Blight Caster Spells
Level 1 Spells | Level 2 Spells | Level 3 Spells | Level 4 Spells | Level 5 Spells | Level 6 Spells | Level 7 Spells | Level 8 Spells | Level 9 Spells
This is a list of Blight Caster spells, more focused on harnessing the death and decay. Blight Caster may change their spells at any rest shrine or tavern to any spells in the list.
Level 1 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Freshly Picked Berries
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Acid Spray Evocation (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable A cone of burning acid shoots forth, damaging targets in the area of the spray for 1d6+1 acid damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 5d6+5 damage at caster level 5). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Embolden Empower Maximize Quicken Heighten Intensify |
Spell Points: 4 |
Chill Touch Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe Makes a touch echo with the chill of death causing 3 to 8 negative energy damage per caster level (up to a max of 5 to 3 damage at caster level 5) and 1 point of Strength damage. A successful Fortitude save negates the Strength damage. Chill Touch causes fear in the undead instead of damage. Undead who make a successful Will save negate this fear effect. |
Embolden Empower Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
Entangle Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Primal magic awakens plants and vines to grasp at the caster's enemies. Entangled creatures suffer a 90% penalty to movement speed, a 50% attack speed penalty, and a -1 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex. A successful Reflex save negates this effect. Entangled creatures may leave the affected area to to escape it's effects, or attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to negate. Area of effect fire spells will destroy these vines and free any entangled creatures. Incorporeal creatures and oozes are naturally immune. Fire elementals and other fire creatures areimmune because they burn through the plants. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Faerie Fire Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Arcs a flare of faerie fire through the air, bursting outward to affect all enemies near it. Targets are dazzled and take a -1 penalty to attack, spot, and search. Targets are also illuminated by faerie fire, dispelling stealth, invisibility, blur, and displacement, for 30 seconds, and giving a -40 penalty to hide. Sightless enemies are immune to the dazzle effect. |
Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
Jump Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants an ally a +10 enhancement bonus on Jump checks. This bonus increases to +20 at 5th level and +30 at 9th level. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Freshly Picked Berries |
Longstrider Transmutation |
Target: Self Increases your base run speed by +15% and shallow water no longer slows your movement. |
Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Freshly Picked Berries |
Merfolk's Blessing Transmutation (Water) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally per caster level a +10 enhancement bonus on Swim checks, plus one for every 2 caster levels. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Freshly Picked Berries |
Nightshield Abjuration (Force) |
Target: Self Grants a +1 resistance bonus to saves (+2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th) and protection from magic missiles. |
Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Pass Without Trace Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Your feet touch the ground, but leave no trace. Gives an ally a +5 Enhancement bonus on Move Silently checks, plus 1 per 2 caster levels to a maximum of 20. |
Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Freshly Picked Berries |
Ram's Might Transmutation |
Target: Self Your hands increase in size, granting a +2 size bonus to Strength and damage. |
Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Shillelagh Transmutation |
Target: Self Calls upon the wood land spirits to enchant any wooden melee weapons you wield to do additional base weapon damage, and converts their damage type to bludgeoning. Weapons with this enchantment deal and additional .5[W] damage (a weapon that deals 1d6 will gain +1d3 damage). Quarterstaves with this enchantment deal an additional 1[W] damage (that that deals 1d6 damage will gain +1d6 damage). Weapons may onlyhave one weapon enchantment active at a time. |
Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Freshly Picked Berries |
Takedown Innate Attack (Wolf)(Winter Wolf) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable This attack deals and extra 2[W] damage, and you may trip the target, rendering it prone. Some creatures may be immune to this effect. A successful balance checks negates. Balance DC: 10 + Half Druid Level + Highest of Widsom, Dexterity or Strength Modifier + Trip Bonus. |
Spell Points: 3 |
Thorn Strike Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable You hurl a magical thorn at your target dealing 5 to 7 points of Piercing damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 50 to 70 damage at caster level 10). |
Spell Points: 6 |
Level 2 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Small Thorn
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Align Fang Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Your target's natural weapons gain the ability to bypass alignment based damage reduction of your choice. Lasts 1 minute per caster level. Only works on players, hirelings, or pets, and only if they are Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Dragons, or Fey. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time. Equipping a new weapon cancels the effect. |
Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Animal Trance Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Fascinates nearby Animals, Magical Beasts, and Vermin, causing them to stop and stare blankly until damaged. A successful Will save negates this effect. Creatures targeted by this effct have their will save momentually weakened (-3 to will). Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Barkskin Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Toughens the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12. |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Bear's Endurance Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally gains greater vitality and stamina, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Bull's Strength Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self The affected ally gains strength and power, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Cat's Grace Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally becomes more graceful, agile, and coordinated, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Contagion Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with the chosen disease, which strikes immediatly and deals damage every minute to one or more attributes. A successful Fortitude save negates the damage. Affected creatures can only recover if they make two consecutive Fortitude saves. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
Creeping Cold Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe Deals on-going cold damage to the target every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. The damage starts small, and grows larger as the spell continues. Each phase lasts 4 seconds. First phase: 1d4 damage +2 per 3 caster levels (max +12 at caster level 18). Second phase: 2d4 damage +4 per 3 caster levels (max +24 at caster level 18). Third phase: 3d4 damage +6 per 3 caster levels (max +36 at caster level 18). |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
Eagle's Splendor Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally becomes more poised, articulate and personally forceful, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Fog Cloud Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional A bank of fog billows out, obscuring sight and giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Fox's Cunning Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally gains wit, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Gust of Wind Evocation (Air) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable This spell creates a severe blast of air that originates from you and passes through all creatures in its path. Small or smaller enemies are knocked prone, while Medium or smaller enemies are slowed by the winds. A Reflex save equal to 12 + your casting stat's modifier negates these effects. Large or larger enemies are unaffected. The spell also clears away all lingering effects in its path, such as clouds and walls of fire. |
Quicken | Spell Points: 5 |
Hold Animal Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe An Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Lesser Restoration Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Dispels magical effects reducing one of an ally's ability scores, eliminates fatigue, and improves exhaustion to fatigue. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Lesser Vigor Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d2, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +2 at caster level 6), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
Melf's Acid Arrow Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Deals 1d6 acid damage caster level to a target with a magical arrow of acid dealing damage 3 times over 6 seconds. The arrow has double spell range. |
Empower Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
Small Thorn |
Owl's Wisdom Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants an ally a +4 enhancement bonus to wisdom. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Resist Energy Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against an elemental damage type, reducing that type of damage taken by 10. The bonus increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 (Artificer) 15 (Cleric) 15 (Druid) 15 (Blight Caster) 15 (Favored Soul) 15 (Paladin) 15 (Sorcerer) 15 (Wild Mage) 15 (Wizard) 15 (Warlock) 10 (Ranger) |
Splinterbolt Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Fires a jagged bolt of wood at your enemies. Deals 1d6+4 piercing damage per caster level, to a maximum of 12d6+48 at caster level 12. |
Embolden Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
Thorn Blade Evocation |
Target: Self Summons one or two scimitars of blight that does a mix of acid and poison damage instead of slashing damage, and uses the wielder's Wisdom instead of Strength for determining attack and damage bonuses. The user can choose to summon one-handed or two-handed versions, and the swords are automatically equipped when created. At caster level 1, it has a +1 enhancement bonus and the flaming effect. Every five caster levels the summoned swords improve. Because they are an extension of the caster's will, monks may use these weapons without becoming uncentered. The flame blade is not a physical weapon, but rather pure flame shaped by the caster's will; because of this, it is snuffed out if unequipped. |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn | |
Web Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands that entangle targets within them. A successful Reflex save negates this effect. Entangled creatures may attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to escape. Area of effect fire spells will destroy these webs and free any entangled creatures. Incorporeal creatures, oozes, and spiders are naturally immune. Fire elementals and other fire creatures are immune because they burn through the webs. |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Small Thorn |
Level 3 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Claw of a Bird of Prey
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Acid Blast Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Creates a gout of acid that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6+3 acid damage per caster level (up to a max of 10d6+30 damage at caster level 10) to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Claw of a Bird of Prey |
Baiting Bite Innate Attack (Wolf)(Winter Wolf) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Your jaws seem to come from every direction. This attack deals an extra +40% damage, and a +1 bonus to critical threat and multipler to the target, and also performs a Bluff check using your Spot score, which may leave your opponent open to sneak attacks and flanking, and temporarily reduces your threat generation by 25%. |
Spell Points: 6 |
Call Lightning Evocation (Electricity) |
Calls forth a bolt of lightning, which strikes your chosen target for 7 to 12 damage for every caster level up to 15. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half. | Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
Dominate Animal Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Telepathically controls the actions of an Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin, causing it to change sides. Dominate actls like Charm, with additional Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds, but the creatures will follow you throughout the dungeon. Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Neutralize Poison Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Detoxifies any sort of venom in an ally, causing him to suffer no additional effects from the poison. Additionally it immunizes the ally from any poison he is exposed to during the duration of the spell. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Claw of a Bird of Prey |
Poison Necromancy |
Target: Foe Calls up the venomous powers of natural predators to afflict the enemy with a horrible poison. This poison does 1 to 10 Constitution damage immediately and 1 to 10 Constitution damage every 60 seconds until a successful Fortitude save is made, negating this effect. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Protection from Energy Abjuration (Acid)(Cold)(Electricity)(Fire)(Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to a form of energy for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of energy per caster level (max 120) have been absorbed. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Artificer) 20 (Cleric) 20 (Druid) 20 (Blight Caster) 20 (Favored Soul) 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 15 (Ranger) 15 (Dark Hunter) |
Quench Transmutation (Cold) |
Target: Friend, Self, Foe, Positional, Breakable A burst of water quenches flames. Lingering fire spells, such as Wall of Fire, are dispelled. Your allies are cured of any lingering fire damage effects, and recieve a +15 enhancement bonus to fire resistance. You enemies recieve a -20 penalty to cold and electricity resistance. The resistance bonuses and penalties increase to 25 at caster level 8, and 25 at caster level 12. They last one minute. Fiery enemies, such as fire elementals, take 27 to 33 cold damage per 4 caster levels, to a maximum of 108 to 132. A successful fortitude save halves the damage, and negates the resistance penalties. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Remove Disease Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Cures all diseases on an ally. Does not prevent re-infection after a new exposure. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Salt Ray Evocation (Force) |
Target: Foe, Directional A thin shaft of whirling salt crystals lances out from your crooked finger to strike and shred your foe. Your target takes 1d6+6 force damage per caster level, for a maximum of 10d6+60 at caster level 10. Targets are also stunned. Fortitude save negates the stun. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Sleet Storm Conjuration (Creation)(Cold) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Driving sleet blocks all sight (attackers are blinded) and causes the ground around the target to become icy, slowing targets within it by 50%. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Claw of a Bird of Prey |
Snare Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional Creates a snare that, when triggered, entangles a single enemy. An entangled creature may attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to escape. Incorporeal creatures and oozes cannot be caught in the snare. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
Spiderskin Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Your target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to saves against poison, a bonus to hide skill equal to your caster level, and a +2 Natural Armor bonus to ac, with an additional +1 for every six of your caster levels. |
Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Claw of a Bird of Prey |
Spike Growth Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates hard and pointed vegetation that injures the feet and legs of enemies that pass over it, slowing movement and causing 1 to 4 piercing damage per caster level every 2 seconds (max 10 to 40 damage per caster level at level 10). A successful Reflex save negates the slow effect and halves the damage. |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
Stinking Cloud Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates a bank of fog that nauseates living targets and obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). A successful Fortitude save negates the nausea. |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Claw of a Bird of Prey |
Thorn Bloom Conjuration |
Target: Self Thorns blast out from your body inflicting 5 to 10 points of Piercing damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 50 to 100 damage at caster level 10) to all nearby foes. Reflex for half. |
Spell Points: 12 |
Claw of a Bird of Prey | |
Water Breathing Transmutation (Water) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants the ability to breathe underwater to you and your allies. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Claw of a Bird of Prey |
Level 4 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Dried Black Rose
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Acid Rain Conjuration (Creation)(Acid) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable You create a storm that sends down a single torrent of caustic rain. Any creatures that are hit with the rain take 1 to 4 per caster level in acid damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 8 seconds. Targets first entering the rain my make a reflex save for half, but remaining in the rain take damage with no saving throw. Damage progression caps at level 15 for 15 to 60 acid damage. |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Dried Black Rose |
Dispel Magic Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self, Foe, Undead Foe Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check (roll a 20 sided die and add your caster level (maximum +10)) versus 11 + the spell's caster level to remove an effect. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turning on its summoner. If cast on a Spell Ward trap, this spell will reduce the level of the trap by 1. If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Enveloping Swarm Conjuration |
Target: Foe A swarm of voracious insects envelops your target dealing 2d6 acid damage + 1d6 every 3 druid levels every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Fear Necromancy (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional A cone of terror causes each living enemy in an area to become panicked. A successful Will save causes enemies to become shaken. Creatures that fail their save are also slowed by necrotic energy. |
Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Dried Black Rose |
Freedom of Movement Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self This spell enables an ally to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell while under the influence of magic that impedes movement, such as paralysis, entanglement, or solid fog. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Dried Black Rose |
Ice Storm Evocation (Cold)(Bludgeoning)(Untyped) |
Target: Foe, Positional Great magical hailstones pound down, dealing 1 to 6 cold + 1 per caster level (max 1d6+10) and 2 to 12 bludgeoning damage and slowing the movement speed of targets within the area. |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Dried Black Rose |
Longstrider, Mass Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Longstrider on multiple targets, increasing base run speed of allies by +15% and shallow water no longer slows their movements. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Dried Black Rose |
Vigor Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d6, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +3 at caster level 9), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 1 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target then the duration is extended. |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
Waves of Fatigue Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional Waves of negative energy cause all living creatures to become fatigued. Fatigued creatures take a -2 penalty to strength and dexterity. |
Quicken | Spell Points: 20 |
Level 5 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Porcupine Quill
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Blighted Breath Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Sends out a breath of poisonous gas in a frontal cone dealing 3 to 10 points of Poison damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 30 to 140 damage at caster level 15) with a Reflex save for half damage. They must also make a Fortitude save or be Blinded for 10 seconds. If you are using the Biting Acid Imbue this damage is converted into 3 to 8 Acid damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 30 to 120 damage at caster level 15). |
Spell Points: 20 |
Call Lightning Storm Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Self Creates a stormcloud that persists for some time and randomly strikes nearby enemies with bolts of lightning for 1 to 10 electrical damage for every two caster levels. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
Porcupine Quill |
Cloudkill Conjuration (Acid)(Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable A bank of heavy yellowish green, poisonous fog rises up, slaying weak targets within the cloud while inflicting on stronger targets 1 to 4 Constitution damage and 2 to 12 acid damage plus an additional 1 acid damage for every caster level up to caster level 20. Successful Fortitude saves reduces the Constitution and Acid damage by half. This fog obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). Creatures immune to poison are undamaged by this spell. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
Death Ward Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants an ally immunity to death spells and effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects. |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Lesser Vigor, Mass Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Lesser Vigor on multiple targets. A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d2, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +8 at caster level 24), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Only one Vigor spell can be activate at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Negative Energy Burst Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Friend (Undead) A blast of negative energy expands from the caster, doing 5 to 10 damage per caster level (max 50 to 100) to all living enemies caught within it. Undead are instead healed by the attack. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. |
Embolden Empower Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Porcupine Quill |
Panacea Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Primer Element: Gildleaf |
Embolden Empower Healing Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Plant Growth Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants any Plant or Plant like creature a +4 Size Bonus to Strenth, a +4 Size Bonus to Constituion, and a -2 penalty to Dexterity. |
Extend Quicken Eschew Materials |
Spell Points: 30 |
Porcupine Quill |
Reincarnate Transmutation (Healing) |
Target: Friend Resurrects the target, restores 50% of the target's hit points, and preserves current spell points. It also randomly applies a set of ability score bonuses and penalties to the target. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
Porcupine Quill |
Stoneskin Abjuration (Earth) |
Target: Friend, Self Wards an ally with damage reduction 10/adamantine. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points per caster level it is discharged. Otherwise it lasts 1 minute per caster level. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Porcupine Quill x Pouch of Granite and Diamond Dust |
Thorn Wave Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable You hurl a wave of magical thorns in front of you dealing to all targets in front of you 6 to 100 points of Piercing damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 90 to 165 damage at caster level 15). Reflex save for half. |
Empower Maximize Quicken Eschew Materials Enlarge |
Spell Points: 20 |
Porcupine Quill |
Level 6 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Live Caterpillar
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Bear's Endurance, Mass Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Bear's Endurance on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Constituion to each of them. |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
Blighted Bite Evocation (Wolf) |
Target: Self This spell enhances the power of Biting Acid or Biting Poison Imbue by 3 Imbue dice. This spell can be used in any wolf form. |
Spell Points: 10 |
Bull's Strength, Mass Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Bull's Strength on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength to each. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
Live Caterpillar |
Cat's Grace, Mass Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Cat's Grace on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity to each. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
Live Caterpillar |
Eagle's Splendor, Mass Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Eagle's Splendor on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma to each. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
Live Caterpillar |
Fire Shield (cold version) Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Self Wreaths the caster in flames. Any creature striking you in melee takes 4 to 6 cold damage per caster level plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 15. The Cold version of this spell deals cold damage and reduces the damage the caster takes from fire by half. The flame from this spell will burn away any webs that attempt to entangle you. Casting any Fire Shield or Energy Sheath spell will dispel any Fire Shield or Energy Sheath that is currently affecting you |
Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
Live Caterpillar |
Fox's Cunning, Mass Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Fox's Cunning on multiple targets, giving of them a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
Live Caterpillar |
Grasping Thorns Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Powerful thorny vines rip out of the ground seizing all enemies in the area. Enemies save vs Reflex or become entangled, with a reoccurring Strength save to break free. Targets also take 1d7 piercing damage every 2 seconds. All enemy movement through the area is slowed by 30%, no save. Area of effect fire spells with destroy these vines and free any entangled creatures. Incorporeal creatures and oozes are naturally immune. Fire elementals and other fire creatures are immune because they burn through the plants. |
Empower Maximize Quicken Heighten |
Spell Points: 30 |
Greater Creeping Cold Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe Deals on-going cold damage to the target every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. The damage starts small, and grows larger as the spell continues. Each phrase lasts 4 seconds.
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Greater Dispel Magic Abjuration |
Target: Foe, Friend, Self, Usable Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check (roll a 20 sided die and add your caster level (maximum +20)) version 11 + the spell's caster level to remove an effect. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turnong on its summoner. If cast on a Spell Ward trap, this spell will reduce the level of the trap by 1 to 4. If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
Greater Vigor Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d8, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +4 at caster level 12), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 2 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. It multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Jaws of Doom Innate Attack (Wolf) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable As your jaws close over your enemies, they feel their life end. This attack deals and extra 10[W], +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier, and your foe must save vs Fortitude or dies as if slayed by a vorpal weapon (Does not effect Oozes, Undead, Constructs or Elementals). Fortitude DC: 10 + Druid Level + Highest of Wisdom, Dexterity or Strength Modifier + Necromancy Bonus |
Spell Points: 20 |
Necrotic Ray Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Blasts a target wit a negative energy ray that does 13 to 19 negative energy damage per aster level to a living enemy. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. The ray also suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting it a negative level. |
Embolden Empower Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Owl's Wisdom, Mass Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Owl's Wisdom on multiple targets, giving of them a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
Live Caterpillar |
Word of Balance Evocation |
Target: Foe You utter elder words of balance, judging those who stray too far from the path of neutrality. Targets with an alignment one step away from True Neutral, such as Chaotic Neutral, take 8-13 bane damage for every caster level up to level 20. Targets who are two steps away, such as Chaotic Evil, take that damage twice. True Neutral targets are immune to this spell. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
Level 7 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Twig of Ancient Oak
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Acid Fog Conjuration (Creation)(Acid) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable A billowing mass of misty vapors slows movement, obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss change), and causes 2 to 12 acid damage every 2 seconds to targets within the cloud. Enemies within this cloud also suffer a -4 penalty to armor class. |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
Twig of Ancient Oak |
Creeping Doom Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Summons a cloud of voracious insects and unleashes them on your enemies. The insect cloud will slowly home on the target, and when it strikes insects will burst outward, affecting every enemy within the area of effect. Enemies hit by the insects take 2 to 20 acid damage, plus 1 to 10 per 3 caster levels, every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
Finger of Death Necromancy (Death)(Untyped) |
Target: Foe Attempts to slay one living enemy. Deals 7 to 12 negative energy damage per caster level up to caster level 25 against any living target and hits the target with a death effect that they must save against or die. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
Freedom of Movement, Mass Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self This spell enables you and nearby allies to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell while under the influence of magic that impedes movement, such as paralysis, entanglement, or solid fog. |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Twig of Ancient Oak |
Horrid Wilting Necromancy (Untyped)(Water) |
Target: Foe, Positional Deals 4 to 6 damage per caster level (up to a max of 80 to 120 at caster level 20) to living targets by evaporating moisture from their bodies. Deals 5 to 8 damage per caster level (max 100 to 160) to water type outsiders and plants. |
Empower Enlarge Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Twig of Ancient Oak |
Insidious Spores Necromancy |
Target: Foe Target enemy becomes contaminated with spores. Every 2 Seconds the target takes 1d10 Poison, 1d10 Rust, 1d2 Wisdom, and 1d2 Intelligence damage. Additional castings increase the duration. |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
Protection from Elements, Mass Abjuration (Acid)(Cold)(Electricity)(Fire)(Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to multiple targets to all forms of energy for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of energy per caster level (max 120) for each energy type has been absorbed. |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
True Seeing Divination |
Target: Friend, Self You confer on the subject the ability to see things as they actually are. This allows the target to find secret doors that have a DC of 30 or less, see the exact location of creatures hidden by blur or displacement effects, and see invisible creatures or objects normally. |
Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 (Sorcerer) 35 (Wild Mage) 35 (Warlock) 35 (Acolyte of the Skin) 35 (Wizard) 30 (Cleric) 30 (Dark Apostate) 30 (Favored Soul) 30 (Druid) 30 (Blight Caster) |
Twig of Ancient Oak |
Vigor, Mass Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Vigor on multiple targets. A postiive energy conjuration that heals 1d6, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +11 at level 33), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 1 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most veneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
Waves of Exhaustion Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional Waves of negative energy cause all living creatures to become exhausted. Exhausted creatures take a -6 penalty to strength and dexterity. |
Quicken | Spell Points: 40 |
Level 8 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Tiny Golden Sickle
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Black Dragon Bolt Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Deals 1 to 10 acid damage per caster level (up to a max of 25 to 250 at caster level 25) to an enemy with a powerful bolt of corrosive acid. This damage will reapply 3 additional times over 8 seconds. This spell has double range. |
Empower Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
Earthquake Evocation |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Summons an earthquake beneith your enemies' feet. Enemies within the area of effect have an additional 30% spell failure change, and every three seconds they are knocked down and take 2 to 16 points of damage. A successful reflex save vs the damage halves the damage, and a reflex save vs the knockdown negates it. The earthquake lasts for 30 seconds. Flying enemies are immune. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
Greater Vigor, Mass Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Greater Vigor on multiple targets. A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d8, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +13 at caster level 39), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 1 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied.
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
Howl of Terror Enchantment |
Target: Self You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
Regenerate Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals hitpoints, ability point damage and level drain, and cures bleed effects. Regenerate heals 1d6 hitpoints, +1 per caster level (max +17), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Every two seconds 2 points of ability damage are healed, and every three seconds 1 drained level and 1 bleed effect are removed. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 2 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one heal-over-time spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Regenerate spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Empower Healing Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
Stormrage Transmutation |
Target: Self You gain feather fall and gain the Deflect Arrows feat. When you damage an enemy with attacks or spells, they are also struck by lightning. For each enemy, lightning only strikes once. |
Thorn Lance Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable You hurl a great thorn lance at your target dealing 9 to 14 points of Piercing damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 180 to 280 damage at caster level 20). The lance will damage all enemies in front or behind your target. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
Tiny Golden Sickle |
Level 9 Spells[edit]
Most spells at this level that have a material component require either Omnispell Dust or Sprig of Sacred Mistletoe
Name | Effect | Metamagics | Cost | Components |
Acid Well Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Positional A huge geyser of Acid erupt near your target, dealing 19 to 24 acid damage per caster level (max 380 to 480). A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. |
Empower Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
Blighted Charge Innate Attack (Wolf) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable You leap forward with the speed and ferocity spewing blight around you as you pass. You attack enemies in your path, dealing an extra 5[W], with a +1 bonus to critical threat & multiplier, and targets caught in your wake are blinded and Helpless for 8 seconds. A successful reflex save negates this effect. For 10 seconds after the charge you gain +3 Imbue Dice. Reflex DC: 10 + Druid Level + Highest of Wisdom, Dexterity or Strength Modifier + Necromancy Bonus |
Spell Points: 25 |
Rend the Soul Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe Primer Element: |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
Storm of Vengeance Conjuration (Acid)(Earth) |
Target: Foe, Positional Conjures a storm with a massive thunderclap, deafening enemies, dousing them in acid rain, and lancing them with lightning bolts. Enemies within the cloud when it is first conjured are deafening for 3 seconds per caster level. Enemies within thestorm date 1d3 acid damage per caster level every two seconds. Every 4 seconds, a random enemy within the storm takes 1d6 electricity damage for every caster level (a successful reflex save halves). |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
Tsunami Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Sends forth a wave of water, knocking enemies down and dealing 1d6+9 cold damage plus 1d6+9 Bludgeoning damage per caster level, halved on successful Fortitude save. |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
Wail of the Banshee Necromancy (Death)(Negative Energy)(Sonic) |
Target: Self You emit a terrible screen, creating a deadly area around yourself for 6 seconds. Every 2 seconds, two nearby enemies must make a fortitude save or die. On a successful fortitude save, the target takes 1 to 4 negative levels. You are free to perform other actions while Wail of the Banshee is active. |
Embolden Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |