Gnome Tree

From DDO Compendium

Tree For:
  • Free
Gnome Tree.png
Core enhancements
Enhancement Gnomish Perseverance I Icon.png
Gnomish Perseverance
  • +1% Dodge
  • +1 Use Magic Device
  • Character Level 1
Enhancement Intelligence Icon.png
  • +1 Intelligence
  • Character Level 4
  • Gnomish Perseverance
Enhancement Gnomish Perseverance II Icon.png
Gnomish Perseverance
  • +1% Dodge
  • +1 Use Magic Device
  • Character Level 7
  • Intelligence
Enhancement Intelligence Icon.png
  • +1 Intelligence
  • Character Level 11
  • Gnomish Perseverance
Enhancement Scrolls- Retain Essence Icon.png
Scrolls: Retain Essence
  • When using a Scroll:
    • +15% Racial Bonus to Chance of Retaining the Scroll
  • +2% Dodge
  • +1 Use Magic Device
  • Character Level 16
  • Intelligence
Tier 1 enhancements
Enhancement Sivis Dragonmark Focus Icon.png
Sivis Dragonmark Focus
Rank 1:
  • +1 Dragonmark Use
  • +1 Use Magic Device
Rank 2:
  • +2 Dragonmark Use
  • +2 Use Magic Device
Rank 3:
  • +3 Dragonmark Use
  • +3 Use Magic Device
Enhancement Wand and Scroll Mastery 2 Icon.png
Wand and Scroll Mastery
When using a Scroll or Wand:
Rank 1:
  • +25% Healing
  • +25% Damage
  • +1 Save DC
Rank 2:
  • +50% Healing
  • +50% Damage
  • +3 Save DC
Rank 3:
  • +75% Healing
  • +75% Damage
  • +6 Save DC
311 None
Enhancement Keen Insight Icon.png
Keen Insight
Rank 1:
  • +2 to Will Save vs. Illusions
Rank 2:
  • +4 to Will Save vs. Illusions
Rank 3:
  • +6 to Will Save vs. Illusions
311 None
Enhancement Awareness Icon.png
Stealthy or Awareness

Multiple Selection

+1/2/3 Listen,Search and Spot or +1/2/3 Hide and Move Silently
311 None
Crossbow Training Icon.png
Gnomish Weapon Training

When wielding a Light Hammer, Light Mace, Light Pick, Shortsword, Shortbow, Light Crossbow, or Light Repeating Crossbow:

111 None
Tier 2 enhancements
Feat Least Dragonmark of Scribing Icon.png
Lesser Mark of Scribing
Spell Symbol of Flame Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Symbol of Flame
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Eschew Materials, Heighten, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken
Cooldown: 1 Minute

You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When a target comes within range, the symbol activates and does 20 to 30 fire damage to that target. A successful Reflex save reduces damage by half. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
DC: Character + Intelligence Level + Illusion Modifier
  • Sivis Dragonmark Focus
Enhancement Against the Giants Icon.png
Against the Giants
When fighting a Giant:
Rank 1:
  • +2 Saves
  • +2 Armor Class
Rank 2:
  • +4 Saves
  • +4 Armor Class
Rank 3:
  • +6 Saves
  • +6 Armor Class
315 None
Enhancement Color Spray SLA Icon.png
Greater Color Spray
Spell Prismatic Spray Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Greater Color Spray
Metamagic: Heighten, Quicken, Enlarge, Embolden

Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect.
  • DC: Character Level + Intelligence Modifier + Illusion Bonus
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 10 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 2 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
315 None
Enhancement War Domain- Blur Icon.png
Permanent Blur


115 None
Enhancement Gnomish Weapon Training II Icon.png
Gnomish Weapon Training II

When wielding a Light Hammer, Light Mace, Light Pick, Shortsword, Shortbow, Light Crossbow, or Light Repeating Crossbow:

  • Gnomish Weapon Training I
Tier 3 enhancements
Mark of Scribing Icon.png
Greater Mark of Scribing
Spell Symbol of Stunning Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Symbol of Stunning
Metamagic: Embolden, Enlarge, Eschew Materials, Heighten, Quicken
Cooldown: 1 Minute

You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets are stunned for 6 to 36 seconds or until the Symbol expires. A successful Will save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after first being triggered. Symbols are volatile when placed together.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
DC: Character + Intelligence Level + Illusion Modifier
  • Lesser Mark of Scribing
Enhancement Athletic Mastery Icon.png
Nimble Reaction
Rank 1:
  • +1 Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus
  • +1 Maximum Dodge Bonus
Rank 2:
  • +2 Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus
  • +2 Maximum Dodge Bonus
Rank 3:
  • +3 Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus
  • +3 Maximum Dodge Bonus
3110 None
Racial Spell Focus- Illusion Icon.png
Racial Spell Focus: Illusion
Rank 1:
  • +1 Illusion DCs
Rank 2:
  • +2 Illusion DCs
Rank 3:
  • +3 Illusion DCs
3110 None
Enhancement Gnomish Weapon Training III Icon.png
Gnomish Weapon Training III

When wielding a Light Hammer, Light Mace, Light Pick, Shortsword, Shortbow, Light Crossbow, or Light Repeating Crossbow:

  • Gnomish Weapon Training II
Tier 4 enhancements
Favored Enemy (Reptilian) Icon.png
Gnomish Favored Enemy

Multiple Selection

Choose a Favored Enemy Feat
1115 None
Enhancement Gnomish Weapon Training IV Icon.png
Gnomish Weapon Training IV

When wielding a Light Hammer, Light Mace, Light Pick, Shortsword, Shortbow, Light Crossbow, or Light Repeating Crossbow:

  • +2 To Hit
  • +2 Damage
  • +1 Competence Bonus to Critical Threat Range
  • Gnomish Weapon Training III