Seeds of Decay

From DDO Compendium

This is a temple of Moander, once the god of rot and decay. Moander is dead ... and this temple seems strangely quiet.


You have found a portal to somewhere, and it is emitting an unpleasent odor. An the ground surrounding it are skeletons of long lost adventurers. There is also a painting of a had with teeth? Maybe we should just take a look?


  • Read the note in the entrance hall
  • Explore the area
  • Pick up Seeds of Moander: 4 total
  • Place Seeds of Moander: 4 total
  • Destroy the Failed Vessel
  • (Optional) Read all the notes: 5 total

Named Loot

Bonus XP

  • Aggression Bonus: 18 or more monsters killed (+10% Bonus)
  • Onslaught Bonus: 36 or more monsters killed (+15% Bonus)
  • Conquest Bonus: 54 or more monsters killed (+25% Bonus)
  • Mischief Bonus: 20 or more breakables smashed (+8% Bonus)
  • Vandal Bonus: 26 or more breakables smashed (+10% Bonus)
  • Tamper Bonus: 3 or more traps disarmed (+10% Bonus)
  • Ingenious Debilitation Bonus: 4 or more traps disarmed (+30% Bonus)
  • Perception Bonus: 2 or more secret doors discovered (+10% Bonus)


Pack: Magic of Myth Drannor
Heroic Level: 13
Legendary Level: 35
Bestowed by:  Portal to the Temple of Moander
Length: Medium
Takes Place in: Temple to Moander
Found in: Outskirts of Myth Drannor
Entrance in:  The Ruins of Myth Drannor

Heroic XP

Casual: 2,328
Normal: 4,060
Hard: 4,260
Elite: 4,420
Reaper: 89 RXP per skull

Legendary XP

Casual: 13,406
Normal: 22,857
Hard: 23,370
Elite: 23,883
Reaper: 310 RXP per skull


Patron: Cormanthor Elves
Solo/Casual: 2
Normal: 5
Hard: 10
Elite: 15
Seeds of Decay Map.png
Seeds of Decay Puzzle.png


Heroic Myth Drannor Saga
Legendary Myth Drannor Saga

Known Traps

Green Slime on floor of first intersection
Acid floor in the south west rooms
Green slime on floor of north room around seed
Pressure Plates around the locked chest
Green Slime in last room