
From DDO Compendium


Along with your feats and enhancements, skills are a major way to define what your character does in the DDO world. These range from your knowledge about the creatures and world around you to your ability to perform acrobatic or athletic deeds of daring-do; from sneaking around and picking locks to charming your way into a king's good graces, and so on.

Some skills require training to perform certain actions, and all skills benefit from the bonuses given by training

Skill Points[edit]

As your character increases in level, they will gain skill points, and they can be spent during the leveling process. The number of points that you get depends on what class you are and the value of your intelligence modifier.

Skills themselves can be either class skills (the list for each class is found on the class page), or cross-class skill (those that aren't on the list). Depending on which class you leveled with, each point spent on a skill will move it a full rank (if it is a class skill), or half rank (if it is cross-class). The character sheet list displays non-class skills with an asterisk (*) after their name.

Some skills need a full point in them before you can use things that require them. For example, you need at least 1 full point in Tumble before your character can tumble.

Skill UI[edit]

Within the game, the information about the skills is kept within the character sheet. To see the information press c on the keyboard, and click on the "Skills" tab.

Character Sheet Skills Colored.png

There are 3 important sections on this screen:

  • Visibility Options: Highlighted in Blue
    • These checkboxes allow you to define what you are showing on the screen
    • Show or Don't Show Passive Skills
    • Show are Don't Show Active Skills
  • Skill: Highlighted in Yellow
    • There is one row of this for each skill shown in the list
    • This shows:
      • The name
      • Which ability it is based off
      • The total modifier, which is used when doing skill checks
      • The number of ranks you have bought with skill points
      • How much of the modifier is because of the ability
      • How much of the modifier comes from other locations
  • Total Modification: Hightlighted in Green
    • If you hover your mouse over this, a popup will appear that has details about how the total is calculated
    • This includes tomes


There are 21 skills available within DDO. These skills are divided into two types, active and passive. Passive skills do their job without you or your character doing any action. Active skills require you to activate them. You can place an active skill on a hot bar by clicking and dragging from in the Skills tab of the character sheet. Once it is on the hot bar, that is how you activate it.

Below is an alphabetical list of them, and information about each one.

Skill Ability Description Items
Skill Balance Icon.png
Dexterity Balance allows you to recover your balance and stand back up when knocked down. Balance Items
Skill Bluff Icon.png
Charisma Bluff is an active skill that allows you to bluff certain NPCs, draw monsters away from their group, or make an individual monster vulnerable to a sneak attack for six seconds. You also gain a decrease to threat generation for a short period of time after successfully using this ability. Bluff Items
Skill Concentration Icon.png
Constitution Concentration is a passive skill that allows you a chance to continue casting a spell when you would normally be interrupted by taking damage. For characters with ki, concentration allows you to retain more base ki and shows the rate at which your ki dissipates.

To maintain concentration when you take damage, your roll 1d20 and add your concentration skill. The result must equal or exceed 10 + the level of spell you are trying to cast + the incoming damage amount.
Concentration Items
Skill Diplomacy Icon.png
Charisma Diplomacy is an active skill that allows you to negotiate more effectively with certain NPCs and to encourage monsters to find targets other than yourself. Any accumulated threat you have with enemies that you successfully diplomacize is reduced. Diplomacy Items
Skill Disable Device Icon.png
Disable Device
Intelligence Disable Device is an active skill that allows you to attempt to disarm traps. Disable Device Items
Skill Haggle Icon.png
Charisma Haggle is a passive skill that allows you to negotiate better prices with vendors when both buying and selling.

While shop starting prices vary, you get approximately a 0.5% price change in our favor per each point of haggle you have.
Haggle Items
Skill Heal Icon.png
Wisdom Heal is an active skill that allows you to use a healing kit to revive unconscious and bleeding companions to 1 hit points. Grants additional hit points for yourself and your companions when resting in a dungeon. Also improves positive energy and negative energy base Spell Damage.
  • To boost allies' healing from resting, the character with the heal skill must be close to the resting characters (within a few meters). The amount of extra healing granted after a rest is equal to your heal skill + character level + 10.
  • Each point of Heal grants 1 point of Positive Energy and Negative Energy Spell Power
Heal Items
Skill Hide Icon.png
Dexterity Hide is a passive skill that allows you to sneak past monsters, avoiding their sight. This is only used while sneaking Hide Items
Skill Intimidate Icon.png
Charisma Intimidate is an active skill that allows you to intimidate certain NPCs or taunt and draw the attention of monsters away from other members of your part. You get a bonus when taunting creatures smaller than you and a penalty when taunting creatures that are larger than you. You also gain a bonus to threat generation for a short period of time after successfully using this ability.

The bonus/penalty you gain is 4 for each size category difference between you and your target.
Intimidate Items
Skill Jump Icon.png
Strength Jump is a passive skill that allows you to jump higher. To jump, press the spacebar. Jump Items
Skill Listen Icon.png
Wisdom Listen is a passive skill that allows you to hear enemies that are trying to move silently as well as subtle noises which others may not hear. Listen Items
Skill Move Silently Icon.png
Move Silently
Dexterity Move Silently is a passive skill that allows you to sneak past monsters, avoiding their hearing. This is only used while sneaking. Move Silently Items
Skill Open Lock Icon.png
Open Lock
Dexterity Open Lock is an active skill that allows you to attempt to open locked doors, chests, and other objects. Open Lock Items
Skill Perform Icon.png
Charisma Perform is a passive skill that allows you to use and improve your musical ability to inspire and fascinate others. Bard songs require you to have a certain number of ranks in this skill. Also improves sonic based spell damage.

Each point of Perform grants 1 point of Sonic Spell Power
Perform Items
Skill Repair Icon.png
Intelligence Repair is an active skill that allows you to use a repair kit to restore disabled construct based characters to 1 hit points. Grants additional hit points while resting in a dungeon for construct based characters. Also improved repair and rust based spell damage.

  • To boost allied construct based characters healing from resting, the character with the repair skill must be close to the resting characters (within a few meters).
    • The amount of extra healing granted after a rest is equal to your repair skill + 10
  • Each point of Repair grants 1 point of Repair and Rust Spell Power
Repair Items
Skill Search Icon.png
Intelligence Search is an active skill that when activated, allows you to attempt to find the exact location of hidden doors, traps, and other objects. Some traps are so well hidden they can only be found by rogues (traps with a Search Difficulty Check (DC) above 20). Search Items
Skill Spellcraft Icon.png
Intelligence Spellcraft is a passive skill that improves your spell damage with all spells except for Positive Energy, Negative Energy, Sonic, Repair, and Rust Spells, which are instead affected by the Heal, Perform, and Repair skills.

Each point of Spellcraft grants 1 point of Spell Power with all damage types except for Positive Energy, Negative Energy, Repair, Rust, and Sonic.
Spellcraft Items
Skill Spot Icon.png
Wisdom Spot is a passive skill that allows you to sense the presence of nearby hidden doors, traps, and objects, and to spot enemies that are trying to hide. Note that traps with a Spot Difficulty Check (DC) above 20 can only be spotted by rogues. Spot Items
Skill Swim Icon.png
Strength Swim is a passive skill that allows you to swim faster and hold your breath for a longer period of time when underwater. Swim Items
Skill Tumble Icon.png
Dexterity Tumble is an passive skill that allows you to tumble and roll away from attacking enemies, and reduces the damage you take from falling. To tumble, hold down the 'Shift' key and then hit one of the four movement keys. While tumbling, your Dodge is increased by +95%, and you gain a bonus to Reflex Saving Throws equal to your Tumble skill. This dodge bonus is reduced while wearing Medium Armor to +75%, and is reduced further to +509% while wearing Heavy Armor.

Players start with 2 tumble charges (holding the block key shows the number of charges you have as pips). Each tumble uses one, and they regenerate every 8 seconds.

Certain feats and abilities increase your maximum Tumble charges and/or quicken the rate of return.
Tumble Items
Skill Use Magic Device Icon.png
Use Magic Device
Charisma Use Magic Device is a passive skill that allows you the ability to use magic devices and wear magic items which you normally wouldn't be able to use because of class or race restrictions. You must perform a check each time you attempt to use a magic item with this skill and may succeed sometimes and fail other times with the same item. Use Magic Device Items