Category:Spells with Metamagic Enlarge
From DDO Compendium
Pages in category "Spells with Metamagic Enlarge"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 472 total.
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- Abjuration II: Resist Energy
- Abjuration III: Protection from Energy
- Abjuration IV: Stoneskin
- Abjuration V: Dismissal
- Ablative Armor
- Acid Blast
- Acid Blast SLA
- Acid Fog
- Acid Rain
- Acid Rain (SLA)
- Acid Well
- Aid
- Aid, Mass
- Air Savant Tree
- Amaunator's Brilliance
- Angel of Vengeance Tree
- Animal Trance
- Apothecary Tree
- Arcanotechnician Tree
- Ascendancy: Shine Bright (Charisma)
- Ascendancy: Shine Bright (Wisdom)
- Ball Lightning
- Bane (Enhancement)
- Bane (Spell)
- Banishment
- Barkskin
- Beacon of Hope Tree
- Bear's Endurance
- Bear's Endurance, Mass
- Beguiling Charm (SLA)
- Bestow Curse
- Binding Chain
- Bladeforged Tree
- Blight Caster Tree
- Blindness
- Blur
- Break Enchantment
- Bull's Strength
- Bull's Strength, Mass
- Burning Blood
- Burning Blood SLA
- Call Lightning
- Call Lightning (SLA)
- Call Lightning Storm
- Camouflage
- Camouflage, Mass
- Cat's Grace
- Cat's Grace, Mass
- Cause Fear
- Chain Lightning
- Chain Missiles
- Chaos Hammer
- Chaos Hammer (Divine Disciple)
- Charm Animal
- Charm Monster
- Charm Person
- Child of Nature
- Circle of Death
- Close Wounds
- Close Wounds (SLA)
- Cloudkill
- Cold Breath
- Color Spray
- Cometfall
- Cometfall (SLA)
- Command (Spell)
- Command SLA
- Command Undead
- Communion of Scribing
- Confuse Monster
- Confuse Monster, Mass
- Confusion
- Conjuration I: Grease
- Conjuration II: Web
- Conjuration III: Stinking Cloud
- Conjuration V: Cloudkill
- Consume
- Consume Sight
- Consume SLA
- Contagion
- Contagion: Blinding Sickness
- Contagion: Cackle Fever
- Contagion: Filth Fever
- Contagion: Mindfire
- Contagion: Red Ache
- Contagion: Shakes
- Contagion: Slimy Doom
- Control Undead
- Creeping Cold
- Creeping Cold (SLA)
- Creeping Doom
- Crushing Despair
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Light Wounds (SLA)
- Cure Light Wounds, Mass
- Cure Light Wounds, Mass (SLA)
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Cure Moderate Wounds (SLA)
- Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds, Mass
- Cursed Words
- Dark Apostate Tree
- Darkfire
- Darkfire SLA
- Daze Monster
- Death Ward
- Death Ward (SLA)
- Death Ward, Mass
- Deconstruct
- Deep Gnome Tree
- Deep Slumber
- Deepwood Stalker Tree
- Deific Vengeance
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Delayed Blast Fireball (Instant)
- Delayed Blast Fireball (Trap)
- Destruction (Spell)
- Devour the Soul
- Devour the Soul SLA
- Dismissal
- Dispel Magic
- Displacement
- Displacement SLA
- Disrupt Undead
- Divine Energy Resistance
- Divine Energy Resistance (Enhancement)
- Divine Energy Resistance (SLA)
- Divine Punishment
- Dominate Animal
- Dominate Monster
- Dominate Person
- Doom
- Drow Elf Tree
- Dwarf Tree
- Eagle's Splendor
- Eagle's Splendor, Mass
- Earth Savant Tree
- Earthquake
- Eladar's Electric Surge
- Eladrin Tree
- Eldritch Ball
- Eldritch Ball (SLA)
- Electric Loop
- Electric Loop SLA
- Elf Tree
- Empathic Healing
- Enchantment I: Hypnotism
- Enchantment II: Otto's Resistible Dance
- Enchantment III: Hold Person
- Enchantment IV: Charm Monster
- Enchantment V: Hold Monster
- Enlightened Spirit Tree
- Entangle
- Enveloping Swarm
- Enveloping Swarm (SLA)
- Evocation I: Magic Missile
- Evocation III: Chain Missiles
- Faerie Fire
- Faerie Fire SLA
- Feather Fall
- Feeblemind
- Feydark Illusionist Tree
- Finger of Death
- Finger of Death SLA
- Fire Savant Tree
- Fire Seeds
- Fire Seeds Thrown
- Fire Seeds Trap
- Fire Storm
- Fire Trap
- Fireball
- Fireball SLA
- Flame Strike
- Flesh to Stone
- Fog Cloud
- Force Missiles
- Fox's Cunning
- Fox's Cunning, Mass
- Freedom of Movement
- Freedom of Movement, Mass
- Freezing Spray
- Ghoul Touch
- Glitterdust
- Glyph of Warding
- Gnome Tree
- Good Hope
- Good Hope (SLA)
- Grease
- Greater Color Spray
- Greater Color Spray (Gnome)
- Greater Color Spray (SLA)
- Greater Color Spray (SLA) (Gnome)
- Greater Command
- Greater Creeping Cold
- Greater Dispel Magic
- Greater Dragonmark of Healing
- Greater Dragonmark of Making (Human)