Enlarge Spells
When using the Enlarge Spells metamagic, spells can be cast 100% further (doubling distance). In some cases a targeted monster will not even be able to figure out where the caster is -- or may not be able to reach the caster -- making the caster invulnerable to counterattack. Whereas some feats simply improve stats in ways that could also be accomplished by equipment or potions, Enlarge has an effect that is otherwise not available. Each spell cast while Enlarge is active costs 10 more spellpoints.
Spells not defined by distance or not of standard ranges are not affected.
Only these spells are affected by the Enlarge Spell metamagic feat:
Name | Effect | Levels | Metamagics | Cost |
![]() Abjuration (Earth) |
Target: Friend, Self (Armor) Wards an ally against physical damage and force damage. Once this infusion has prevented a total of 5 points per caster level (max 50) it is discharged. |
Artificer 1 | Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Creates a gout of acid that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6+3 acid damage per caster level (up to a max of 10d6+30 damage at caster level 10) to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 Blight Caster 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation)(Acid) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable A billowing mass of misty vapors slows movement, obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss change), and causes 2 to 12 acid damage every 2 seconds to targets within the cloud. Enemies within this cloud also suffer a -4 penalty to armor class. |
Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 Blight Caster 7 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation)(Acid) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable You create a storm that sends down a single torrent of caustic rain. Any creatures that are hit with the rain take 1 to 4 per caster level in acid damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 8 seconds. Targets first entering the rain my make a reflex save for half, but remaining in the rain take damage with no saving throw. Damage progression caps at level 15 for 15 to 60 acid damage. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 Blight Caster 4 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Positional A huge geyser of Acid erupt near your target, dealing 19 to 24 acid damage per caster level (max 380 to 480). A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Wizard 9 Blight Caster 9 |
Empower Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Friend, Self Adds 8 +1 per caster level (max level 10) temporary hit points, and grants a +1 morale bonuses on attack rolls and saves against fear. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Friend, Self Adds 8 +1 per caster level (max level 15) temporary hit points and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves against fear. Affects multiple targets. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Fascinates nearby Animals, Magical Beasts, and Vermin, causing them to stop and stare blankly until damaged. A successful Will save negates this effect. Creatures targeted by this effct have their will save momentually weakened (-3 to will). Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. |
Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Fills an area with deadly energy that does 6 to 11 electrical damage per caster level (up to a max of 90 to 165 damage at caster level 15). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Stormsinger 5 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Fear)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Enemies are filled with fear and doubt, giving a -1 penalty on attack rolls and saves against fear on all affected targets. A successful Will save negates this effect. Bane counters and dispels Bless. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Abjuration (Untyped) |
Target: Foe A more powerful version of the dismissal spell. You attempt to force all extraplanar creatures in the target area out of your home plane. A successful Will save negates this effect but cause the targets in the area of effect to take 4 to 6 points of damage per caster level. (DC = spell's save DC - creature's Hit Dice or Level + your caster level). |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 7 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 (Sorcerer) 40 (Wild Mage) 40 (Warlock) 40 (Acolyte of the Skin) 40 (Wizard) 35 (Cleric) 35 (Dark Apostate) 35 (Favored Soul) |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Toughens the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12. |
Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally gains greater vitality and stamina, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 2 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Bear's Endurance on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Constituion to each of them. |
Artificer 5 Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Enchantment (Charm) |
Target: Foe Target must make a Will save versus (20 + Highest of INT/WIS/CHA + Enchantment bonuses) or be Charmed. Cooldown 15 seconds. Cost: 10 SP. |
Spell Like Ability | Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe The target is cursed, giving a -4 penalty to attack rolls, skill rolls and saves. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation |
Target: Foe, Positional Causes an enemy to move at 50% speed and attack at 50% slowed rate and have a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. Doesn't affect bosses. |
Warlock 4 | Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 33 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe The power of unlife renders an enemy blinded. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Embolden Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Illusion |
Target: Friend, Self An ally's outline becomes slightly blurred, giving enemies a 20% miss chance when attacking. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Foe, Self, Positional Affected allies in an area are freed from harmful enchantments, transmutations, and curses. You must make a caster level check of 1 to 20 + your caster lelve (maximum +15) versus 11 + the spell's caster level to remove an effect. |
Bard 4 Stormsinger 4 Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 5 Paladin 5 Sacred Fist 4 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self The affected ally gains strength and power, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Sacred Fist 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Bull's Strength on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength to each. |
Artificer 5 Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy (Acid)(Fire) |
Target: Foe You taint a living creature's blood with a hot, corrosive infusion, dealing acid damage for 2 to 8 + 1 every 2 levels and fire damage for 2 to 8 + 1 per 2 caster levels every 2 seconds for a duration of 10 seconds. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Calls forth a bolt of lightning, which strikes your chosen target for 7 to 12 damage for every caster level up to 15. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half. | Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Self Creates a stormcloud that persists for some time and randomly strikes nearby enemies with bolts of lightning for 1 to 10 electrical damage for every two caster levels. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Druid 5 Blight Caster 5 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally becomes more able to blend in with his or her surroundings, giving a +10 Determination bonus to Hide. |
Ranger 1 Dark Hunter 1 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Camouflage on multiple targets giving a +10 Determination bonus to Hide to each. |
Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally becomes more graceful, agile, and coordinated, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. |
Artificer 2 Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Cat's Grace on multiple targets giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity to each. |
Artificer 5 Bard 6 Stormsinger 6 Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe An enemy becomes frightened. A successful will save causes the target to become shaken instead. Necrotic energy slows the target slightly. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Dragon Disciple 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Quicken Heighten Enlarge Embolden |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable An electrical discharge strikes a primary target for 7 to 12 electrical damage per caster level and It then arcs to up to 5 other nearby targets hitting each of them with a similar lightning bolt. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Stormsinger 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 Artificer 6 Dragon Disciple 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Evocation (Force) |
Target: Foe A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile (up to 10 missiles) that, after striking your target, explode outwards, striking other creatures near the target. |
Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation (Chaotic) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Chaotic power smites your enemies. The power takes the form of a multicolored explosion of leaping, ricocheting energy. Only lawful and neutral (not chaotic) creatures are harmed by the spell. The spell deals 5 to 10 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of caster level 10) to a lawful creature (or twice that to a lawful outsider) and causes it to be slowed for 6 to 36 seconds. A successful Will save reduces damage to half and negates the slow effect. The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither lawful or chaotic, and they are not slowed. This spell can only be case by chaotic or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a lawful caster. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 Wild Mage 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Enchantment (Charm)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Charms a hostile Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin, which will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed animals get an additional save every 15 to 30 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. |
Druid 1 Ranger 1 Dark Hunter 1 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Enchantment (Charm)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe An enemy monster is charmed and will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 15 to 30 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Enchantment (Charm)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Charms an enemy humanoid, which then fights as an ally. Charmed humanoids get an additional saving throw every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Humanoids include kobolds, goblinoids, player races except for warforged, troglodytes, and more, but do not include Monstrous Humanoids. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Warlock 1 Wizard 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Quicken Heighten Enlarge Embolden |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe, Positional Rains dark energy into an area. Living creatures are subject to a death effect, getting a Reflex save and then a Fortitude save to avoid death. Targets who succeed agains the Reflex save suffer no ill effect, but creatures who succeed against the Fortitude save will still get level drained for 1 to 4 levels. |
Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Positive energy is quickly channeled to heal light wounds of your target or damage undead for 2 to 4 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 5. This spell has faster than normal casting speed and minimal cooldown. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 |
Embolden Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Conjuration (Acid)(Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable A bank of heavy yellowish green, poisonous fog rises up, slaying weak targets within the cloud while inflicting on stronger targets 1 to 4 Constitution damage and 2 to 12 acid damage plus an additional 1 acid damage for every caster level up to caster level 20. Successful Fortitude saves reduces the Constitution and Acid damage by half. This fog obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). Creatures immune to poison are undamaged by this spell. |
Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 Blight Caster 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Evocation (Cold)(Winter Wolf) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Creates an area of extreme cold, originating in front of you and spreading outward in a cone. It drains heat, dealing 4 to 6 points of cold damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 60 to 90 damage at caster level 15). |
Druid 5 | Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Illusion |
Target: Foe, Directional Dazes, Blinds and Silences enemies in front of you. A separate Will save negates each. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 1 |
Heighten Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable You conjure a bright, glowing comet, which appears in midair above your target, then strikes the ground with tremendous force. This area of effect spell does 4 to 9 points of bludgeon damage for every caster level. A successful Reflex save reduces this damage by half. The force of this comet can knock some creatures prone. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe An enemy is commanded to fall to the ground and lie prone. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Warlock 1 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Undead Foe Control is granted over the enemy undead, forcing it to fight for you. Mindless undead are controlled for 1 to 4 minutes. Other undead can be controlled for a maximum of 10 minutes but get an additional Will save every 20 seconds. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Enchantment (Confuse)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Activate: Target non-boss monster becomes Confused on a failed Will Saving Thrw. Confused monsters attack and are attacked by both monster characters and player characters. |
Spell Like Ability | Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Depravity 3 (Rank 1) 2 (Rank 2) 1 (Rank 3) |
![]() Enchantment (Confuse)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Activate: Target a group of non-boss monsters to become Confused on a failed Will Saving Throw. Confused monsters attack and are attacked by both monster characters and player characters. |
Spell Like Ability | Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Depravity 12 (Rank 1) 8 (Rank 2) 4 (Rank 3) |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Ranged Magical Attack. Your magics consume bits of your opponent's form, disintegrating bits of them for 2d10 Chaotic damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. The damage scales with 125% spell power. The effect can stack up to 3 times. Your enemy is also marked with the Consumed trait. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with the chosen disease, which strikes immediatly and deals damage every minute to one or more attributes. A successful Fortitude save negates the damage. Affected creatures can only recover if they make two consecutive Fortitude saves. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with Blinding Sickness, which blinds targets and deals 1 to 4 Strength and Dexterity damage. |
Cleric 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with Cackle Fever, whose symptoms include high fever, disorientation, and frequent bouts of hideous laughter. Target is stunned for 6 seconds and takes 1 to 4 Wisdom and Intelligence damage. |
Cleric 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with Filth Fever, which deals 1 to 3 Dexterity damage and 1 to 3 Constitution damage. |
Cleric 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with Mindfire, which causes an enemy to feel like their brain is burning and deals 1 to 4 Intelligence damage. |
Cleric 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with Red Ache, which causes an enemy's skin to turn read, bloated, and warm to the touch, and deals 1 to 6 Strength damage. |
Cleric 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with Shakes, which causes the enemy to twitch and tremor involuntarily and deals 1 to 8 Dexterity damage. |
Cleric 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with Slimy Doom, which causes an enemy to turn into an infectious goo from the inside out and deals 4 to 24 +1 per caster level acid damage every 3 seconds |
Cleric 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Charm) |
Target: Undead Foe Control is granted over the enemy undead, forcing it to fight for you. Controlled undead get an additional save every 2 minutes. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe Deals on-going cold damage to the target every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. The damage starts small, and grows larger as the spell continues. Each phase lasts 4 seconds. First phase: 1d4 damage +2 per 3 caster levels (max +12 at caster level 18). Second phase: 2d4 damage +4 per 3 caster levels (max +24 at caster level 18). Third phase: 3d4 damage +6 per 3 caster levels (max +36 at caster level 18). |
Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Conjuration (Acid) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Summons a cloud of voracious insects and unleashes them on your enemies. The insect cloud will slowly home on the target, and when it strikes insects will burst outward, affecting every enemy within the area of effect. Enemies hit by the insects take 2 to 20 acid damage, plus 1 to 10 per 3 caster levels, every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. |
Druid 7 Blight Caster 7 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Causes great sadness in enemies, giving -2 penalties to attack, saves, skill checks, and weapon damage. A successful Will save negates this effect bug regardless of the saves result the targets are left in vulnerable state to future mental attack. Applies weaken will effect. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Positive energy is channeled to heal critical wounds of your target or damage undead for 12 to 32 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 20. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Bard 4 Stormsinger 4 Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Druid 5 Favored Soul 4 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Casts Cure Critical Wounds on multiple targets. Positive energy is channeled to heal critical wounds of allies or damage undead for 12 to 32 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 40. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Favored Soul 8 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of your target or damage undead for 3 to 8 hit points plus an additional 1 per caster level, up to caster level 5. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Ranger 2 Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Paladin 1 Sacred Fist 1 Druid 1 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Foe, Self, Undead Foe Casts Cure Light Wounds on multiple targets. Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of allies or damage undead for 3 to 8 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 25. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Bard 5 Stormsinger 5 Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Positive energy is channeled to heal moderate wounds of your target or damage undead for 6 to 16 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 10. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Druid 3 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 3 Sacred Fist 3 Ranger 3 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Casts Cure Moderate Wounds on multiple targets. Positive energy is channeled to heal moderate wounds of allies or damage undead for 6 to 16 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 30. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Bard 6 Stormsinger 6 Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Positive energy is channeled to heal serious wounds of your target or damage undead for 9 to 24 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 15. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Druid 4 Favored Soul 3 Paladin 4 Sacred Fist 4 Ranger 4 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Casts Cure Serious Wounds on multiple targets. Positive energy is channeled to heal serious woulds of allies or damage undead for 9 to 24 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 35. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Evocation |
Target: Foe, Directional Fires a bold of darkness that deals 1d8 damager per character level, which scales with 100% Spell Power. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Clouds the mind of an enemy so that it takes no actions for 6 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Targets of this spell have their will weakend against future mental attacks for a brief period of time even they success against the Will save. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants an ally immunity to death spells and effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Druid 5 Blight Caster 5 Favored Soul 4 Paladin 4 Sacred Fist 4 Dragon Disciple 4 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants multiple allies immunity to death spells and effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Favored Soul 8 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Construct Greatly damages an enemy construct, dealing 10 damage per caster level (max 150), slows their move and attack speed, reduces fortification by 25%, and inflicts a 25% penalty to Repair effects. Reconstruction will remove this penalty. A successful Will save halves this damage and prevents the fortification and repair debuffs. |
Artificer 6 | Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Induces a magical slumber to a group of enemies, rendering them helpless until attacked or for a duration of 20 seconds plus 2 per caster level. Ineffective on undead or constructs. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration (Good) |
Target: Foe The divine power of an angry deity imposes a punishment in the form of a sharp, spiritual blow to the target, dealing 5 to 11 good damage for every caster level (up to a maximum of 50 to 110 damage at caster level 10), or 10 to 22 good damage for every caster level (up to a maximum of 100 to 220 damage at caster level 10). A successful Will save reduces this damage by half. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Creates a ball of fire that detonates on impact, causing an explosion of flame that does 8 to 13 fire damage per caster level (up to a max of 160 to 260 damage at caster level 20) to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 Dragon Disciple 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Cost: See specific sub spell |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Creates a ball of fire that files towards the target and detonates on impact, causing an explosion of flame that does 8 to 13 fire damage per caster level (up to a max of 160 to 260 damage at caster level 20) to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 Dragon Disciple 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Creates a ball of fire that drops to the ground detonates when triggered or after 15 seconds has elapsed, causing an explosion of flame that does 8 to 13 fire damage per caster level (up to a max of 160 to 260 damage at caster level 20) to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 Dragon Disciple 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe Raw destructive power is channeled to utterly annihilate an enemy, dealing 11 to 16 per caster level damage. Target is also subject to a death effect, and will die without a successful Fortitude save. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe You consume the soul of your targeted enemy, killing it instantly unless it makes a saving throw: Will DC: 10 + Warlock Level + Charisma Modifier. This ability is considered a Necromancy spell. This ability works on undead, but not constructs and other creatures with no lifeforce. If the target survives then it loses 20 PRR and MRR for 6 seconds. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Foe Instantly forces an extraplaner enemy back to its proper plane. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC = spell's save DC - creatures Hit Dice or Level + your caster level). Even on a successful save the target still suffers 4 to 6 damage per caster level in damage. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Warlock 4 Wizard 5 Acolyte of the Skin 4 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self, Foe, Undead Foe Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check (roll a 20 sided die and add your caster level (maximum +10)) versus 11 + the spell's caster level to remove an effect. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turning on its summoner. If cast on a Spell Ward trap, this spell will reduce the level of the trap by 1. If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Druid 4 Blight Caster 4 Favored Soul 3 Paladin 3 Sacred Fist 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Illusion |
Target: Self Your appearance becomes extremely blurred, giving enemies a 50% miss chance when attacking. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 3 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional This ray deals 2d3+6 positive energy damage plus an additional 1d3+3 positive energy damage for every two caster levels to an enemy undead. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Abjuration (Fire)(Acid)(Cold)(Electricity)(Sonic) |
Target: Self Spell-Like Ability: Grants 35 Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Sonic, and Electric for 1 minute per Character level to all allies in the standard area of effect; centered on the caster. This does not stack with Resist Energy spell. |
Spell Like Ability | Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation (Light) |
Target: Foe Focuses the power of the gods upon the target, inflicting 1 to 6 +1 light damage per caster level every 2 seconds for a duration for 16 seconds (max 20d6). This spell can stack on the target up to 3 times, increasing the damage with each stack. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Telepathically controls the actions of an Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin, causing it to change sides. Dominate actls like Charm, with additional Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds, but the creatures will follow you throughout the dungeon. Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. |
Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Enchantment (Dominate)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Telepathically controls the actions of an enemy, causing it to change sides. Dominate acts like charm, with additional Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds, but the creature will follow you throughout the dungeon. |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 9 |
Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Humanoid Foe Telepathically controls the actions of a humanoid enemy, causing it to change sides. Dominate acts like Charm, with additional Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds, but the creature will follow you throughout the dungeon. |
Bard 4 Stormsinger 4 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Warlock 4 Wizard 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 (Bard) 25 (Stormsinger) 30 (Sorcerer) 30 (Wild Mage) 30 (Warlock) 30 (Wizard) |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting)(Evil) |
Target: Foe A single enemy is filled with a feeling of horrible dread that causes it to become shaken, penalizing all saves, attack rolls, and skill rolls by a -2. A successful Will save negates this effect. This is a fear effect. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally becomes more poised, articulate and personally forceful, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. |
Artificer 2 Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Sacred Fist 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Eagle's Splendor on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma to each. |
Artificer 5 Bard 6 Stormsinger 6 Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Evocation |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Summons an earthquake beneith your enemies' feet. Enemies within the area of effect have an additional 30% spell failure change, and every three seconds they are knocked down and take 2 to 16 points of damage. A successful reflex save vs the damage halves the damage, and a reflex save vs the knockdown negates it. The earthquake lasts for 30 seconds. Flying enemies are immune. |
Druid 8 Blight Caster 8 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Foe A harmful enchantment that deals 1 to 6 +1 per caster level electric damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 20 seconds. |
Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() |
Target: Foe Project your terror at a distance, exploding in an area, dealing Eldritch Blast damage and effects to nearby enemies. The damage scales with 150% spell power. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 (Rank 1) 8 (Rank 2) 4 (Rank 3) |
![]() Evocation |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable An electrical discharge strikes a primary target for 1d3+3 per two caster levels electrical damage (max 5d3+15) then may leap erratically about to other nearby targets hitting each of them with a similar shock. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. On a failed save, the target must make a successful Will save or be daze for a short period of time or until they take damage. |
Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Primal magic awakens plants and vines to grasp at the caster's enemies. Entangled creatures suffer a 90% penalty to movement speed, a 50% attack speed penalty, and a -1 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex. A successful Reflex save negates this effect. Entangled creatures may leave the affected area to to escape it's effects, or attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to negate. Area of effect fire spells will destroy these vines and free any entangled creatures. Incorporeal creatures and oozes are naturally immune. Fire elementals and other fire creatures areimmune because they burn through the plants. |
Druid 1 Blight Caster 1 Ranger 1 Dark Hunter 1 Warlock 1 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Foe A swarm of voracious insects envelops your target dealing 2d6 acid damage + 1d6 every 3 druid levels every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. |
Druid 4 Blight Caster 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Arcs a flare of faerie fire through the air, bursting outward to affect all enemies near it. Targets are dazzled and take a -1 penalty to attack, spot, and search. Targets are also illuminated by faerie fire, dispelling stealth, invisibility, blur, and displacement, for 30 seconds, and giving a -40 penalty to hide. Sightless enemies are immune to the dazzle effect. |
Druid 1 Blight Caster 1 |
Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Causes an ally to fall slowly, although faster than feathers typically do. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Causes the enemy's Intelligence and Charisma levels each to drop to 1, giving it roughly the intelligence of a lizard. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Necromancy (Death)(Untyped) |
Target: Foe Attempts to slay one living enemy. Deals 7 to 12 negative energy damage per caster level up to caster level 25 against any living target and hits the target with a death effect that they must save against or die. |
Druid 8 Blight Caster 7 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Transmutation (Fire) |
Target: Foe Flings three burning acorns at your target, where they explode into flames. Each acorn does 1d6 fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6 per missile at caster level 20). Reflex save halves. You can also place the acorns on the ground to act as a trap, for reduced Spell Point cost. |
Druid 6 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Flings three burning acorns at your target, where they explode into flames. Each acorn does 1d6 fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6 per missile at castor level 20). A successful reflex save halves the damage. |
Druid 6 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Positional Places three burning acorns at your target, set to explode when an enemy comes near. Each acorn does 1d6 fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6 per missile at castor level 20). A successful reflex save halves the damage. |
Druid 6 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 7 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable An enormous column of fire roars downward, blasting an area with searing flame, causing 9 to 14 fire damage per caster level to targets in its area. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Druid 7 Favored Soul 8 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Abjuration (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Positional Creates a trap that wards an area. When an enemy triggers the spell by entering the area, a fiery explosion does 5 to 10 fire damage for every caster level up to caster level 20. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Artificer 2 Druid 2 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Embolden Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Directional, Foe, Breakable Creates a ball of fire that detonates on impact, causing an explosion of flame that deals 1d6+3 fire damage per caster level (up to a max of 10d6+30 damage at caster level 10) to targets around it. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Produces a vertical column of divine fire roaring downward, dealing 6 to 11 damage per caster level (up to a max of 90 to 165 damage at caster level 15) to the target area. Half the damage is fire. Half is from pure divine power. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Druid 4 Favored Soul 5 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Transmutation (Earth) |
Target: Foe Turns a single fleshy target into a mindless, inert statue. If the statue resulting from this spell is broken or damaged, the subject has similar damage ro deformities. In stone form, creatures are much more difficult to damage. Only creatures made of flesh are affected by this spell. This effect lasts 60 seconds + 10 seconds per caster level, but the target has a chance to remake its Fortitude save every 24 seconds. |
Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 4 Acolyte of the Skin 4 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional A bank of fog billows out, obscuring sight and giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). |
Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation (Force) |
Target: Foe A powerful missile of magical force darts from your fingertips and unerringly strikes its target, inflicting 10 to 14 points of force damage. You gain an additional missile at levels 4, 8, 12 for a maximum of four missiles. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self An ally gains wit, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Artificer 2 Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Fox's Cunning on multiple targets, giving of them a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. |
Artificer 5 Bard 6 Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 Stormsinger 6 Sorcerer 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self This spell enables an ally to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell while under the influence of magic that impedes movement, such as paralysis, entanglement, or solid fog. |
Bard 4 Stormsinger 4 Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Druid 4 Blight Caster 4 Favored Soul 4 Ranger 4 Dark Hunter 4 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self This spell enables you and nearby allies to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell while under the influence of magic that impedes movement, such as paralysis, entanglement, or solid fog. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Druid 7 Blight Caster 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Evocation (Cold)(Water Elemental) |
Target: Foe Douses an opponent in freezing spray, giving the target 25% cold vulnerability. Targets with this vulnerability will take 25% extra damage from all sources of cold damage. Once this effect wears off, it cannot be reapplied for 30 seconds. |
Druid 7 | Embolden Enlarge Extend Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe This spell imbues your hand with negative energy, allowing you to paralyze any single living humanoid that you touch. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. Humanoids include kobolds, goblinoids, player races except warforged, troglodytes, and more. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional A cloud of golden particles covers everything in an area, causing targets to become blinded and outlining invisible creatures. Any creature covered by the dust takes a -40 penalty on Hide checks. A successful Will save negates the blindness portion of the spell. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Abjuration (Electricity) |
Target: Foe, Positional A powerful inscription that explodes when entered, doing 5 to 8 damage per two caster levels (up to a max of 25 to 40 at caster level 10) to the intruder and all nearby targets. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Friend, Self Instills powerful hope, giving a +2 morale bonus to attack, saves, abilities, skills, and weapon damage. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Covers the ground with a layer of slipper grease, forcing targets to make a Reflex save or fall. Grease slicks will sometimes be set ablaze by are of effect fire effects, dealing 2d6 damage per two caster levels fire damage to all enemies of the caster in the slick every few seconds, as well as the caster of the grease spell. A successful Reflex save will reduce this damage by half. Slicks that have been set ablaze will quickly burn away. |
Artificer 1 Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 1 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Illusion |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Dazes, Blinds, and Silences enemies in front of you. A separate Will save negates each |
Wild Mage 5 | Enlarge Embolden Empower Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Illusion |
Target: Foe, Directional Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect.
Spell Like Ability | Heighten Quicken Enlarge Embolden |
Spell Points: 10 (Rank 1) 5 (Rank 2) 2 (Rank 3) |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Enemies are commanded to fall to the ground and lie prone. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe Deals on-going cold damage to the target every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. The damage starts small, and grows larger as the spell continues. Each phrase lasts 4 seconds.
Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Foe, Friend, Self, Usable Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check (roll a 20 sided die and add your caster level (maximum +20)) version 11 + the spell's caster level to remove an effect. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turnong on its summoner. If cast on a Spell Ward trap, this spell will reduce the level of the trap by 1 to 4. If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled. |
Bard 5 Stormsinger 5 Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 4 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Abjuration (Electricity) |
Target: Foe, Positional A powerful inscription that explodes when entered, doing 5 to 8 damage per two caster levels (up to a max of 50 to 80 at caster level 20) to the intruder and all nearby targets. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Friend, Self Imbues a single ally with greate bravery and morale in battle, granting a +4 morale bonus on attacks, saves, and skill checks. The target also receives temporary hit points equal to the caster level and immunity to fear. |
Bard 5 Stormsinger 5 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Cures all temporary ability damage, restores all negative levels suffered from energy, and eliminates fatigue, exhaustion, confusion, and insanity suffered by the ally. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d8, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +4 at caster level 12), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 2 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. It multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Druid 5 Blight Caster 6 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Greater Vigor on multiple targets. A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d8, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +13 at caster level 39), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 1 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied.
Druid 7 Blight Caster 8 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Positional Renders undead targets in range immobile for 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. Non-intelligent undead do not get a Will save. |
Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Charges the target with a massive amount of negative energy, dealing 10 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of 150 damage at caster level 15). Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. Against undead targets this spell acts as Heal. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Quickens allies, causing them to attack 15% faster than normal. In addition, the recipient gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls, a +1 bonus to Reflex Saving Throws, and +1% Dodge. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Dragon Disciple 3 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Channels powerful positive energy into a target to wipe away injury and afflictions, restore 10 hit points per caster level (up to a max of 150 hit points at caster level 15), and remove ability damage and the conditions blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned. Against undead this spell acts as Harm. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Druid 8 Favored Soul 6 |
Enlarge Empower Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Casts Heal on multiple targets. Channels powerful positive energy into allies to wipe away injury and afflictions, restore 10 hit points per caster level (up to a max of 250 at caster level 25), and remove ability damage and the conditions blindness, confusion, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned. Against undead this spell acts like harm. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. |
Cleric 9 Dark Apostate 9 Favored Soul 9 |
Empower Healing Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Brings forth a great feast for all nearby allies. While this spell is active on someone, the next time they use a rest shrine they consume the feast. The nectarlike beverage which is part of the feast cures them of all diseases, sickness, and nausea, makes them immune to poison for 1 minute per caster level, and grants 1 to 8 temporary hit points +1 per two caster levels (maximum 10). The ambrosial food that is consumed grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and immunity to fear for 1 minute per caster level. |
Bard 6 Stormsinger 6 Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Friend, Self Imbues a single ally with great bravery and morale in battle, gain a +2 morale bonus on attacks, saves, and skill checks. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Wizard) 15 (Bard) 15 (Stormsinger) |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe An Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. |
Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe An enemy becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. |
Bard 4 Stormsinger 4 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Warlock 4 Acolyte of the Skin 4 Wizard 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 (Bard) 25 (Stormsinger) 30 (Sorcerer) 30 (Wild Mage) 30 (Warlock) 30 (Acolyte of the Skin) 30 (Wizard) |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Casts Hold Monster on multiple targets. Affected enemies become paralyzed and can take no action for a maximum of 6 secons per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 9 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe The target enemy humanoid becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Humanoids include kobolds, goblinoids, player races except for warforged, troglodytes, and more, but do not include Monstrous Humanoids. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Casts Hold Person on multiple humanoids. Affected enemies become paralyzed and can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Humanoids include kobolds, goblinoids, player races except for warforged, troglodytes, and more, but do not include Monstrous Humanoids. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Directional, Foe, Breakable Creates a ball of fire that detonates on impact, causing an explosion of light and flame that deals 1d6+4 light damage and 1d6+4 fire damage per caster level to targets in its path. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. This counts as both a Fire and Light spell. (Max Caster Level: 20) |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Evocation (Good) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Smites targets with holy power, evil targets take 5 to 10 holy damage per caster level (up to a max of caster level 10) and are blinded for 6 seconds. Does not affect good targets. Neutral targets take half damage. Evil Outsiders take twice the damage. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the blind effect. This spell can only be cast by good or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by an evil caster. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy (Untyped)(Water) |
Target: Foe, Positional Deals 4 to 6 damage per caster level (up to a max of 80 to 120 at caster level 20) to living targets by evaporating moisture from their bodies. Deals 5 to 8 damage per caster level (max 100 to 160) to water type outsiders and plants. |
Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Wizard 8 Blight Caster 7 |
Empower Enlarge Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Enchantment |
Target: Self You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. |
Druid 8 Blight Caster 8 Warlock 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Illusion (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional A twisting patter of subtle, shifting color weaves through the air, fascinating targets within it. A successful Will save negates this effect. Creatures exposed to this effect have their will save momentarily weakened by three. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Dazes nearby enemies, causing them to stop and stare blankly for 6 seconds or until damaged. A successful WIll save negates this effect. Creatures targeted by this effect also have a -3 to Will saves for the next 8 seconds. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation (Cold)(Bludgeoning)(Untyped) |
Target: Foe, Positional Great magical hailstones pound down, dealing 1 to 6 cold + 1 per caster level (max 1d6+10) and 2 to 12 bludgeoning damage and slowing the movement speed of targets within the area. |
Druid 4 Blight Caster 4 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe Drops a gigantic shard of glacial ice on your target, which deals 28 to 33 Cold damage for every caster level up to 20. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half. |
Sorcerer 9 Wizard 9 |
Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Charges the target with a massive amount of negative energy, dealing 15 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of 225 damage at caster level 15). Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. Against undead targets this spell acts as Heal. |
Clickie 11 | Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
![]() Conjuration (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates a cloud of roilinig smoke shot through with white-hot embers, obscuring sight and dealing 2 to 8 + 1 per caster level in fire damage every two seconds. Creatures entering the cloud save vs reflex or become blind until they leave the cloud. Cloud lasts 30 seconds. |
Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Wizard 8 |
Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Foe Transmute the structure of a construct enemy to deal 12 to 32 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 20. |
Artificer 4 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Construct Transmute the structure of construct enemies to deal 12 to 32 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 40. |
Artificer 6 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 22 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 11 to 16 damage for every caster level up to caster level 20 on your target enemy, or heal undead a lesser amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Critical Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 12 to 32 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 40, or healing undead a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Favored Soul 8 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Construct Transmutes the structure of a construct enemy to deal 3 to 8 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 5. |
Artificer 1 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 2 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Construct Transmute the structure of construct enemies to deal 3 to 8 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 25. |
Artificer 3 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 3 to 8 damage per caster level up to caster level 5 on your target enemy, or heal undead a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Light Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 3 to 8 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 25, or healing undead a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Foe Transmutes the structure of a construct enemy to deal 6 to 16 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 10. |
Artificer 2 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Construct Transmute the structure of construct enemies to deal 6 to 16 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 30. |
Artificer 4 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 14 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 5 to 10 damage per caster level up to caster level 10 on your target enemy, or heal undead for a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Moderate Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 6 to 16 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 30, or healing undead for like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Foe Transmutes the structure of a construct enemy to deal 9 to 24 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 15. |
Artificer 3 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Transmutation (Inflict)(Rust) |
Target: Construct Transmute the structure of construct enemies to deal 9 to 24 damage plus an additional 1 to 4 for every caster level up to caster level 35. |
Artificer 5 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 18 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 7 to 12 damage per caster level up to caster level 15 on your target enemy, or heal undead for a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 16 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Serious Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 9 to 24 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 35, or healing undead for a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Target enemy becomes contaminated with spores. Every 2 Seconds the target takes 1d10 Poison, 1d10 Rust, 1d2 Wisdom, and 1d2 Intelligence damage. Additional castings increase the duration. |
Blight Caster 7 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Illusion |
Target: Friend, Self An ally becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision. If he or she attacks a target, the effect is removed. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Illusion |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Invisibility on multiple targets, causing them to vanish from sight, even from darkvision. Attacking a target will remove the effect. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants an ally a +10 enhancement bonus on Jump checks. This bonus increases to +20 at 5th level and +30 at 9th level. |
Druid 1 Blight Caster 1 Ranger 1 Dark Hunter 1 Dragon Disciple 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Dispels magical effects reducing one of an ally's ability scores, eliminates fatigue, and improves exhaustion to fatigue. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 1 Sacred Fist 1 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d2, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +2 at caster level 6), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Druid 1 Blight Caster 2 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Lesser Vigor on multiple targets. A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d2, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +8 at caster level 24), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Only one Vigor spell can be activate at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Druid 4 Blight Caster 5 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable You create a nebulous cloud of electric motes that damages enemies that enter it. Any creatures that are hit by the cloud take 3 to 8 electric damage per caster level (up to a max of 30 to 80 damage at caster level 10). A successful Reflex save reduces this damage by half. Enemies hit by the cloud are also made temporarily more vulnerable to electric damage, taking 1.15 extra damage from any electric-based attack. |
Artificer 4 | Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Longstrider on multiple targets, increasing base run speed of allies by +15% and shallow water no longer slows their movements. |
Druid 4 Blight Caster 4 Ranger 4 Dark Hunter 4 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Abjuration (Good) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Protection from Evil on multiple targets, granting a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus to saves against attacks from evil creatures. Targets are also warded from magicalmental control and compulsions. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 Paladin 3 Sacred Fist 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Evocation (Force) |
Target: Foe A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes the target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first level you gain an additional missile up to a maximum of five missiles. |
Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion) |
Target: Self Epic Moment: Enemies in an area are Confused with no save for 30 seconds, gain 1 stack of Fey Chaos, and apply a stack of Fey Chaos on hitting non-Player, non-Hireling targets while Confused. 5 minute cooldown. |
Spell Like Ability | Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe A group of enemy monsters are charmed and will fight as trusted friends and ally. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 15 to 30 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 6 Stormsinger 6 Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 8 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 (Sorcerer) 45 (Wild Mage) 45 (Warlock) 45 (Acolyte of the Skin) 45 (Wizard) 35 (Bard) 35 (Stormsinger) |
![]() Transmutation (Water) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally per caster level a +10 enhancement bonus on Swim checks, plus one for every 2 caster levels. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Druid 1 Blight Caster 1 Ranger 1 Dark Hunter 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation (Fire)(Earth)(Bludgeoning)(Untyped) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Caused four 2-foot-diameter chunks of rock to spring forth and streak in straight lines toward a target, leaving fiery trails of sparks. The meteors explode on impact, dealing 2 to 4 fire damage per caster level (a successful Reflex save reduces the fire damage by half) and 2 to 3 bludgeoning damage per caster level (no save) to targets in the area. Unlike most other projectile spells, the caster can arc these meteors if they have no target selected. This spell has double range. Max Caster Level of 20. |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Wizard 9 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Produces a bank of thin mist that weakens the mental resistance of those caught in it, giving a -10 penalty to Will saves. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 5 Stormsinger 5 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Warlock 5 Wizard 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Foe, Usable A powerful force disrupts magical effects on the target, removing ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1 to 20 + your caster level (no maximum) versus 11 + the spell's caster level to remove a spell effect, and your target must make a Will save for each equipped item or all magical properties on them are temporarily disabled. If cast on a Spell Ward trap, this spell will reduce the level of the trap by 1 to 8. If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled. |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 9 |
Embolden Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Undead Foe Using a small amount of your life force, you fire a black ball of energy from your hand that explodes on contact with target, dealing 6 to 11 hit points of negative energy damage per caster level to all creatures within its radius. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. This ability counts as a level 5 Wizard spell. Players are immune to this effect. Further points spent in this enhancement will reduce the cooldown of this Spell-Like Ability. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Heighten Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 18 (Rank 1) 12 (Rank 2) 6 (Rank 3) |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Undead Foe You fire a dart of black energy from your hand that deals 4 to 9 hit points of negative energy damage per caster level. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Players cannot be targeted with this effect. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 (Rank 1) 8 (Rank 2) 5 (Rank 3) |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe You sheath your hand in cracking black flames, dealing 2 t0 7 points of negative energy damage per caster level to a creature. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Players are immune to this effect. Further points spent in this enhancement will reduce the cooldown of this Spell-Like Ability. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Heighten Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 (Rank 1) 4 (Rank 2) 2 (Rank 3) |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Detoxifies any sort of venom in an ally, causing him to suffer no additional effects from the poison. Additionally it immunizes the ally from any poison he is exposed to during the duration of the spell. |
Bard 4 Stormsinger 4 Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Favored Soul 4 Paladin 4 Sacred Fist 4 Ranger 3 Dark Hunter 3 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe A deep and chilling cold settles into the target's body, dealing 1 to 6 cold damage + 1 per caster level every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 3 times, increasing the damage with each stack. |
Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Transmutation (Charm) |
Target: Foe Telekinetically controls the actions on an enemy ooze, forcing it to change sides. The target is slowed by this spell, but gains additional Fortitude saves every 60 seconds to break free. While under the effect of this spell, the ooze cannot split. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Embolden Heighten Quicken |
![]() Evocation (Lawful) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Lawful power smites your targets. Only chaotic and neutral (not lawful) creatures are harmed by the spell. The spell deals 5 to 10 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of caster level 10) to a chaotic creature (or double that damage to a chaotic outsider) and causes it to be dazed for 6 seconds. A successful Will save reduces damage to half and negates the daze. The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither lawful or chaotic, and they are not dazed. This spell can only be cast by lawful or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a chaotic caster. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable A frigid globe of gold energy streaks towards a target. On impact it explodes, causing 7 to 12 gold damage per caster level (up to a max of 140 to 260 damage at caster level 20) to targets in the area. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe At your touch, enemies feel an irresistible urge to dance and begin doing so, complete with foot shuffling and tapping. The spell makes it impossible for the enemy to do anything other than caper and prance in place. |
Bard 6 Stormsinger 6 Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Warlock 6 Wizard 8 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 (Sorcerer) 45 (Wild Mage) 45 (Warlock) 45 (Wizard) 35 (Bard) 35 (Stormsinger) |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe At your touch, enemies feel an undeniable urge to dance and begin doing so, complete with foot shuffling and tapping. The spell makes it impossible for the enemy to do anything other than caper and prance in place. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable A magical sphere that compells all enemies who enter it to dance. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 4 Stormsinger 4 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants an ally a +4 enhancement bonus to wisdom. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 Blight Caster 2 Paladin 2 Sacred Fist 2 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Owl's Wisdom on multiple targets, giving of them a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. |
Artificer 5 Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe Primer Element: Gildleaf |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Druid 5 Blight Caster 5 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Healing Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Illusion (Fear)(Death)(Mind-affecting)(Bane) |
Target: Foe Creates a phantasmal image of the most fearsome creature imaginable by forming the fears of the enemy's subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize. Enemies can make a Will save to disbelieve the spell and suffer no ill effects. If they fail the Will save, they then must make a Fortitude save or die from fear. A successful Fortitude save still results in 2 to 4 damage per caster level. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Calls up the venomous powers of natural predators to afflict the enemy with a horrible poison. This poison does 1 to 10 Constitution damage immediately and 1 to 10 Constitution damage every 60 seconds until a successful Fortitude save is made, negating this effect. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe A single word of power is uttered, causing your target to become blinded. Creatures with 150 or fewer current HP are permanently blinded, creatures with 151 to 300 HP are blinded 1 to 5 minutes, and creatures above 301 hp are blinded for 10 to 30 seconds. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting)(Death) |
Target: Foe A single word of power is uttered, instantly killing a target creature. |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Warlock 6 Wizard 9 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe A single word of power is uttered, causing your target to become stunned. Creatures with 150 or fewer current HP are stunned for 4 to 32 seconds, creatures with 151 to 300 HP are stunned for 2 to 16 seconds, and creatures with 301 hps or more are stunned for 8 seconds. |
Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 8 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation (Acid)(Death)(Electricity)(Fear)(Fire)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable A brilliant cone of multicolored light projects from your finger, blinding weak targets and producing one or more random effects. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Flames as bright as a torch appear in your open hand and launch towards your foes. They deal 1d6+1 fire damage per caster level, up to 15d6+15 at caster level 15. |
Druid 1 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Abjuration (Chaotic)(Evil)(Good)(Lawful) |
Target: Self Grants temporary immunity to multiple targets to all forms of alignment-based energy for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of energy per caster level (max 120) for each energy type has been absorbed. |
Spell Like Ability | Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Abjuration (Acid)(Cold)(Electricity)(Fire)(Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to all forms of energy for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of energy per caster level (max 120) for each energy type has been absorbed. |
Artificer 4 Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Warlock 4 Acolyte of the Skin 4 Wizard 5 Dragon Disciple 3 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Abjuration (Acid)(Cold)(Electricity)(Fire)(Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to multiple targets to all forms of energy for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of energy per caster level (max 120) for each energy type has been absorbed. |
Artificer 6 Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Druid 7 Blight Caster 7 Favored Soul 7 Sorcerer 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Abjuration (Acid)(Cold)(Electricity)(Fire)(Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to a form of energy for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of energy per caster level (max 120) have been absorbed. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Favored Soul 3 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Artificer) 20 (Cleric) 20 (Druid) 20 (Blight Caster) 20 (Favored Soul) 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 20 (Dragon Disciple) 15 (Ranger) 15 (Dark Hunter) |
![]() Abjuration (Acid) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to acid for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of acid damage per caster level (max 120) have been absorbed. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 3 Druid 3 Favored Soul 3 Ranger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Artificer) 20 (Cleric) 20 (Druid) 20 (Favored Soul) 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 20 (Dragon Disciple) 15 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Cold) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to cold for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of cold damage per caster level (max 120) have been absorbed. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 3 Druid 3 Favored Soul 3 Ranger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Artificer) 20 (Cleric) 20 (Druid) 20 (Favored Soul) 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 20 (Dragon Disciple) 15 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Electricity) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to electricity for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of electricity damage per caster level (max 120) have been absorbed. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 3 Druid 3 Favored Soul 3 Ranger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Artificer) 20 (Cleric) 20 (Druid) 20 (Favored Soul) 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 20 (Dragon Disciple) 15 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Fire) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to fire for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of fire damage per caster level (max 120) have been absorbed. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 3 Druid 3 Favored Soul 3 Ranger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Artificer) 20 (Cleric) 20 (Druid) 20 (Favored Soul) 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 20 (Dragon Disciple) 15 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants temporary immunity to sonic for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of sonic damage per caster level (max 120) have been absorbed. |
Artificer 2 Cleric 3 Druid 3 Favored Soul 3 Ranger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Artificer) 20 (Cleric) 20 (Druid) 20 (Favored Soul) 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 20 (Dragon Disciple) 15 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Good) |
Target: Friend, Self At your touch, a magical barrier is created that wards a target from attacks by evil creatures, granting a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus to saves against attacks from evil creatures. The target is also warded from magical mental control and compulsions. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Paladin 1 Sacred Fist 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Transmutation (Cold) |
Target: Friend, Self, Foe, Positional, Breakable A burst of water quenches flames. Lingering fire spells, such as Wall of Fire, are dispelled. Your allies are cured of any lingering fire damage effects, and recieve a +15 enhancement bonus to fire resistance. You enemies recieve a -20 penalty to cold and electricity resistance. The resistance bonuses and penalties increase to 25 at caster level 8, and 25 at caster level 12. They last one minute. Fiery enemies, such as fire elementals, take 27 to 33 cold damage per 4 caster levels, to a maximum of 108 to 132. A successful fortitude save halves the damage, and negates the resistance penalties. |
Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Enchantment |
Target: Friend, Self Causes the target and all nearby allies to fly into a screming bloody frenzy, gaining phenomenal strength and durability but becoming reckless. Grants a +2 morale bonus to Strength, Constitution, and a +1 morale bonus to Will saves, but also causes a -2 penalty to armor. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 2 Wizard 3 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Wild Mage) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 15 (Bard) |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend Resurrects the target, restoring 10% of the target's hit points, and preserves current spell points. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Self Gives special favor to you and any allies near you, granting a +2 luck bonus to attack rolls, Armor Class, and saves. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend (Construct), Self Greatly repairs an ally construct, restoring 10 hit points per caster level (max 150hp), while simultaneously granting it 15% Enhancement Bonus to attack speed for a short time. |
Artificer 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals hitpoints, ability point damage and level drain, and cures bleed effects. Regenerate heals 1d6 hitpoints, +1 per caster level (max +17), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Every two seconds 2 points of ability damage are healed, and every three seconds 1 drained level and 1 bleed effect are removed. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 2 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one heal-over-time spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Regenerate spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Druid 7 Blight Caster 8 |
Empower Healing Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Regenerate on multiple targets. A positive energy conguration that heals hitpoints and ability point damage, and cures level drain and bleed effects. Mass Regenerate heals 1d6 hitpoints + 1 per caster level (max +25), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Every two seconds, 2 points of ability damage are healed, and every three seconds one drained level and 1 bleed effect are removed. When the initial effect expires, a small healing effect that heals 2 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied.
Druid 9 | Empower Healing Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Transmutation (Healing) |
Target: Friend Resurrects the target, restores 50% of the target's hit points, and preserves current spell points. It also randomly applies a set of ability score bonuses and penalties to the target. |
Druid 5 Blight Caster 5 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Protects target with a shield of 150 temporary Hit Points for 9 seconds. Heals 5d6 Hit Points every 2 seconds while the shield persists. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Healing Enlarge Quicken |
12 Spell Points |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Cures blindness in an ally. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 Paladin 3 Sacred Fist 3 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Removes all curses on an ally. Counters and dispels Bestow Curse. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 Paladin 3 Sacred Fist 3 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Cures all diseases on an ally. Does not prevent re-infection after a new exposure. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Favored Soul 3 Ranger 3 Dark Hunter 3 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Instills courage in an ally, granting a +4 morale bonus against Fear effects for 10 minutes. Counters and dispels Cause Fear. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Frees ally from paralysis and effects of a slow spell. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Sacred Fist 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe Primer Element: |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Wizard 9 Blight Caster 9 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Divination (Healing) |
Target: Self, Friend Active Ability: Heals 1d2 HP per 2 character levels every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. As a Spell-like ability it benefits from metamagic feats at no additional cost. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Healing Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of a living construct ally to repair 12 to 32 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 20. |
Artificer 4 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 16 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 12 to 32 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 40. |
Artificer 6 Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Wizard 8 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of a living construct ally to repair 1d6+2 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 5. |
Artificer 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Empower Maximize Quicken Enlarge Intensify |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 3 to 8 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 25. |
Artificer 3 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of a living construct ally to repair 2d6+4 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 10. |
Artificer 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of a living construct allies to repare 6 to 16 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 30. |
Artificer 4 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of a living construct ally to repair 3d6+6 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 15. |
Artificer 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Transmutation (Repair) |
Target: Friend, Self Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 9 to 24 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 35. |
Artificer 5 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Abjuration (Fire)(Acid)(Cold)(Electricity)(Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Sonic damage, reduction that damage taken by 10. The bonus increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Spell Like Ability | Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 60 (Rank 1) 50 (Rank 2) 40 (Rank 3) |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against an elemental damage type, reducing that type of damage taken by 10. The bonus increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Artificer 1 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 Paladin 2 Sacred Fist 2 Ranger 1 Dark Hunter 1 Dragon Disciple 1 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 (Artificer) 15 (Cleric) 15 (Druid) 15 (Blight Caster) 15 (Dragon Disciple) 15 (Favored Soul) 15 (Paladin) 15 (Sorcerer) 15 (Wild Mage) 15 (Wizard) 10 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Acid) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against acid damage, reduction the acid damage taken by 10. The damage reduction increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Artificer 1 Cleric 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Ranger 1 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Dragon Disciple 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 (Artificer) 15 (Cleric) 15 (Favored Soul) 15 (Paladin) 15 (Sorcerer) 15 (Wild Mage) 15 (Wizard) 15 (Warlock) 15 (Acolyte of the Skin) 15 (Dragon Disciple) 10 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Cold) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against cold damage, reduction the cold damage taken by 10. The damage reduction increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Artificer 1 Cleric 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Ranger 1 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Dragon Disciple 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 (Artificer) 15 (Cleric) 15 (Favored Soul) 15 (Paladin) 15 (Sorcerer) 15 (Wild Mage) 15 (Wizard) 15 (Warlock) 15 (Acolyte of the Skin) 15 (Dragon Disciple) 10 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Electricity) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against electricity damage, reduction the electrical damage taken by 10. The damage reduction increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Artificer 1 Cleric 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Ranger 1 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Dragon Disciple 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 (Artificer) 15 (Cleric) 15 (Favored Soul) 15 (Paladin) 15 (Sorcerer) 15 (Wild Mage) 15 (Wizard) 15 (Warlock) 15 (Acolyte of the Skin) 15 (Dragon Disciple) 10 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Fire) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against fire damage, reduction the fire damage taken by 10. The damage reduction increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Artificer 1 Cleric 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Ranger 1 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Dragon Disciple 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 (Artificer) 15 (Cleric) 15 (Favored Soul) 15 (Paladin) 15 (Sorcerer) 15 (Wild Mage) 15 (Wizard) 15 (Warlock) 15 (Acolyte of the Skin) 15 (Dragon Disciple) 10 (Ranger) |
![]() Abjuration (Sonic) |
Target: Friend, Self Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against sonic damage, reduction the sonic damage taken by 10. The damage reduction increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. |
Artificer 1 Cleric 2 Favored Soul 2 Paladin 2 Ranger 1 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Dragon Disciple 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 (Artificer) 15 (Cleric) 15 (Favored Soul) 15 (Paladin) 15 (Sorcerer) 15 (Wild Mage) 15 (Wizard) 15 (Warlock) 15 (Acolyte of the Skin) 15 (Dragon Disciple) 10 (Ranger) |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Cures all temporary ability damage, restores a single negative level suffered from energy drain, and eliminates fatigue or exhaustion suffered by the ally. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 Paladin 4 Sacred Fist 4 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Restoration on multiple targets, curing all temporary ability damage, restoring a single negative level suffered from energy drain, and eliminating fatigue or exhaustion suffered by allies. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend Resurrects the target, restores half of the target's hit points, and preserves current spell points. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Evocation (Force) |
Target: Foe, Directional A thin shaft of whirling salt crystals lances out from your crooked finger to strike and shred your foe. Your target takes 1d6+6 force damage per caster level, for a maximum of 10d6+60 at caster level 10. Targets are also stunned. Fortitude save negates the stun. |
Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Casts Cause Fear on multiple targets. Affected enemies become frightened. A successful Will save causes the target to become shaken instead. Targets subject to the fear effect will be slowed slightly by necrotic energy. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation (Light) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Focuses divine power like a ray of the sun, causing a blast of light to do 7 to 12 light damage per caster level (up to a max of 70 to 120 at caster level 10). Undead creatures take 14 to 24 damage per caster level (up to a max of 140 to 240 damage). Ray spells have double range. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Creates a shimmering, magical field around an ally that averts attacks, giving a +2 deflection bonus to AC. This bonus is increased by 1 for every 6 caster levels. |
Artificer 1 Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Shield of Faith on multiple targets, creating a shimmering, magical field around allies that averts attacks, giving a +2 deflection bonus to AC. This bonus is increased by 1 for every 6 caster levels. |
Artificer 3 Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Foe Delivers a jolt of 1d6+2 electricity damage per caster level (up to a max of 5d6+10) to any enemy you touch. |
Stormsinger 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Empower Maximize Quicken Enlarge Intensify |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe Slays any living enemy you touch or deals 11 to 16 negative energy damage per caster level on a successful Fortitude save. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Induces a magical slumber, rendering them helpless until attacked. Ineffective on undead or constructs. Lasts 20 seconds plus 2 per level of caster. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC = spell's save DC - creature's Hit Dice or Level + your caster level) |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 1 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation)(Cold) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Driving sleet blocks all sight (attackers are blinded) and causes the ground around the target to become icy, slowing targets within it by 50%. |
Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 3 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional Causes an enemy to move at 50% speed, attack at a 30% slowed rate, and have a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 3 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional Creates a snare that, when triggered, entangles a single enemy. An entangled creature may attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to escape. Incorporeal creatures and oozes cannot be caught in the snare. |
Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Evocation (Cold) |
Target: Foe, Positional A flurry of magical snowballs erupt near your target, dealing 1d6+2 cold damage per caster level (max 10d6+20. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable A bank of fog slows movement and obscures sight, giving a -2 penalty to melee attack and damage rolls and a 20% concealment miss chance to all those inside. Enemies within this cloud suffer a -5 penalty to their reflex save. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Evocation (Sonic) |
Target: Foe, Positional Blasts an area with a tremendous cacophony, doing 2 to 7 of sonic damage per caster level and stunning enemies for 6 seconds. A successful Fortitude or Spell Resistance save negates the stun. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Friend, Self Applies a ward to nearby allies, preventing them from rising as undead. Certain rare, extremely powerful undead can circumvent this protection. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Wards an ally with a Spell Resistance of 12 plus 1 per caster level. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Abjuration |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Spell Resistance on multiple targets, warding allies with a Spell Resistance of 12 plus 1 per caster level. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates hard and pointed vegetation that injures the feet and legs of enemies that pass over it, slowing movement and causing 1 to 4 piercing damage per caster level every 2 seconds (max 10 to 40 damage per caster level at level 10). A successful Reflex save negates the slow effect and halves the damage. |
Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Ranger 2 Dark Hunter 2 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Fires a jagged bolt of wood at your enemies. Deals 1d6+4 piercing damage per caster level, to a maximum of 12d6+48 at caster level 12. |
Druid 2 Blight Caster 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Foe, Directional An electrical discharge strikes one target for 4 to 6 plus 1 to 6 per caster level electrical damage (max 6 to 36). A successful Reflex save reduces this damage by half. On a failed save, the target must make a successful Will save or be dazed for a short period of time or until they take damage. |
Artificer 1 | Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates a bank of fog that nauseates living targets and obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). A successful Fortitude save negates the nausea. |
Sorcerer 3 Wizard 3 Blight Caster 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Abjuration (Earth) |
Target: Friend, Self Wards an ally with damage reduction 10/adamantine. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points per caster level it is discharged. Otherwise it lasts 1 minute per caster level. |
Artificer 3 Druid 5 Blight Caster 5 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Conjuration (Acid)(Earth) |
Target: Foe, Positional Conjures a storm with a massive thunderclap, deafening enemies, dousing them in acid rain, and lancing them with lightning bolts. Enemies within the cloud when it is first conjured are deafening for 3 seconds per caster level. Enemies within thestorm date 1d3 acid damage per caster level every two seconds. Every 4 seconds, a random enemy within the storm takes 1d6 electricity damage for every caster level (a successful reflex save halves). |
Druid 9 Blight Caster 9 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() |
Target: Foe Epic Strike: Blasts a single target with a random note of music for 1d6+3 Sonic damage per character level. On use, you gain a stack of Chords of Fate. Chords of Fate stacks last 30 seconds, stacks 3 times. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Maximize Quicken Intensify |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Language-Dependent)(Mind-affecting)(Charm) |
Target: Foe Influences the actions of an enemy, allowing you to suggest it to fight as your ally for 30 + 2 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 2 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 (Sorcerer) 20 (Warlock) 20 (Wizard) 15 (Bard) |
![]() Enchantment (Charm)(Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Casts Suggestion on multiple enemies. The actions of affected enemies are influenced by you, allow you to suggest that they fight as your allies for 30 + 2 seconds per caster level. |
Bard 5 Stormsinger 5 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 5 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 (Sorcerer) 35 (Wild Mage) 35 (Warlock) 35 (Wizard) 30 (Bard) 30 (Stormsinger) |
![]() Evocation (Light) |
Target: Foe, Directional Deals 8 to 13 light damage per caster level with a mighty beam of sunlight, and temporarily blinds the target for 5 seconds per caster level. Against Undead or Oozes, it does double damage. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the blind effect. This spell is double range. |
Druid 7 | Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation (Light) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable A globe of searing radiance explodes to blast targets for 5 to 10 of light damage per caster level in addition to blinding them for 5 seconds per caster level. Oozes and Undead take and additional 5 to 10 per caster level damage. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half and negates the blindness. Light fearing undead may be instantly destroyed by this spell. |
Druid 8 Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Wizard 8 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, one or more nearby targets are subject to having a level drained. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Favored Soul 8 Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 8 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets are panicked for 6 seconds per caster level or until the symbol expires. A successful Will save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 4 Acolyte of the Skin 4 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When a target comes within range, the symbol activates and does 20 to 30 fire damage to that target. A successful Reflex save reduces damage by half. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets suffer wracking pain that imposes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for a duration of 30 seconds plus 12 seconds per caster level. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after frist being triggered. Symboles are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets are charmed for 6 seconds per caster level or until the Symbol expires. A successful Will save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 4 Acolyte of the Skin 4 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Enchantment (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets are stunned for 6 to 36 seconds or until the Symbol expires. A successful Will save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets take 3 to 18 points of Strength damage. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable You hurl a great thorn lance at your target dealing 9 to 14 points of Piercing damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 180 to 280 damage at caster level 20). The lance will damage all enemies in front or behind your target. |
Druid 8 Blight Caster 8 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable You hurl a wave of magical thorns in front of you dealing to all targets in front of you 6 to 100 points of Piercing damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 90 to 165 damage at caster level 15). Reflex save for half. |
Druid 5 Blight Caster 5 |
Empower Maximize Quicken Eschew Materials Enlarge |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Evocation |
Target: Foe Damages an enemy from afar for 1d4+4 Piercing damage per character level. Damaged non-boss enemies can't cast spells for 6 seconds. |
Spell Like Ability | Quicken Enlarge |
Spell Points: 3 (Rank 1) 2 (Rank 2) 1 (Rank 3) |
![]() Evocation (Electricity) |
Target: Foe Calls forth a tremendous bolt of lightning and thunder, which strikes your chosen target for 28 to 33 damage fore every caster level up to 20. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half. |
Stormsinger 9 Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Wizard 9 |
Empower Enlarge Heighten Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe Reduces an enemies mental faculties, giving a 1d6 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Foe Forces a creature's life force and its material body into a gem on a failed Will save. Although this essentially 'kills' the target, it is not a death effect and functions on creatures such as undead (but not most constructs). This spell requires a khyber dragonshard as a special material component. |
Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 8 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend Resurrects the target, restores all of the target's hit points, and preserves current spell points. |
Cleric 9 Dark Apostate 9 Favored Soul 9 |
Quicken Enlarge |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Conjuration |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Sends forth a wave of water, knocking enemies down and dealing 1d6+9 cold damage plus 1d6+9 Bludgeoning damage per caster level, halved on successful Fortitude save. |
Druid 9 Blight Caster 9 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants an ally a +10 enhancement bonus on Tumbling. |
Ranger 1 Dark Hunter 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Enlarge Extend Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Positional Destroys undead creaters in the area. A succssful Will save negates this effect. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Evocation (Evil) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Unholy power smites your targets. The power takes the form of a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness. Only good and neutral (not evil) creatures are harmed by the spell. This spell deals 5 to 10 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of caster level 10) to a good creature (or twice that to a good outsider) and causes it to be sickened for 6 to 24 seconds. A successful Will save reduces damage by half and negates the sickened effect. The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither evil or good, and they are not sickened. This spell can only be cast by evil or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a good caster. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self A positive energy conjuration that heals 1d6, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +3 at caster level 9), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 1 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most beneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target then the duration is extended. |
Druid 3 Blight Caster 4 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Conjuration (Healing) |
Target: Friend, Self Casts Vigor on multiple targets. A postiive energy conjuration that heals 1d6, +1 per 3 caster levels (max +11 at level 33), every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. When the initial effect expires, a smaller healing effect that heals 1 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds is applied. Only one Vigor spell can be active at a time, with the most veneficial taking priority. If multiple Vigor spells are cast on the same target, then the duration is extended. |
Druid 6 Blight Caster 7 |
Empower Empower Healing Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Transmutation |
Target: Friend, Self Grants 10 plus 2 per caster level over 4th (max 20) temporary hit points to an ally. |
Paladin 1 Sacred Fist 1 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Evocation (Fire) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates a wall of fire. This spell does 2 to 12 fire damage plus 1 additional point of damage per caster level. (up to a max of 15 additional points at caster level 15) to enemies. The flames do additional 2 to 12 fire damage to undead. Enemies just passing through the wall get a reflex save fore half. |
Druid 5 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Transmutation (Water) |
Target: Friend, Self Grants the ability to breathe underwater to you and your allies. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 3 Dragon Disciple 2 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Conjuration (Creation) |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable Creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands that entangle targets within them. A successful Reflex save negates this effect. Entangled creatures may attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to escape. Area of effect fire spells will destroy these webs and free any entangled creatures. Incorporeal creatures, oozes, and spiders are naturally immune. Fire elementals and other fire creatures are immune because they burn through the webs. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 Blight Caster 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Evocation |
Target: Foe Surround target adversary with rainbows, dealing 1d6+10 Chaos Damage per caster level (Maximum damange 10d6+100), They take a random (but powerful) effect, and every 2 seconds, they take another random effect. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the additional effects. |
Wild Mage 5 | Quicken Heighten Enlarge Embolden |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Evocation |
Target: Foe You utter elder words of balance, judging those who stray too far from the path of neutrality. Targets with an alignment one step away from True Neutral, such as Chaotic Neutral, take 8-13 bane damage for every caster level up to level 20. Targets who are two steps away, such as Chaotic Evil, take that damage twice. True Neutral targets are immune to this spell. |
Druid 6 Blight Caster 6 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |