Necromancy Spell School
This is a list of spells in the Necromancy Spell School
Name | Effect | Levels | Metamagics | Cost |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe The target is cursed, giving a -4 penalty to attack rolls, skill rolls and saves. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe The power of unlife renders an enemy blinded. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Embolden Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy (Acid)(Fire) |
Target: Foe You taint a living creature's blood with a hot, corrosive infusion, dealing acid damage for 2 to 8 + 1 every 2 levels and fire damage for 2 to 8 + 1 per 2 caster levels every 2 seconds for a duration of 10 seconds. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Empower Enlarge Eschew Materials Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe An enemy becomes frightened. A successful will save causes the target to become shaken instead. Necrotic energy slows the target slightly. |
Bard 1 Stormsinger 1 Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Dragon Disciple 1 Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Quicken Heighten Enlarge Embolden |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe Makes a touch echo with the chill of death causing 3 to 8 negative energy damage per caster level (up to a max of 5 to 3 damage at caster level 5) and 1 point of Strength damage. A successful Fortitude save negates the Strength damage. Chill Touch causes fear in the undead instead of damage. Undead who make a successful Will save negate this fear effect. |
Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 Blight Caster 1 |
Embolden Empower Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe, Positional Rains dark energy into an area. Living creatures are subject to a death effect, getting a Reflex save and then a Fortitude save to avoid death. Targets who succeed agains the Reflex save suffer no ill effect, but creatures who succeed against the Fortitude save will still get level drained for 1 to 4 levels. |
Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Undead Foe Control is granted over the enemy undead, forcing it to fight for you. Mindless undead are controlled for 1 to 4 minutes. Other undead can be controlled for a maximum of 10 minutes but get an additional Will save every 20 seconds. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Ranged Magical Attack. Your magics consume bits of your opponent's form, disintegrating bits of them for 2d10 Chaotic damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. The damage scales with 125% spell power. The effect can stack up to 3 times. Your enemy is also marked with the Consumed trait. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe Infects a living enemy with the chosen disease, which strikes immediatly and deals damage every minute to one or more attributes. A successful Fortitude save negates the damage. Affected creatures can only recover if they make two consecutive Fortitude saves. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Druid 3 Blight Caster 2 Favored Soul 3 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Charm) |
Target: Undead Foe Control is granted over the enemy undead, forcing it to fight for you. Controlled undead get an additional save every 2 minutes. A successful Will save negates this effect. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Self, Positional This evil spell allows you to create one of three types of undead: a wight priest, a dread wraith, or a mummy lord. Created undead are automatically under the control of their creator. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Wild Mage 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 6 |
Quicken | Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Creates a lingering AOE of moonlight. Deals 3d6 Negative Damage plus 2 per Caster Level to enemies inside the zone every 2 seconds. The zone lasts for 10 seconds. While creating this zone is considered a spell, the zone itself is not - It is not affected by Metamagics or things that enhance Spells beyond Spell Power, but also cannot be dispelled. 25 second cooldown. |
Spell Like Ability | Quicken | Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Self Envelops the caster in a sickly aura of negative energy. Living enemies stepping inside the aura take 2 to 8 negative energy damage plus 1 additional point per caster level every three seconds as long as they remain within it. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Undead are instead healed by the aura. This aura can effect up to one target per caster level. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 |
Embolden Extend Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self This spell allows you to enter a pact with your deity that brings you back to life after you are slain. While under the effects of this spell, your constitution is decreased by two, and cannot be restored until you rest. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Favored Soul 8 |
Quicken | Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe Raw destructive power is channeled to utterly annihilate an enemy, dealing 11 to 16 per caster level damage. Target is also subject to a death effect, and will die without a successful Fortitude save. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe You consume the soul of your targeted enemy, killing it instantly unless it makes a saving throw: Will DC: 10 + Warlock Level + Charisma Modifier. This ability is considered a Necromancy spell. This ability works on undead, but not constructs and other creatures with no lifeforce. If the target survives then it loses 20 PRR and MRR for 6 seconds. |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional This ray deals 2d3+6 positive energy damage plus an additional 1d3+3 positive energy damage for every two caster levels to an enemy undead. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Wizard 1 |
Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 5 |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting)(Evil) |
Target: Foe A single enemy is filled with a feeling of horrible dread that causes it to become shaken, penalizing all saves, attack rolls, and skill rolls by a -2. A successful Will save negates this effect. This is a fear effect. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 |
Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Directional A black ray of crackling negative energy suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, giving an enemy 2 to 8 negative levels. If the target has as many negative levels as its hit dice or levels, it dies. Each negative level gives the creature a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level. Negative levels stack. As a ray this spell has double range. |
Cleric 9 Dark Apostate 9 Favored Soul 9 Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Wizard 9 |
Quicken | Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Directional A black ray of crackling negative energy suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, giving an enemen 1 to 4 negative levels. If the target has as many negative levels as its hit dice or levels, it dies. Each negative level gives a creature a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level. Negative levels stacks. As a ray this spell has double range. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 |
Quicken | Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial. |
Clickie 1 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial. |
Clickie 1 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial. |
Clickie 1 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial. |
Clickie 1 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial. |
Clickie 1 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial. |
Clickie 1 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self Harnesses the power of unlife to grant a limited ability to avoid death, giving a bonus of 10 temporary hit points plus 1 additional one per caster level up to caster level 10. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 2 |
Eschew Materials Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy (Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional A cone of terror causes each living enemy in an area to become panicked. A successful Will save causes enemies to become shaken. Creatures that fail their save are also slowed by necrotic energy. |
Bard 3 Stormsinger 3 Blight Caster 4 Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Warlock 3 Acolyte of the Skin 3 Wizard 4 Dragon Disciple 3 |
Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy (Death)(Untyped) |
Target: Foe Attempts to slay one living enemy. Deals 7 to 12 negative energy damage per caster level up to caster level 25 against any living target and hits the target with a death effect that they must save against or die. |
Druid 8 Blight Caster 7 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe This spell imbues your hand with negative energy, allowing you to paralyze any single living humanoid that you touch. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. Humanoids include kobolds, goblinoids, player races except warforged, troglodytes, and more. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Epic Strike: Conjure a beam of eclipse energy at a single target, dealing 1d8+8 Negative Damage per caster level (up to a Maximum Caster Level of 20) and applying 3 stacks of Shattermantle. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Intensify Maximize Quicken |
5 Spell Points |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Self Envelops the caster in a sickly aura of negative energy. Living enemies stepping inside the aura take 3 to 12 negative energy damage plus 1 additional point per caster level every two seconds as long as they remain within it. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Undead are instead healed by the aura. This aura can affect up to one target per caster level. |
Spell Like Ability | Embolden Extend Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 100 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Positional Renders undead targets in range immobile for 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. Non-intelligent undead do not get a Will save. |
Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Charges the target with a massive amount of negative energy, dealing 10 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of 150 damage at caster level 15). Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. Against undead targets this spell acts as Heal. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy (Untyped)(Water) |
Target: Foe, Positional Deals 4 to 6 damage per caster level (up to a max of 80 to 120 at caster level 20) to living targets by evaporating moisture from their bodies. Deals 5 to 8 damage per caster level (max 100 to 160) to water type outsiders and plants. |
Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Wizard 8 Blight Caster 7 |
Empower Enlarge Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Charges the target with a massive amount of negative energy, dealing 15 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of 225 damage at caster level 15). Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. Against undead targets this spell acts as Heal. |
Clickie 11 | Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 11 to 16 damage for every caster level up to caster level 20 on your target enemy, or heal undead a lesser amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Critical Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 12 to 32 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 40, or healing undead a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Favored Soul 8 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 3 to 8 damage per caster level up to caster level 5 on your target enemy, or heal undead a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 1 Dark Apostate 1 Favored Soul 1 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Light Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 3 to 8 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 25, or healing undead a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 5 to 10 damage per caster level up to caster level 10 on your target enemy, or heal undead for a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 12 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Moderate Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 6 to 16 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 30, or healing undead for like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Negative energy is channeled through your touch to inflict 7 to 12 damage per caster level up to caster level 15 on your target enemy, or heal undead for a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 3 Dark Apostate 3 Favored Soul 3 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 16 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy)(Inflict) |
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead) Casts Inflict Serious Wounds on multiple targets at range inflicting 9 to 24 damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 35, or healing undead for a like amount. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Target enemy becomes contaminated with spores. Every 2 Seconds the target takes 1d10 Poison, 1d10 Rust, 1d2 Wisdom, and 1d2 Intelligence damage. Additional castings increase the duration. |
Blight Caster 7 | Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Self Envelops the caster in a sickly aura of negative energy. Living enemies stepping inside the aura take 1d4 negative energy damage every two seconds as long as they remain with it. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Undead are instead healed by the aura. This aura can effect up to one target per caster level. |
Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Extend Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Conjure a miniature black hole that deals 1d6+28 negative damage per caster level. A successful Reflex DC: 20 + Highest of INT, WIS, CHA Modifier + Necromancy DC Bonus reduces the damage by half. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Undead Foe Using a small amount of your life force, you fire a black ball of energy from your hand that explodes on contact with target, dealing 6 to 11 hit points of negative energy damage per caster level to all creatures within its radius. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. This ability counts as a level 5 Wizard spell. Players are immune to this effect. Further points spent in this enhancement will reduce the cooldown of this Spell-Like Ability. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Heighten Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 18 (Rank 1) 12 (Rank 2) 6 (Rank 3) |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Undead Foe You fire a dart of black energy from your hand that deals 4 to 9 hit points of negative energy damage per caster level. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Players cannot be targeted with this effect. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 (Rank 1) 8 (Rank 2) 5 (Rank 3) |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable Blasts a target wit a negative energy ray that does 13 to 19 negative energy damage per aster level to a living enemy. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. The ray also suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting it a negative level. |
Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Wizard 6 Blight Caster 6 |
Embolden Empower Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe You sheath your hand in cracking black flames, dealing 2 t0 7 points of negative energy damage per caster level to a creature. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Players are immune to this effect. Further points spent in this enhancement will reduce the cooldown of this Spell-Like Ability. |
Spell Like Ability | Empower Enlarge Heighten Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 6 (Rank 1) 4 (Rank 2) 2 (Rank 3) |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe, Directional, Friend (Undead) A blast of negative energy expands from the caster, doing 5 to 10 damage per caster level (max 50 to 100) to all living enemies caught within it. Undead are instead healed by the attack. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. |
Sorcerer 4 Wild Mage 4 Wizard 4 Blight Caster 5 |
Embolden Empower Eschew Materials Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 25 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe Calls up the venomous powers of natural predators to afflict the enemy with a horrible poison. This poison does 1 to 10 Constitution damage immediately and 1 to 10 Constitution damage every 60 seconds until a successful Fortitude save is made, negating this effect. |
Cleric 4 Dark Apostate 4 Druid 3 Blight Caster 3 Favored Soul 4 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Heighten Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional A coruscating ray springs towards the target, inflicting a 1d6 point penalty to strength plus an additional 1 for every two caster levels up to a caster level 8. |
Sorcerer 1 Wild Mage 1 Warlock 1 Acolyte of the Skin 1 Wizard 1 |
Quicken | Spell Points: 4 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional A ray projects towards the target enemy, causing it to become immediately exhaused. Exhausted characters take a -6 penalty on Strength and Dexterity. A successful Fortitude save means the creature is only Fatigued. This spell has double range. |
Sorcerer 3 Wild Mage 3 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 3 |
Embolden Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 8 |
![]() Necromancy (Negative Energy) |
Target: Foe Primer Element: |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Wizard 9 Blight Caster 9 |
Embolden Empower Enlarge Intensify Maximize Quicken |
Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional Casts Cause Fear on multiple targets. Affected enemies become frightened. A successful Will save causes the target to become shaken instead. Targets subject to the fear effect will be slowed slightly by necrotic energy. |
Bard 2 Stormsinger 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Warlock 2 Acolyte of the Skin 2 Wizard 2 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 10 |
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe Slays any living enemy you touch or deals 11 to 16 negative energy damage per caster level on a successful Fortitude save. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 30 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Friend, Self Applies a ward to nearby allies, preventing them from rising as undead. Certain rare, extremely powerful undead can circumvent this protection. |
Cleric 2 Dark Apostate 2 Favored Soul 2 Sorcerer 2 Wild Mage 2 Wizard 2 |
Enlarge Extend Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self, Positional Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing a Shadow to enter this plane. |
Clickie 10 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self, Positional Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing an Umbral Gargoyle to enter this plane. |
Clickie 10 | ||
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Self, Positional Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing an Umbral Worg to enter this plane. |
Clickie 10 | ||
![]() Necromancy (Death) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, one or more nearby targets are subject to having a level drained. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 8 Dark Apostate 8 Favored Soul 8 Sorcerer 8 Wild Mage 8 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 8 |
Enlarge Eschew Materials Quicken |
Spell Points: 45 |
![]() Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets are panicked for 6 seconds per caster level or until the symbol expires. A successful Will save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 4 Acolyte of the Skin 4 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy (Evil) |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets suffer wracking pain that imposes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for a duration of 30 seconds plus 12 seconds per caster level. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after frist being triggered. Symboles are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 5 Dark Apostate 5 Favored Soul 5 Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Wizard 5 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 15 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Positional You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets take 3 to 18 points of Strength damage. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together. |
Cleric 7 Dark Apostate 7 Favored Soul 7 Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Wizard 7 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 20 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Positional Destroys undead creaters in the area. A succssful Will save negates this effect. |
Cleric 6 Dark Apostate 6 Favored Soul 6 Sorcerer 6 Wild Mage 6 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 6 |
Embolden Enlarge Eschew Materials Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 35 |
![]() Necromancy (Death)(Negative Energy)(Sonic) |
Target: Self You emit a terrible screen, creating a deadly area around yourself for 6 seconds. Every 2 seconds, two nearby enemies must make a fortitude save or die. On a successful fortitude save, the target takes 1 to 4 negative levels. You are free to perform other actions while Wail of the Banshee is active. |
Sorcerer 9 Wild Mage 9 Warlock 6 Acolyte of the Skin 6 Wizard 9 Blight Caster 9 |
Embolden Heighten Quicken |
Spell Points: 50 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional Waves of negative energy cause all living creatures to become exhausted. Exhausted creatures take a -6 penalty to strength and dexterity. |
Sorcerer 7 Wild Mage 7 Warlock 5 Acolyte of the Skin 5 Wizard 7 Blight Caster 7 |
Quicken | Spell Points: 40 |
![]() Necromancy |
Target: Foe, Directional Waves of negative energy cause all living creatures to become fatigued. Fatigued creatures take a -2 penalty to strength and dexterity. |
Sorcerer 5 Wild Mage 5 Warlock 4 Acolyte of the Skin 4 Wizard 5 Blight Caster 4 |
Quicken | Spell Points: 20 |