Clickie Spells

From DDO Compendium

ClickieSpells Icon.png Level 1 Spells | Level 2 Spells | Level 3 Spells | Level 4 Spells | Level 5 Spells | Level 6 Spells | Level 7 Spells | Level 8 Spells | Level 9 Spells | Level 10 Spells | Level 11 Spells | Level 12 Spells | Level 13 Spells | Level 14 Spells | Level 15 Spells | Level 16 Spells | Level 17 Spells | Level 18 Spells | Level 19 Spells | Level 20 Spells | Level 21 Spells | Level 22 Spells | Level 23 Spells | Level 24 Spells | Level 25 Spells | Level 26 Spells | Level 27 Spells | Level 28 Spells | Level 29 Spells | Level 30 Spells
This is a list of spells that are found on items as clickies.

Level 1 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngBlood Sacrifice
Target: Self

Exchanges 25 hit points for 50 spell points.

Clickie 1
Spell Greater Brilliance Icon.pngBrilliance
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +10 Alchemical bonus to your Light and Alignment Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Prowess Icon.pngBull's Skill +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to all Strength based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Prowess Icon.pngBull's Skill +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to all Strength base skills. Clickie 1
Spell Prowess Icon.pngBull's Skill +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to all Strength based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Soundburst Icon.pngCacophony
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +10 Alchemical bonus to your Sonic Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Grace Icon.pngCat's Skill +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to all Dexterity based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Grace Icon.pngCat's Skill +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to all Dexterity based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Grace Icon.pngCat's Skill +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to all Dexterity based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Frost Lance Icon.pngConjure Radiant Bolt
Target: Self

This weapon can summon its Radiant Bolt - The Everstar - at will once per day. The Everstar can explode on impact, dealing Light damage to your enemies in an area.

Clickie 1
Spell Cure Minor Wounds Icon.pngCure Minor Wounds
Conjuration (Healing)
Target: Friend, Self, Undead Foe

Positive energy is channeled to heal light minor wounds of your target or damage undead for 1 hit point.

Clickie 1
Spell Influence Icon.pngEagle's Skill +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to all Charisma based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Influence Icon.pngEagle's Skill +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to all Charisma based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Influence Icon.pngEagle's Skill +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to all Charisma based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngEfficacy
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +6 Alchemical bonus to your Universal Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Black Dragon Bolt Icon.pngErosion
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +10 Alchemical bonus to your Acid Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Grace Icon.pngEssence of Betrayal
Target: Self

This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial.

Clickie 1
Spell Knowledge Icon.pngEssence of Cunning
Target: Self

This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial.

Clickie 1
Spell Health Icon.pngEssence of Desire
Target: Self

This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial.

Clickie 1
Spell Reason Icon.pngEssence of Despair
Target: Self

This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial.

Clickie 1
Spell Prowess Icon.pngEssence of Fury
Target: Self

This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial.

Clickie 1
Spell Influence Icon.pngEssence of Seduction
Target: Self

This elixir was created to enhance the abilities of Yugoloth casters. Zah Jan is uncertain what effects it will have on you, but believes that most of them will be beneficial.

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngExcellent Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind, and greatly enhances learning ability for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +30% bonus on all earned experience for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Teleport Icon.pngExpanded Teleport
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Target: Self

Teleports you to one of a variety of locations.

Clickie 1


Spell Finger of Fire Icon.pngFinger of Fire
Evocation (Fire)
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a small beam of fire at a target, doing 1 to 4 fire damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 5.

Clickie 1
Spell Knowledge Icon.pngFox's Skill +2
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to all Intelligence base skills. Clickie 1
Spell Knowledge Icon.pngFox's Skill +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to all Intelligence base skills. Clickie 1
Spell Knowledge Icon.pngFox's Skill +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to all Intelligence base skills. Clickie 1
Spell Ice Storm Icon.pngFreeze
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +10 Alchemical bonus to your Cold Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Grace Icon.pngGrace +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to Dexterity. Clickie 1
Spell Grace Icon.pngGrace +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to Dexterity. Clickie 1
Spell Grace Icon.pngGrace +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to Dexterity. Clickie 1
Spell Heal Icon.pngGreater Ardor
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +2 Alchemical Bonus to your Healing Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Greater Brilliance Icon.pngGreater Brilliance
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Light and Alignment Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Soundburst Icon.pngGreater Cacophony
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Sonic Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Crafting Boost Icon.pngGreater Crafting Learning Boost
Target: Self

This oaky smelling concoction increases focus and attention to detail, sharpens the mind, and enhances crafting learning ability. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +75% bonus on all earned crafting experience for the next 30 minutes that you are logged in.

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngGreater Efficacy
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +12 Alchemical bonus to your Universal Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Elixir of Hidden Potential Icon.pngGreater Elixir of Hidden Potential
Target: Friend, Self

A large bottle housing a glowing violet liquid, shining with potential. When used, this item adds 6 to your dice rolls to your chance of getting a fourth affix on Random Loot.

The effects lasts for 6 hours. The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out.

Clickie 1
Elixir of Hidden Potential Icon.pngGreater Elixir of Hidden Potential
Target: Friend, Self

A large bottle housing a glowing violet liquid, shining with potential. When used, this item adds 6 to your dice rolls to your chance of getting a fourth affix on Random Loot.

The effects lasts for 3 hours. The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out.

Clickie 1
Spell Black Dragon Bolt Icon.pngGreater Erosion
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Acid Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Ice Storm Icon.pngGreater Freeze
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Cold Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Guild Renown Boost Icon.pngGreater Guild Renown Boost
Target: Friend, Self

This elixir enhances your ability to function as part of a team and grants you a heightened sense of how you use your skills for the betterment of your guild. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +75% bonus to all earned guild renown for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Fire Storm Icon.pngGreater Inferno
Target: Self

When Activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Fire Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngGreater Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind for a long while. Consuming this elixer grants your character a +20% bonus on all earned experience for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Repair Serious Damage Icon.pngGreater Mending
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Rust and Repair Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngGreater Mnemonic Enhancer
Target: Self

Restores 55-300 spell points and dispels feeblemind.

Clickie 1
Spell Chill Touch Icon.pngGreater Nihil
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Negative Energy Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Call Lightning Storm Icon.pngGreater Spark
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +20 Alchemical bonus to your Electric Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Health Icon.pngHealth +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to Constitution. Clickie 1
Spell Health Icon.pngHealth +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to Constitution. Clickie 1
Spell Health Icon.pngHealth +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to Constitution. Clickie 1
Spell Greater Brilliance Icon.pngImproved Brilliance
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Light and Alignment Spell Power for Three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Soundburst Icon.pngImproved Cacophony
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Sonic Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngImproved Efficacy
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +9 Alchemical bonus to your Universal Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Black Dragon Bolt Icon.pngImproved Erosion
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Acid Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Ice Storm Icon.pngImproved Freeze
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Cold Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Fire Storm Icon.pngImproved Inferno
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Fire Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Repair Serious Damage Icon.pngImproved Mending
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Repair and Rust Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Chill Touch Icon.pngImproved Nihil
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Negative Energy Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Call Lightning Storm Icon.pngImproved Spark
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Electric Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Fire Storm Icon.pngInferno
Target: Self

When Activated, this effect provides a +10 Alchemical bonus to your Fire Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Influence Icon.pngInfluence +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to Charisma. Clickie 1
Spell Influence Icon.pngInfluence +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to Charisma. Clickie 1
Spell Influence Icon.pngInfluence +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to Charisma. Clickie 1
Spell Knowledge Icon.pngKnowledge +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to Intelligence. Clickie 1
Spell Knowledge Icon.pngKnowledge +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to Intelligence. Clickie 1
Spell Knowledge Icon.pngKnowledge +2
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to Intelligence. Clickie 1
Crafting Boost Icon.pngLesser Crafting Learning Boost
Target: Self

This oaky smelling concoction increases focus and attention to detail and sharpens the mind. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +25% bonus on all earned crafting experience for the next 30 minutes that you are logged in.

Clickie 1
Elixir of Hidden Potential Icon.pngLesser Elixir of Hidden Potential
Target: Friend, Self

A small bottle housing a glowing violet liquid, shining with potential. When used, this item adds 3 to your dice rolls to your chance of getting a fourth affix on Random Loot.

The effects lasts for 6 hours. The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out.

Clickie 1
Elixir of Hidden Potential Icon.pngLesser Elixir of Hidden Potential
Target: Friend, Self

A small bottle housing a glowing violet liquid, shining with potential. When used, this item adds 3 to your dice rolls to your chance of getting a fourth affix on Random Loot.

The effects lasts for 3 hours. The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out.

Clickie 1
Guild Renown Boost Icon.pngLesser Guild Renown Boost
Target: Friend, Self

This elixir enhances your ability to function as part of a team and grants you a heightened sense of how you use your skills for the betterment of your guild. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +20% bonus to all earned guild renown for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngLesser Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +10% bonus on all earned experience for the next 2 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngLesser Mnemonic Enhancer
Target: Self

Restores 15-70 spell points and dispels feeblemind.

Clickie 1
Spell Flesh to Stone Icon.pngLesser Runestone Petrify
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Temporarily petrifies susceptible targets that fail a Fortitude DC: 29 save. Petrified creatures cannot move or act and are extremely resistant to physical damage.

Clickie 1
Crafting Boost Icon.pngMajor Crafting Learning Boost
Target: Self

This oaky smelling concoction increases focus and attention to detail, sharpens the mind, and enhances crafting learning ability. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +100% bonus on all earned crafting experience for the next 30 minutes that you are logged in.

Clickie 1
Guild Renown Boost Icon.pngMajor Guild Renown Boost
Target: Friend, Self

This elixir enhances your ability to function as part of a team and grants you a heightened sense of how you use your skills for the betterment of your guild. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +100% bonus to all earned guild renown for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngMajor Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind, and greatly enhances learning ability for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +20% bonus on all earned experience for the next 6 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngMajor Mnemonic Enhancer
Target: Self

Restores 105-600 spell points and dispels feeblemind.

Clickie 1
Crafting Boost Icon.pngMedium Crafting Learning Boost
Target: Self

This oaky smelling concoction increases focus and attention to detail and sharpens the mind. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +50% bonus on all earned crafting experience for the next 30 minutes that you are logged in.

Clickie 1
Guild Renown Boost Icon.pngMedium Guild Renown Boost
Target: Friend, Self

This elixir enhances your ability to function as part of a team and grants you a heightened sense of how you use your skills for the betterment of your guild. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +50% bonus to all earned guild renown for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngMedium Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind for a long while. Consuming this elixer grants your character a +10% bonus on all earned experience for the next 6 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Repair Serious Damage Icon.pngMending
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +10 Alchemical bonus to your Repair and Rust Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Crafting Boost Icon.pngMinor Crafting Learning Boost
Target: Self

This oaky smelling concoction increases focus and attention to detail and sharpens the mind. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +10% bonus on all earned crafting experience for the next 30 minutes that you are logged in.

Clickie 1
Guild Renown Boost Icon.pngMinor Guild Renown Boost
Target: Friend, Self

This elixir enhances your ability to function as part of a team and grants you a heightened sense of how you use your skills for the betterment of your guild. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +20% bonus to all earned guild renown for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngMinor Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +5% bonus on all earned experience for the next 2 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngMinor Mnemonic Aid
Target: Self

Restores 10-35 spell points.

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngMinor Mnemonic Enhancer
Target: Self

Restores 10-35 spell points and dispels feeblemind.

Clickie 1
Spell Sunburst Icon.pngMinor Runestone Flash
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Blinds susceptible targets that fail a save and dazes those that fail a save. Blinded creatures lose their Dexterity bonus to AC, take an additional -2 to AC, move at half speed, have a 50% miss chance on every attack, and are vulnerable to sneak attacks. Dazed creatures will not move or act until damaged.

Clickie 1
Spell Flesh to Stone Icon.pngMinor Runestone Petrify
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Temporarily petrifies susceptible targets that fail a Fortitude DC: 24 save. Petrified creatures cannot move or act and are extremely resistant to physical damage.

Clickie 1
Enhancement Flash Bang Dazing Icon.pngMinor Runestone Stun
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Stuns susceptible targets that fail a save. Stunned creatures cannot move or act and take extra damage from attacks.

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngMnemonic Enhancer
Target: Self

Restores 25-145 spell points and dispels feeblemind.

Clickie 1
Spell Murlynd's Spoon Icon.pngMurlynd's Spoon
Target: Self

Creates several servings of a tasteless, sticky mush that is nevertheless quite filling.

Clickie 1
Spell Teleport Icon.pngMuster at Eveningstar
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Target: Self

Teleports you to the village of Eveningstar, in the kingdom of Cormyr. After being used, this effect requires one hour to recharge.

Clickie 1
Spell Chill Touch Icon.pngNihil
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +10 Alchemical bonus to your Negative Energy Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Reason Icon.pngOwl's Skill +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to all Wisdom based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Reason Icon.pngOwl's Skill +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to all Wisdom base skills. Clickie 1
Spell Reason Icon.pngOwl's Skill +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to all Wisdom based skills. Clickie 1
Spell Prowess Icon.pngProwess +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to Strength. Clickie 1
Spell Prowess Icon.pngProwess +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to Strength. Clickie 1
Spell Prowess Icon.pngProwess +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to Strength. Clickie 1
Spell Reason Icon.pngReason +1
You gain a +1 alchemical bonus to Wisdom. Clickie 1
Spell Reason Icon.pngReason +2
You gain a +2 alchemical bonus to Wisdom. Clickie 1
Spell Reason Icon.pngReason +3
You gain a +3 alchemical bonus to Wisdom. Clickie 1
Spell Regrowth Icon.pngRegrowth
Target: Self

Your wounds slowly close over time healing 100 hit points over 2 minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Flaming Weapons Icon.pngShadow Weapons Target: Friend, Self

Your target's currently equipped weapons gain Hit Effect: 1 to 6 negative damage. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.

Clickie 1
Spell Radiant Forcefield Icon.pngShine the Light
You shine your lantern dispelling the mists, curing it's afflications and sometimes stunning nearby Mist Stalkers. Clickie 1
Elixir of Hidden Potential Icon.pngSovereign Elixir of Hidden Potential
Target: Friend, Self

A small bottle housing a glowing violet liquid, shining with potential. When used, this item adds 3 to your dice rolls to your chance of getting a fourth affix on Random Loot.

The effects lasts for 3 hours. The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out.

Clickie 1
Elixir of Hidden Potential Icon.pngSovereign Elixir of Hidden Potential
Target: Friend, Self

A small bottle housing a glowing violet liquid, shining with potential. When used, this item adds 3 to your dice rolls to your chance of getting a fourth affix on Random Loot.

The effects lasts for 3 hours. The timer for this effect pauses while you are in public areas or logged out.

Clickie 1
Guild Renown Boost Icon.pngSovereign Guild Renown Boost
Target: Friend, Self

This elixir enhances your ability to function as part of a team and grants you a heightened sense of how you use your skills for the betterment of your guild. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +200% bonus to all earned guild renown for the next 6 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngSovereign I Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind, and greatly enhances learning ability for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +50% bonus on all earned experience for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngSovereign II Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind, and greatly enhances learning ability for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +50% bonus on all earned experience for the next 6 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngSovereign III Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind, and greatly enhances learning ability for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +50% bonus on all earned experience for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Finger of Fire Icon.pngSpark of Light
Evocation (Light)
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a small beam of holy light at a target, doing 1 to 3 light damage plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 5.

Clickie 1
Spell Heal Icon.pngSuperior Ardor
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Positive Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Greater Brilliance Icon.pngSuperior Brilliance
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Light and Alignment Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Soundburst Icon.pngSuperior Cacophony
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Sonic Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 1
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngSuperior Efficacy
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +15 Alchemical bonus to your Universal Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Guild Renown Boost Icon.pngSuperior Guild Renown Boost
Target: Friend, Self

This elixir enhances your ability to function as part of a team and grants you a heightened sense of how you use your skills for the betterment of your guild. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +200% bonus to all earned guild renown for the next 3 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Fire Storm Icon.pngSuperior Inferno
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Fire Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Learning Boost Icon.pngSuperior Learning Boost
Target: Self

This amazing concoction heightens the senses and sharpens the mind, and greatly enhances learning ability for a long while. Consuming this elixir grants your character a +30% bonus on all earned experience for the next 6 hours that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)

Clickie 1
Spell Repair Serious Damage Icon.pngSuperior Mending
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Repair and Rust Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Chill Touch Icon.pngSuperior Nihil
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Negative Energy Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Call Lightning Storm Icon.pngSuperior Spark
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Electric Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 1
Spell Radiant Forcefield Icon.pngSwirling Icy Shield
Target: Self

You are surrounded in a sphere of icy wind that reduces all damage (except for untyped damage) you take by 25% for one minute.

Clickie 1

Level 2 Spells[edit]


Level 3 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Greater Dispel Magic Icon.pngDispel Madstone Effects
Target: Foe, Friend, Self, Usable

Removes the deleterious effects of Madstone

Clickie 3
Spell Cure Moderate Wounds Icon.pngHeal Moderate Wounds
Target: Self

Heals 2d6+4 + 1 per caster level hit points for all characters. Applies equally to Warforged, who are resistant to other forms of healing.

Clickie 3
Enhancement Shadow Smoke Icon.pngMove like the Night
Target: Friend, Self

Gain a 50% Festive Bonus to Dodge that ignores your Dodge Cap.

Clickie 3
Enhancement Rejuvenation Cocoon Icon.pngNight Horrors
Target: Friend, Self

Gain a 25% Festive Bonus to Spell Critical Damage that lasts for 90 seconds.

Clickie 3
Spell Faerie Fire Icon.pngPurple Faerie Fire
Evocation (Fire)
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Arcs a flare of faerie fire through the air, bursting outward to affect all enemies near it. Targets are dazzled and take a -1 penalty to attack, spot, and search. Targets are also illuminated by faerie fire, dispelling stealth, invisibility, blur, and displacement, for 30 seconds, and giving a -40 penalty to hide. Sightless enemies are immune to the dazzle effect.

Clickie 3
Spell Greater Restoration Icon.pngRemove Exhaustion
Target: Friend, Self

Removes any Exhaustion and Fatigue effects.

Clickie 3

Level 4 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngSpell Store
Target: Self

Restores 5sp + 5sp per caster level of item.

Clickie 4
Spell Summon Monster I - Celestial Dog Icon.pngSummon Unknown Monster
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

Summons a randomly chosen monster to fight for you for a brief time.

Clickie 4

Level 5 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Black Dragon Bolt Icon.pngAcid Splash
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a small orb of acid at a target, doing 1 to 4 acid damage plus an additiona 1 for every caster level up to caster level 5.

Clickie 5
Spell Sunburst Icon.pngBlinding Flash
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Blinds targets with a globe of searing radiance. Fortitude save negates this effect. This effect is unlikely to land on mid-high level monsters due to its very low DC.

Clickie 5
Enhancement Fear my Vengeance Icon.pngHorn of Thunder
Target: Foe

Horn of Thunder blasts your foes with 1d4+1 Sonic and 1d4+1 Electric damage per caster level (max caster level: 25). Sonic damage is doubled vs. Oozes, as the thunderous pressure disrupt there amorphous structure. Creatures making a reflex save take half damage.

Clickie 5 Embolden
Spell Rage Icon.pngMadstone Rage
Target: Self

The chaotic effects of madstone drive you into a murderous rage. Madstone Rage grants a +2 Strength, +4 Constitution, +4 natural armor bonus and 20% Melee Haste, while prohibiting any spell casting.

Clickie 5

Level 6 Spells[edit]


Level 7 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Bless Icon.pngWand of Wonder
Target: Self

Something magical and Wondrous will happen to you.

Clickie 7

Level 8 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Bull's Strength Icon.pngRoc's Strength Target: Self

You temporarily gain strength and power, giving a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength.

Clickie 8

Level 9 Spells[edit]


Level 10 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Acid Spray Icon.pngAcid Breath
Breath Weapon
Target: Foe, Directional

You breathe a cone of potent acidic energy. Enemies hit by the cone take acid damage and suffer additional acid damage over time.

Clickie 10
Spell Charm Monster Icon.pngCharm Canine
Enchantment (Charm)(Mind-affecting)
Target: Foe

An enemy non-magical canine is charmed and will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 15 to 30 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect.

Clickie 10
Spell Flesh to Stone Icon.pngGorgon Breath
Target: Foe, Directional

Releases a cone of petrifying dust and rock that is similar to the breath of a gorgon. Enemies made of flesh in the area of the cone are turned to stone if they fail a Fortitude DC: 17 save. This effect lasts 60 seconds + 10 seconds per caster level, but the target has a chance to remake its Fortitude save every 24 seconds.

Clickie 10
Spell Jerky Icon.pngJerky
Target: Self

Eating the jerky from the pouch causes burning sensation of wellbeing to suffuse your body. Your wounds slowly close and all poisons and diseases are expelled.

Clickie 10
Spell Party Pooper Icon.pngParty Pooper Target: Self

Since you are the enemy of fun, this potion removes entertaining heads and protects against them for one hour.

Clickie 10
Spell Summon Shadow Icon.pngSummon Shadow
Target: Self, Positional

Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing a Shadow to enter this plane.

Clickie 10
Spell Snowball Swarm Icon.pngSummon Snow Elemental
Target: Self

Activating this item opens a rift to Risia, allowing a snow elemental to enter this plane. You can have only one summoned creature active at a time, and it will disappear if you leave this instance.

Clickie 10
Spell Summon Umbral Gargoyle Icon.pngSummon Umbral Gargoyle
Target: Self, Positional

Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing an Umbral Gargoyle to enter this plane.

Clickie 10
Spell Summon Umbral Worg Icon.pngSummon Umbral Worg
Target: Self, Positional

Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing an Umbral Worg to enter this plane.

Clickie 10
Spell Expeditious Retreat Icon.pngWarp Time
Target: Self

This spell is able to warp the effect of time on the user, effectively increasing run speed. This enchantment is delicate, however, and is only usable in non-hostile areas like the city wards and other pacified public areas.

Clickie 10

Level 11 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Cure Moderate Wounds Icon.pngAngels Tears
Conjuration (Healing)
Target: Friend, Self

Channels powerful positive energy to wipe away afflictions and restore 16 to 26 hit points for all characters including Warforged, who are resistance to other forms of healing. This effect removes temporary ability damage and the conditions cursed, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned

Clickie 11
Spell Heal Icon.pngGreater Angels Tears
Conjuration (Healing)
Target: Friend, Self

Channels powerful positive energy to wipe away afflictions and restore 26 to 51 hit points for all characters including Warforged, who are resistance to other forms of healing. This effect removes temporary ability damage and the conditions cursed, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned.

Clickie 11
Spell Harm Icon.pngImproved Harm
Necromancy (Negative Energy)
Target: Foe, Friend (Undead)

Charges the target with a massive amount of negative energy, dealing 15 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of 225 damage at caster level 15). Harm cannot reduce the target's hit points to less than 1. A successful Will save reduces the damage by half. Against undead targets this spell acts as Heal.

Clickie 11 Embolden

Level 12 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Fireball Icon.pngElemental Surge
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Casts a random damage-dealing elemental spell.

Clickie 12
Feat Heighten Spell Icon.pngLesser Heighten Target: Self

Negates extra mana cost for Heighten Spell metamagic while this effect is active.

Clickie 12
Feat Maximize Spell Icon.pngLesser Maximize Target: Self

Lesser Maximize allows spell casters to use the Metamagic Maximize feat at no additional SP cost. This effect lasts for 20 seconds

Clickie 12
Spell Quell Icon.pngPower Drain Target: Self

Power Drain draws magical power from nearby entities and slowly feeds it to the caster. Caster gains 2 to 12 SP every 6 seconds for 1 minute.

Clickie 12
Spell Quell Icon.pngQuell
Target: Self

Quell disrupts the targets connection to all Divine Power. All Divine casters become powerless while under the effects of Quell. Powerful beings with a close personal connection to their deities may not be Quelled.

Clickie 12
Spell Shout Icon.pngStaff of Arcane Power: Spell Selection
Target: Self

This staff may cast Magic Missle, Ray of Enfeeblement, Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Cone of Cold, Hold Monster or Globe of Invulnerability

Clickie 12
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngTurn the Page Target: Self

Turning the page of the Litany of the Dead releases magical energy that a spell caster can harness to power his own spells. Spell Point costs are reduced by 50% for the next 6 seconds.

Clickie 12

Level 13 Spells[edit]


Level 14 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Disintegrate Icon.pngBoneshatter
Target: Foe

Deals 3d6 damage plus 1d8 damage every 2 seconds and cripples the target on a failed Fortitude save. Deals 2d6 damage on a successful Fotitude save.

Clickie 14

Level 15 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Radiant Forcefield Icon.pngConverter
Target: Friend

You apply a small machine to your targeted ally, which temporarily sets their base healing taken from Repair effects to 100%.

Clickie 15
Enhancement Fan of Knives Icon.pngFan of Knives
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Creates an area of extreme cold, originating at your hand and spreading outward in a cone. It drains heat, dealing 4 to 6 points of cold damage per caster level up to a maximum of 60 to 90 damage at caster level 15). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.

Clickie 15
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngMajor Mnemonic Aid
Target: Self

Restores 105-600 spell points

Clickie 15
Spell Bless Icon.pngRest of the Eladrin
Target: Self, Friend

This spell allows a benevolent Eladrin to bestow a restful effect on your character from far away on her home plane. This will fully rest your character as if you had used a rest shrine, replenishing all spell points and feat uses, some hit points, and removing all harmful status effects.

Clickie 15
Spell Summon Shadow Icon.pngSummon Greater Shadow
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing an Shadow to enter this plane.

Clickie 15
Spell Summon Umbral Gargoyle Icon.pngSummon Greater Umbral Gargoyle
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing an Umbral Gargoyle to enter this plane.

Clickie 15
Spell Summon Umbral Worg Icon.pngSummon Greater Umbral Worg
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

Activating this item opens a rift to Mabar, allowing an Umbral Worg to enter this plane.

Clickie 15
Other 1 Icon.pngWild Mage Surge
Target: Friend, Self

As wild magic surges, a random spell will be cast.

Clickie 15

Level 16 Spells[edit]


Level 17 Spells[edit]


Level 18 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Xachosian Spell Frenzy Icon.pngXachosian Spell Frenzy
Spell Like Ability
Target: Self

Spurred into action, the Xachosian Eardweller increases its hosts spellcasting abilities. This grants 100% bonus to Spell damange and healing for 1 minute. This effect does not stack with other spell boosting item effects or potions and does not effect the spells you cast with wands and scrolls. When the effect ends, the host is exhausted.

Clickie 18

Level 19 Spells[edit]


Level 20 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Alaphon's Staff- Spell Selection Icon.pngAlaphon's Staff: Spell Selection The staff may cast power versions of Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Cone of Cold, or Hold Monster. Although it does not regain charges when you rest, it automatically regains charges over time. Clickie 20
Spell Bless Icon.pngRest of the Eladrin
Target: Self, Friend

This spell creates a fully functional ethereal rest shrine at your location. Resting replenishes all spell points and feat uses, some hit points, and removes all harmful status effects. Only works with dungeons and landscape quest areas. If in a solo or normal dungeon or area, the rest shrine will be re-usable every 5 minutes (solo difficulty) or 15 minutes (normal difficulty).

Clickie 20
Spell Summon Monster III - Hellhound Icon.pngSummon Epic Thaarak Hound
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

This spell summons a tremendously powerful thaarak hound to fight for you for a brief time.

Clickie 20
Spell Summon Monster I - Celestial Dog Icon.pngSummon Unknown Monster II
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

Summons a randomly chosen monster to fight for you for a brief time.

Clickie 20
Spell Summon Xoriat Horror Icon.pngSummon Xoriat Horror
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

Creates a rift to the plane of Xoriat, summoning a randomly chosen monster to fight for you for a brief time.

Clickie 20

Level 21 Spells[edit]


Level 22 Spells[edit]


Level 23 Spells[edit]


Level 24 Spells[edit]


Level 25 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Black Dragon Bolt Icon.pngSuperior Erosion
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Acid Spell Power for one minute.

Clickie 25
Spell Ice Storm Icon.pngSuperior Freeze
Target: Self

When activated, this effect provides a +25 Alchemical bonus to your Cold Spell Power for three minutes.

Clickie 25

Level 26 Spells[edit]


Level 27 Spells[edit]


Level 28 Spells[edit]


Level 29 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Frost Lance Icon.pngConjure Ice Arrow
Target: Self

Summons this bow's Icy Arrow, the Frozen Terror, which has a chance to conjure a frozen gale on a natural 20.

Summons Frozen Terror.

Clickie 29
Spell Stormrage Icon.pngStormrage
Target: Self

You gain feather fall and gain the Deflect Arrows feat. When you damage an enemy with attacks or spells, they are also struck by lightning. For each enemy, lightning only strikes once.

Clickie 29
Druid 8
Blight Caster 8

Level 30 Spells[edit]

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Iconic Feat Past Life - Shadar-Kai Icon.pngShadow Phase
Target: Self

You become invisible and are able to move through monsters as if you are ethereal for twenty seconds.

Clickie 30
Enhancement Go for the Kill Icon.pngSummon Legendary Werewolf
Conjuration (Summoning)
Target: Self, Positional

This spell summons a tremendously powerful Werewolf to fight for you for a brief time.

Clickie 30
Spell Regenerate Icon.pngThe Crownblade's Blessing
Conjuration (Healing)
Target: Self, Friend

Target is touched by Unyielding Sovereignty, which heals all hit point damage done to a targeted ally, and removes ability damage, death penalty effects, negative levels, and the conditions, blinded, dazed, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, and stunned.

Clickie 30