar.
    • Share the Light now works correctly.
    • Some Magus benefits no longer improperly stick in your buff bar.
  • Various typos have been corrected in Shiradi Champion, and various buffs will no longer improperly stick in your buff bar.
  • Vistani Knife Fighter's Fan of Knives now scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged Power as intended, and no longer scales with Spell Power.
  • An ability DC typo has been corrected in Artificer's Thunder Shock weapon.
  • Shield Mastery now grants its proper +10 Physical Resistance Rating for small shields and bucklers.
  • Greater Shield Mastery now grants its proper +10 Physical Resistance Rating for small shields and bucklers.
  • Nimble Fingers' sneak attack dice no longer drops on death.
  • Knight of the Chalice's Divine Sacrifice (Ranged) now has its proper tooltip between ranks.
  • Dragon Lord
    • Flight of Kings no longer sets all leaps on a 15 second cooldown.
    • Active abilities that were not working correctly while moving now do.
    • The past life now counts as a Fighter past life for the purposes of the Completionist feat.
    • Ravager's Blood Strength now works properly for Dragon Lords.
    • Ravager's Mutilate now works properly for Dragon Lords.
  • Throwing weapons now correctly calculate their to-hit if using alternate stats like Intelligence or Charisma.
  • An issue that could cause game client frame rate drops when hirelings and animal companions failed to play their dialog has been corrected.
  • Curse of the Unending Song now properly gives +1 Bard Song.
  • Curse of Butterflies no longer incorrectly gives +1 Bard Song.
  • Curse of the Butterflies' effect no longer has a broken description.
  • Curse of Minor Masterworks now works properly. There are some older items and effects it cannot magnify, however, and the effect's tooltip has been * updated to reflect this.
  • Curse of Major Masterworks now works properly. There are some older items and effects it cannot magnify, however, and the effect's tooltip has been * updated to reflect this.
  • Curse of the Winding Dirge's Spell Power component is now properly +3.
  • Curse of Uncontrollable Energy's bonus type is now correctly Fortune.
  • Curse of Divine Fortune now properly gives its +1 Fortune Bonus to Saves vs. Spells.
  • An odd pause in fire rate after firing a special crossbow attack for some female characters has been fixed.
  • An issue where some special crossbow animations were not playing the sound of the bow string releasing has been fixed.
  • Focus Orb icons have been updated for many guest passes that had previously been using the High Road focus orb icon.
  • A bug in The Magma Must Flow has been fixed to prevent the Fire Reaver from sometimes being able to be attacked before the objective begins to defeat it.
  • Gerald Goodblade's quest chalice now properly turns off in the Anniversary Dungeon.
  • Effects that drop off when exiting a dungeon will no longer sometimes drop off when entering a dungeon from a wilderness area.
  • Store feedback when making a purchase with full inventory is now easier to see and read.
  • Legendary Greensteel accessory healing effects no longer continuously spam the combat log when at full hit points.
  • Invoking a Spell Like Ability while it is on cooldown no longer attempts to cast the spell book version of the spell the SLA refers to.

General Changes

  • There is a new UI element that shows you your Tumble charges! This UI can be hidden in the options menu under "Show Tumble UI." Each green pip represents one tumble charge. The previous tumble visuals on your character have been removed. You can drag the UI element around, and it'll stay where you leave it.
  • Characters now gain 1 Tumble charge when you train the Tumble skill's rank 10 and rank 20. These charges cannot be earned through effects, abilities, or epic level bonuses to the Tumble skill, but only by training the skill from heroic levels.
  • Bear traps now default to being visible and will only be hidden in special cases.
  • Aimed Shot in Deepwood Sniper now has a slightly different icon.
  • Antirequisites now display on enhancements more intelligently.
    • Added a title for Antireq chains to avoid repeated text (single-antireq enhancements will continue to display them on one line)
    • Differently formatted bullet points to link antireq chains together
    • Displaying the class the enhancement is from in an abbreviated form if it is a class-related enhancement
    • Displaying the race the enhancement is from if it is a race-related enhancement
      • (If neither class nor race related, this section is not displayed)
    • The list of antireqs no longer displays duplicate entries.
    • The list of antireqs no longer displays prereqs that are actually the enhancement you're hovering over in disguise.
    • The list of antireqs no longer displays unused and unimplemented enhancements.
    • And finally, renamed every single Efficient Metamagic enhancement so that the names all match up and look nice.

Update Loot
Update 66
Rise of the Dragon Lord
Release Information
Released on February 28, 2024

Of Special Note

The Year of the Dragon Arrives. First Gift: Dragon Lord Archetype!

The Year of the Dragon Arrives. First Gift: Dragon Lord Archetype! We're celebrating 50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons with giveaways every month! For this month, a new fighter Archetype is now available. Dragon Lord fighters forgo the use of a shield to focus on offensive tactical combat mixed with potent draconic abilities, and they empower and protect allies with auras while destroying foes with the roar of a dragon! See the full list of abilities and benefits in the release notes below.

Now through March 26th, 2024 all players can acquire the Dragon Lord archetype for FREE by visiting the dragon Xatheral in the Eberron Hall of Heroes! The Dragon Lord archetype will continue to be free to VIPs after March 26th, and available in the DDO Store as well. NOTE: VIPs must speak to Xatheral to claim the Dragon Lord from February 28th through March 26th. VIPs will be able to make a Dragon Lord after March 26th without speaking to Xetheral once the Year of the Dragon promotional period for Dragon Lord has ended.

The Anniversary Event begins!

Happy 18th Anniversary Dungeons & Dragons Online! The Anniversary Event has returned to House Phiarlan through March 12th! Last year's anniversary gift, the Dark Armor cosmetic, has been added to the list of Anniversary Event rewards. Additionally, some adjustments have been made to the quest to reflect the prior year and future hints. Find the portal to the Anniversary Event next to Gnoa Bn'for near the Phiarlan Chapterhouse.

News and Notes:

Dragon Lord

New Fighter Archetype: Dragon Lord: Based on the Dragon Lord prestige class from 3.5e's Dragon Magic book, the Dragon Lord is a Fighter archetype that models their tactics after the ferocity of dragons to demoralize and subdue their enemies. They excel in crowd control, defense, and Draconic power.

Area of Effect Ranged Attack System

  • Area of Effect Ranged Attacks:
    • When a projectile using an area of effect ranged attack collides with something, instead of dealing your weapon damage and effects to that target directly, that enemy and all nearby enemies in a small area are hit with your full weapon damage and effects, as if they were also hit by the projectile.
    • Improved Precise Shot does not work on these attacks. If Improved Precise Shot is on when you perform an AOE Ranged Attack, IPS's ability to pass through enemies simply does not work on that shot (and then resumes working on other shots like normal).
    • AOE Ranged Attacks are always fired as a single shot, regardless of weapon type. This is to prevent multi-shot ranged styles from becoming disproportionately strong compared to single-shot styles with these changes.
    • AOE Ranged Attacks tend to have lower +% relative to melee attacks and non-AOE ranged attacks, also for balance.
  • Changed Ranged Attacks: Unless something is specifically mentioned, assume abilities are otherwise unchanged.
    • Horizon Walker:
      • Scattershot
    • Artificer Battle Engineer:
      • Shatter Defenses (Ranged)
      • Thunder-Shock Weapons (Ranged)
    • Paladin Knight of the Chalice:
      • Exalted Shot
      • Avenging Shot
    • Ranger (and Elven) Arcane Archer:
      • Inferno Shot
      • Final Strike
    • Ranger Deepwood Stalker:
      • Head Shot
    • Cleric Warpriest and Favored Soul War Soul:
      • Divine Vessel
    • Fatesinger:
      • Arrow of Discord
    • Legendary Dreadnought:
      • Dire Shot
      • Legendary Rally (Ranged):
    • Shadowdancer:
      • Shadowstrike (Ranged)
    • Shiradi Champion:
      • Pin

Epic Destiny Refresh

  • All Epic Destiny Trees have received the following:
    • Adjustments to numerous individual icons for readability and iconography, including several new icons and edits to existing ones to provide a cleaner and more cohesive within-tree look.
    • Trees have been reordered and rearranged to support more clear Prerequisite lines in cases where ability upgrades are required - for example, an ability that says "Your Destiny Mantle gains this specific bonus" is now in a line with that Mantle and has arrows to properly convey its relationship.
    • A ton of tooltips have been rewritten, reworded, color coded, and simplified or expanded depending on their needs.
    • Going forward, we've standardized the Hit Point and Spell Point so that certain destinies match each other based on their intended playstyle. This mostly resulted in a bump to Hit Points for the Martial Destinies, but we're happy to have a good standard to fall back on when iterating on this system:
    • All Epic Destinies that give Ranged Power in their Cores now give +5 Ranged Power (was +4)
  • Several changes to individual epic destinies

Tavern System Updates:

  • The Marketplace's tavern keepers have been updated to have quest lists and make suggestions similar to tavern keepers in The Harbor.
  • There is a now a public quest in The Harbor to talk to Baudry Cartamon for low level players.
  • The quest An Explosive Situation has been updated:
    • This quest is now level 4 and supports all difficulties and quest party sizes.
    • Its XP has been increased.
    • Monsters have been updated with a twist on the story - It now introduces a new criminal group.
  • The Sunken Sewer Quest has been updated:
    • This quest is now level 3.
    • Its XP has been increased.
    • Monsters have been tweaked slightly, and this quest's bosses have been updated to a new level.
  • The quest Missing in Action Quest has been updated:
    • This quest is now level 3.
    • Its XP has been increased.
    • Monsters have been tweaked slightly, and this quest's bosses have been updated to a new level.

Active Tumbling Overhaul:

  • Tumbling is now limited by charges. If you don't have at least one Tumble charge, you cannot tumble. By default, you have 2 maximum Tumble charges, and one Tumble charge returns every 8 seconds.
  • Certain feats and abilities now boost your maximum Tumble charges and quicken their rate of return:
    • Thief-Acrobat's 3rd core, Tumbler, now grants +1 maximum Tumble charge.
    • The Mobility feat now grants +1 maximum Tumble charge.
  • You may view your Tumble charges by holding your Block key, default left shift. Each green pip displayed represents one Tumble charge.
  • ​Tumble now grants you defensive benefits during part of the tumble animation. These bonuses only apply if you are actually tumbling - the shuffle half-step will not trigger these bonuses.
    • +95% uncapped Dodge for 1 second in light or no armor, +75% uncapped Dodge for 1 second in medium armor, +50% uncapped Dodge for 1 second in heavy armor.
    • A bonus to Reflex saving throws equal to your Tumble skill for 1 second.
    • Note that these bonuses apply to you from the moment you begin your Tumble, regardless of how long the animation takes to complete.

Gameplay and Balance Changes:

  • Sacred Fist 12 is now a prerequisite for the feats Epic Martial Arts and Vorpal Strikes
  • Knight of the Chalice's Exalted Cleave now deals +20% damage (previously +10%).
  • Morgrave University's Tier 4 Favor reward is now available from Professor Fordola Banna in Sharn.
  • There is now a lever that will reset the light step puzzle in "Grand Theft Aureon".
  • Arcane Archer's Arrow of Slaying now deals +250% Damage and +25 flat damage (which is before crits and scaling, as the current damage bonus is now).
  • Arcane Archer's Final Strike has been renamed renamed Opening Volley.
  • Arcane Archer's Inferno Shot has been renamed to Elemental Inferno. The DOT's damage now scales with the relevant Spell Power. The DOT still deals Fire damage on hit and over time if you have AA's Fire imbue toggled on (or none of AA's imbues toggled on) but changes to using a Cold, Electric, Acid, or Force DOT instead if you have the relevant AA imbue turned on.

Bug Fixes:

  • The quest Dread Sea Scrolls is now properly shareable.
  • Selecting an Alignment during character creation no longer allows you to click through the window to the Create button accidentally.
  • Sacred Fist now shows up as a prerequisite for Unarmed Strike.
  • Annabelle d'Jorasco no longer robs people.
  • Augments that apply an Implement bonus to their equipped weapons now correctly make the weapon an implement instead of trying to make you an implement.
  • Sacred Fist's Iron Skin's 2nd Tier now functions as intended.
  • The Spellsinger SLAs Cure Light Wounds and Cure Light Wounds, Mass now target undead foes correctly.
  • Incapacitation Range found on items has had its magnitude adjusted to match its intended value.
  • You now properly gain Force Spell Power and Force Spell Caster Levels within Season's Herald.
  • The tooltips for the Seasonal Attunements within Season's Herald have been adjusted for clarity.
  • You may now use the Enlarge Metamagic feat on Dark Apostate's Bane and Bestow Curse spells.
  • Ranged Special Attacks (such as Poisoned Shot from Vile Chemist) now correctly work while moving and firing a dual crossbow.
  • Death Salve now correctly turns your allies Undead.
  • Hirelings can now turn into Undead or Plants properly if they desire to do so.
  • Angel of Vengeance's Just Reward now works regardless of what favored weapon you have.
  • Shuriken Expertise and Advanced Ninja Training now have proper tooltips.
  • Stormsinger's Lightning Strike now correctly upgrades its damage.
  • Fixed the Gianthold augment vendors tooltips to correctly indicate what augments they sell.
  • Draconic Incarnation's 4th core no longer improperly consumes your spell components.
  • Sacred Fist's Divine Striker now functions again.
  • Fixed the tooltips of the Armor and Shield Proficiency feats and added more clarifying text to them.
  • You can now cast Protection Domain's Radiant Forcefield on your allies.
  • Plant Growth's tooltip no longer eats Animal Growth's tooltip.
  • Cleric Warpriest's Divine Vessel now shows your weapons properly when used.
  • Favored Soul War Soul's Divine Vessel now shows your weapons properly when used.
  • The Marilith Chain now has its proper set bonus.
  • Fighter's Against All Odds now functions with its intended timing
  • Schism Shard weapons no longer lose W score when they are upgraded
  • All SLAs should now have much more accurate directional targeting.
  • The Tactical Training Room amenity now correctly boosts Sunder DCs
  • Removed strange and mysterious "improved sunder DCs" bonus that didn't do anything and was confusing from the Sunder Dinosaur Bone augment
  • Greater Marksmanship now boosts your ranged damage and attack bonus by the correct amount.
  • We have corrected a bug that could allow players to put more than one Curse from the Deck of Many Treasures onto an item. Characters that have more than one Curse on a particular item have had those Curses removed and replaced with Curse of the Overloaded, which must be removed with a Card of Curse Cleansing before any new Curses can be applied.
  • Skeletons can now be properly healed by Death Aura again.
  • Forge Wisp Wraiths can now be properly affected by Turn Undead.
  • Bugs with Conquest bonuses have been addressed. Some dungeons were counting objects that were not enemies towards their Conquest enemy count.
  • The Dragonborn's Dragon Breath now functions properly when moving.
  • Divine Disciple's Shield of Dawn now scales correctly with Light Spell Power.
  • Attacks that added bonus damage now correctly increase that damage on a successful Doublestrike or Doubleshot.
  • Deep Gnome's Phantasmal Killer SLA now correctly uses Fear DC bonuses.
  • Several Trap Box locations have been moved or rotated to correctly line up with the walls.
  • Fixed many small text errors and typos.

Engineering Changes:

  • Tooltip Update:
    • All action lines other than description are now in a bulleted list.
    • There is now an empty space between the automatically generated stuff and its description.
    • Duplicate information (such as the duplicate cooldown line when hovering over a spellBOOK entry or Spell information in enhancement tree tooltips) has been removed.
    • Save information is now color coded (between fort, will, and reflex).
    • Spell Resistance information is now color coded and presented only if the Spell Resistance check is active (aka you will see Spell Resistance! only if the ability needs it, and not Spell Resistance NO on everything that doesn't)
    • If you have material components eschewed via a character ability, the spell now reports this on a per-slot-basis (because you can assign eschew on a per-slot basis) instead of just telling you that you don't have the materials.
    • We no longer display a Spell Point cost of 0 on abilities with no SP costs.
    • Hit Point costs of abilities are now reported in RED, and Ki costs are now reported in YELLOW.
    • Abilities that are self-targeted toggles now say "Toggle Ability" instead of just "Target: Self" which, while technically true, isn't the most helpful information.
    • Fixed bug where druid abilities reported wrong DCs.
    • Fixed bug where certain projectile spells had the wrong DCs.
    • Antirequisites now display in Enhancement Trees and Destiny Trees.
  • Open Store sessions are now terminated upon character log out to prevent confusion about which character purchases are delivered to.
  • Guild Buffs are now properly hidden in the Examination Window effects list if the option is set. This change requires the target to be refreshed if the option is changed while the Examination Window is displayed.
  • Directional Arrows for Hirelings on the map and minimap are now their proper color.
  • The LFM UI is now the default page of the Social Panel. It also now triggers a load for all player data upon opening, which prevents broken LFMs from appearing.
  • There is a new button in the Guild window to send a tell to another member of your guild.
  • You may now search the Adventure Compendium for Epic Level.
  • Melee Attack Bonus, Melee Damage Bonus, Ranged Attack Bonus, and Ranged Damage Bonus now are tracked in the Details(+) Tab in your character sheet.

Update 65
Paws and Peril Logo.jpg
Paws and Peril
Release Information
Released on December 6, 2023

Of Special Note

The 9th Season of The Hardcore League Begins at 3pm Eastern on December 6th!

Learn more about the Hardcore League on DDO.com! The season ends when we bring the game worlds down for maintenance at 9:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) on Wednesday, February 7th, 2024. The 9th Season brings a return of the third season of the Hardcore League called Saving Grace. This season features a +4 level lockout in addition to the ability to earn additional lives at levels 8 and 16 and more!

Free Dungeon!

A rogue dragon acting unnaturally has been causing chaos in Stormreach, the Agents of Argonnessen seek your assistance in helping to contain the Dragon before it can do more damage!

Earlier this year some of us on the DDO team gave a presentation at PAX East and we announced that we would be making a free dungeon based in part on your ideas and show you how it's made! That series called The Joy of Deving is available on our YouTube channel, and the dungeon itself is now live! This FREE DUNGEON can be found in The Marketplace just outside of the House Phiarlan Gate. Speak to Lady Nilith to get started. The quest is level 4 on Heroic difficulty and 34 on Legendary difficulty.

The Jester of Festivult has arrived!

The Jester of Festivult is now available in-game! Earn Copper, Silver, and Gold Festivult Coins throughout the game and turn them in for fun cookies! Read more about Festivult on DDO.com. The cookie list has been updated to swap out some effects for other and new effects.

A Festivult Curse!

This year a curse has settled on the lands during Festivult season! Cards from the Deck of Many Curses have begun appearing in more places . . .

News and Notes:

Bug Fixes:

  • Chronoscope Rewound now properly displays in the Adventure Compendium.
  • Legendary loot in Chronoscope Rewound now appears with its proper Mythic and Reaper bonuses.
  • Core 1 of Dire Thaumaturge now correctly provides its maximum Spell Points while in Reaper difficulty.
  • The Vision of Wealth in the quest "[Desire in the Dark]]" is now correctly flagged as a Construct.
  • Fixed the tooltip of the Icon of the Lord of Blades.
  • Removed weird extra tooltip info from Kensei's improved dodge
  • The W score of some Gianthold raid items has been adjusted.
  • Fixed a ton of typos in recent quest dialogues and effects
  • The tooltip for Nightmare Lance is now more accurate
  • Hood of Unrest now has a 10 minute cooldown. It also has a better icon and description.

Gameplay adjustments:

  • The quest "Repossession" now has a rest and resurrection shrine.
  • The quest "Come Out and Slay" now has an additional resurrection shrine after the final fight ends.
  • The Dominated Cloud Sentry in the quest "Horde of the Illithid" no longer uses its global lightning attack against the party when fighting other enemies. The global lightning party attack now has a 60 meter range. However, the giant's lightning strikes against its current target still has an unlimited range.

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QUICK STATISTICS: We have 61,620 pages and 246,520 total edits!