Category:Quests with Traps
From DDO Compendium
Pages in category "Quests with Traps"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 321 total.
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- A Cabal for One
- A Cry for Help
- A Legend Revisited
- A Lesson in Deception
- A New Invasion
- A Raven at the Door
- A Relic of a Sovereign Past
- A Sharn Welcome
- A Stay at the Inn
- A Study in Sable
- A Vision of Destruction
- Acid Wit
- Against the Demon Queen (Quest)
- An Element of Chaos
- An Explosive Situation
- An Invitation to Dinner
- An Offering of Blood
- And the Dead Shall Rise
- Army of Eternal Night
- Army of Shadow
- Ascension Chamber
- Assault on Summerfield
- Astral Ambush
- Danger at Dunwater
- Death Hosts This Banquet
- Death House
- Defiler of the Just
- Demon Assault
- Desecrated Temple of Vol
- Detour
- Diplomatic Impunity
- Dirty Laundry
- Disciples of Shar
- Doom of the Witch-doctor: The Way to Zulkash
- Doom of the Witch-doctor: Zulkash, Herald of Woe
- Down You Go
- Dream Conspiracy
- Durk's Got A Secret
- Raiding the Giants' Vault
- Rainbow in the Dark
- Reclaiming Memories
- Records of the Past
- Recovering the Lost Tome
- Redemption (Quest)
- Redfang the Unruled
- Redwillow's Ruins
- Repossession
- Rest for the Restless
- Rest Stop
- Retrieve the Stolen Goods
- Return to Cabal for One
- Return to Gianthold Tor
- Return to Prison of the Planes
- Return to the Sanctuary
- Return to the Sanctuary (Pre-U45)
- Ritual Sacrifice
- Ruined Halls
- Sacrifices
- Schemes of the Enemy
- Search and Rescue
- Secrets of the Red Wizards
- Secure the Area
- Seeds of Decay
- Servants of the Overlord
- Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral
- Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral (Pre-U45)
- Setting the Wards: The Patriarch's Crypt
- Setting the Wards: The Patriarch's Crypt (Pre-U45)
- Shadow of a Doubt
- Siegebreaker
- Sins of Attrition
- Slave Pits of the Undercity
- Slavers of the Shrieking Mines
- Smash and Burn
- Spies in the House
- Stealer of Souls
- Stealthy Repossession
- Stolen Power
- Stop Hazadill's Shipment
- Stopping the Sahuagin
- Storm the Beaches
- Strike Back
- Stromvauld's Mine
- Sunrise
- Sykros' Jewel
- Taming the Flames
- Tempest's Spine
- Temple of Elemental Evil Part One (Historic)
- Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two (Historic)
- Terminal Delirium
- The Age of Rage
- The Archons' Trial
- The Battle for Eveningstar
- The Black Loch
- The Bookbinder Rescue
- The Bounty Hunter
- The Chamber of Insanity
- The Chamber of Rahmat
- The Chamber of Raiyum
- The Church and the Cult
- The Claw of Vulkoor
- The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade
- The Cloven-jaw Scourge: The Caverns of Shaagh
- The Coalescence Chamber
- The Codex and the Shroud
- The Crucible
- The Curse of Strahd
- The Cursed Crypt
- The Darkness and the Light
- The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul
- The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key
- The Deal and the Demon