The Darkness and the Light

From DDO Compendium

After driving the Riverside Rats out of their homes, the leader of the Night Brigade built a temple to Shar on the site.


Looks like you are mostly done with ridding Wheloon Prison of the Night Brigade, only one leader left, Storna Harnwood. Storna is the leader, and likes crushing ordinary people, and buiding a temple to Shar.


  • Kill Night Brigade leader Storna Harnwood
  • Find a way inside the Shar temple.
  • Find Sorna Harndwood's quarters.
  • (Optional) Spread Selune's light: 4 total
  • (Optional) Defeat the Shadow Infused Coins

Named Loot

Bonus XP

  • Mischief Bonus: 23 or more breakables smashed (+8% Bonus)
  • Vandal Bonus: 30 or more breakables smashed (+10% Bonus)
  • Ransack Bonus: 36 or more breakables smashed (+15% Bonus)
  • Aggression Bonus: 32 or more monsters killed (+10% Bonus)
  • Onslaught Bonus: 63 or more monsters killed (+15% Bonus)
  • Conquest Bonus: 95 or more monsters killed (+25% Bonus)
    • Ransack will require you to not do the Selune optional, and kill the shadows in the boss room first
  • Tamper Bonus: 2 or more traps disarmed (+10% Bonus)
  • Neutralization Bonus: 3 or more traps disarmed (+20% Bonus)
  • Ingenious Debilitation Bonus: 4 or more traps disarmed (+30% Bonus)
    • This changes based on difficulty


Pack: Fall of the Night Brigade
Arc: Fall of the Night Brigade
Heroic Level: 4
Legendary Level: 35
Bestowed by:  Garmor the Grim
Length: Long
Takes Place in: Temple of Shar
Found in: Wheloon

Heroic XP

Casual: 1,384
Normal: 2,492
Hard: 2,676
Elite: 2,860
Reaper: 64.4 RXP per skull

Legendary XP

Casual: 13,700
Normal: 23,358
Hard: 23,883
Elite: 24,407
Reaper: 352 RXP per skull


Patron: The Harpers
Solo/Casual: 1
Normal: 3
Hard: 6
Elite: 9
The Darkness and the Light Map.png

Known Traps

Evil Pressure places behind secret door


Locked Chest behind secret door