Season's Herald Tree

From DDO Compendium

Tree For:
  • Free
Season's Herald Tree.png

Druids in this circle are devoted to their season, and herald its coming. They hold ceremonies for the changing of all seasons, but one in particular holds great importance to them.

Core enhancements
Enhancement Child of Summer Icon.png
Child of Summer

Activate: For every Core Enhancement taken:

  • +5 Fire Spellpower
  • +5 Light Spellpower
  • +5 Sonic Spellpower
  • +5 Force Spellpower
  • +5 Positive Spellpower
  • Lasts until death or the season is chagned
  • Fire Elemental form activates this season automatically


  • +1 Universal Spell Power per Point spent in this tree
  • Druid 1
Enhancement Elder of Winter Icon.png
Elder of Winter

Activate: For every Core enhancement taken in this tree:

  • +5 Cold Spell Power
  • +5 Acid Spell Power
  • +5 Force Spell Power
  • +5 Physical Spell Power
  • +5 Electric Spell Power
  • Lasts until death or the season is changed
  • Water Elemental form activates this season automatically


  • +1 Caster Level in the active season
  • Child of Summer
  • Druid 3
Enhancement Wellspring Icon.png
  • Elder of Winter
  • Druid 6
Enhancement Sunburst Icon.png
Spell Sunburst Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Eschew Materials, Heighten, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Activation Cost: 4 Spell Points

A globe of searing radiance explodes to blast targets for 5 to 10 of light damage per caster level in addition to blinding them for 5 seconds per caster level. Oozes and Undead take and additional 5 to 10 per caster level damage. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half and negates the blindness. Light fearing undead may be instantly destroyed by this spell.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
  • Wellspring
  • Druid 12
Spell Storm of Vengeance Icon.png
Storm of Vengeance

Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points
Cooldown: 2 Minutes

Spell Storm of Vengeance Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Storm of Vengeance
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken
Cooldown: 2 Minutes
Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points

Conjures a storm with a massive thunderclap, deafening enemies, dousing them in acid rain, and lancing them with lightning bolts. Enemies within the cloud when it is first conjured are deafening for 3 seconds per caster level. Enemies within thestorm date 1d3 acid damage per caster level every two seconds. Every 4 seconds, a random enemy within the storm takes 1d6 electricity damage for every caster level (a successful reflex save halves).
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
  • Sunburst
  • Druid 18
Enhancement Hierophant Icon.png
  • +2 Wisdom
  • +2 Constitution
  • +1 DC to Transmutation spells
  • +1 DC to Evocation spells
  • While in either season:
    • +1 caster level
    • +1 max caster level
  • Storm of Vengeance
  • Druid 20
Tier 1 enhancements
Enhancement Beguile Icon.png

Whenever successfully attacking or casting a spell on an enemy:

  • 50% chance to gain stacks of Beguile
Rank 1:
  • 1 stack
  • Lasts 3 seconds
Rank 2:
  • 1d2 stacks
  • Lasts 1d6 seconds
Rank 3:
  • 1d3 stacks
  • Lasts 1d9 seconds


  • -2% attack speed
  • -2 Spellpower
  • Beguile stacks up to 25 times
  • One stack fades every few seconds
  • Only one enemy can be affected each second
  • Druid 1
Enhancement Brother Wolf Icon.png
Shared Spirit
Rank 1:
  • +1 Universal Spell Power
  • Wolf companion gains:
    • +3% max health.
Rank 2:
  • +2 Universal Spell Power
  • Wolf companion gains:
    • +6% max health
Rank 3:
  • +3 Universal Spell Power
  • Wolf companion gains:
    • +10% max health
  • Druid 1
Spell Produce Flame Icon.png
Produce Flame
Spell Produce Flame Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Produce Flame
Metamagic: Empower, Enlarge, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken

Flames as bright as a torch appear in your open hand and launch towards your foes. They deal 1d6+1 fire damage per caster level, up to 15d6+15 at caster level 15.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 6 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 3 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 4 Seconds
  • Druid 1
Enhancement Wax and Wane Icon.png
Wax and Wane
  • When casting spells for current season:
    • +2% additional critical chance
  • Winter:
    • Acid, Cold, Electric, Earth, Force and Physical
  • Summer:
    • Fire, Light, Positive, Sonic, Force and Physical
  • Druid 1
Enhancement Negotiator Icon.png
Druidic Wisdom
Rank 1:
  • +1 Diplomacy
  • +1 Heal
  • +1 Spellcraft
Rank 2:
  • +2 Diplomacy
  • +2 Heal
  • +2 Spellcraft
Rank 3:
  • +3 Diplomacy
  • +3 Heal
  • +3 Spellcraft
  • Druid 1
Tier 2 enhancements
Enhancement Efficient Metamagic Icon.png
Improved Metamagics

Multiple Selection

Reduce Metamagic cost by +2/4/6 (Empower), +1/2/4 (Enlarge), +3/6/9 (Maximize), +1/2/4 (Quicken)
  • Druid 2
Enhancement Efficient Metamagic Icon.png
Improved Metamagics

Multiple Selection

Reduce Metamagic cost by +2/4/6 (Empower), +1/2/4 (Enlarge), +3/6/9 (Maximize), +1/2/4 (Quicken)
  • Druid 2
Spell Creeping Cold Icon.png
Creeping Cold
Spell Creeping Cold Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Creeping Cold
Metamagic: Empower, Enlarge, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken

Deals on-going cold damage to the target every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. The damage starts small, and grows larger as the spell continues. Each phase lasts 4 seconds.

First phase: 1d4 damage +2 per 3 caster levels (max +12 at caster level 18). Second phase: 2d4 damage +4 per 3 caster levels (max +24 at caster level 18).

Third phase: 3d4 damage +6 per 3 caster levels (max +36 at caster level 18).
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 6 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 3 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
  • Produce Flame
  • Druid 2
Enhancement Wax and Wane Icon.png
Wax and Wane
  • When casting spells for current season:
    • +2% additional critical chance
  • Winter:
    • Acid, Cold, Electric, Earth, Force and Physical
  • Summer:
    • Fire, Light, Positive, Sonic, Force and Physical
  • Wax and Wane (Tier 1)
  • Druid 2
Action Boost- Spellpower Icon.png
Action Boost
Activation Cost: 1 Action Boost
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Action Boost: Spell Power: Activate to gain:
Rank 1:
  • +10 Action Boost bonus to Spell Power
Rank 2:
  • +20 Action Boost bonus to Spell Power
Rank 3:
  • +30 Action Boost bonus to Spell Power
Lasts 20 seconds
  • Druid 2
Tier 3 enhancements
Enhancement Autumn Winds Icon.png
Autumn Winds

Activation Cost: 8 Spell Points

Toggle: Gain:

  • Feather Fall
  • +3 Dodge
  • +10% chance to knock down any enemy with a successful melee strike
  • Druid 3
Enhancement Efficient Heighten Icon.png
Efficient Metamagic: Heighten
Reduce Metamagic Heighten cost by:
Rank 1:
Rank 2:
Spell Call Lightning Icon.png
Call Lightning
Spell Call Lightning Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Call Lightning
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Heighten, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken

Calls forth a bolt of lightning, which strikes your chosen target for 7 to 12 damage for every caster level up to 15. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 10 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 8 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 6 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 6 Seconds
  • Creeping Cold
  • Druid 3
Enhancement Wax and Wane Icon.png
Wax and Wane
  • When casting spells for current season:
    • +2% additional critical chance
  • Winter:
    • Acid, Cold, Electric, Earth, Force and Physical
  • Summer:
    • Fire, Light, Positive, Sonic, Force and Physical
  • Wax and Wane (Tier 2)
  • Druid 3
Enhancement Wisdom Icon.png
Increase Ability
  • +1 Wisdom
  • Druid 3
Tier 4 enhancements
Enhancement Spring's Resurgence Icon.png
Spring's Resurgence

Fill an ally with the energy of spring. When that ally falls below 50% hit points, they and any other allies near them gain:

  • +20d6 positive energy healing
  • +2 primal bonus to attack rolls
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 8 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 6 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 4 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 4 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Lasts 5 minutes or until triggered
  • Druid 4
Enhancement Strength of the Solstice Icon.png
Strength of the Solstice
  • +1 Evocation DC
  • +1 Transmutation DC
  • Druid 4
Spell Salt Ray Icon.png
Salt Ray
Spell Salt Ray Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Salt Ray
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Heighten, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken

A thin shaft of whirling salt crystals lances out from your crooked finger to strike and shred your foe. Your target takes 1d6+6 force damage per caster level, for a maximum of 10d6+60 at caster level 10. Targets are also stunned. Fortitude save negates the stun.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 12 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 10 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 8 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
  • Call Lightning
  • Druid 4
Enhancement Wax and Wane Icon.png
Wax and Wane
  • When casting spells for current season:
    • +2% additional critical chance
  • Winter:
    • Acid, Cold, Electric, Earth, Force and Physical
  • Summer:
    • Fire, Light, Positive, Sonic, Force and Physical
  • Wax and Wane (Tier 3)
  • Druid 4
Enhancement Wisdom Icon.png
Increase Ability
  • +1 Wisdom
  • Increased Ability (Tier 3)
  • Druid 4
Tier 5 enhancements
Enhancement Crown of Summer Icon.png
Crown of Summer

Activation Cost: 1 Spell Point
Cooldown: 6 Seconds

The target gains:

  • +15 enhancement bonus to Positive Healing Amplification
  • +10 Enhancement bonus to Melee Power
  • +5 Enhancement bonus to Ranged Power

Note: Only one target can have the crown at a time.
  • Character Level 12
  • Druid 5
Enhancement Elemental Mastery Icon.png
Elemental Mastery
For the active season:
Rank 1:
  • +5 additional seasonal spell power
Rank 2:
  • +10 additional seasonal spell power
Rank 3:
  • +15 additional seasonal spell power
  • If Druid level 17 or above:
  • Winter:
    • Acid, Cold Electric, Earth and Water
  • Summer:
    • Fire, light, Positive, Force and Sonic
  • Character Level 12
  • Druid 5
Spell Word of Balance Icon.png
Word of Balance
Spell Word of Balance Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Word of Balance
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Heighten, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken

You utter elder words of balance, judging those who stray too far from the path of neutrality. Targets with an alignment one step away from True Neutral, such as Chaotic Neutral, take 8-13 bane damage for every caster level up to level 20. Targets who are two steps away, such as Chaotic Evil, take that damage twice. True Neutral targets are immune to this spell.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 12 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 9 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 6 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
  • Salt Ray
  • Character Level 12
  • Druid 5
Enhancement Time and Tide Icon.png
Time and Tide
  • When casting a spell in both season:
    • +1 caster level
    • +1 max caster level
  • Character Level 12
  • Druid 5
Enhancement Winter's Heart Icon.png
Winter's Heart

Activation Cost: 12 Spell Points
Cooldown: 1 Minute


  • Gain temporary Hit Points:
    • 8 times Wisdom Score
    • Lasts 30 seconds
  • Character Level 12
  • Druid 5