Difference between revisions of "Pale Master Tree"

From DDO Compendium
Line 6: Line 6:
|tier1={{EnhTier|Pale Master|Necrotic Touch SLA|Deathless Vigor|Spell Critical: Negative Energy I|Skeletal Knight|Negative Energy Conduit}}
|tier1={{EnhTier|Pale Master|Necrotic Touch SLA|Deathless Vigor|Spell Critical: Negative Energy I|Skeletal Knight|Negative Energy Conduit}}
|tier2={{EnhTier|Pale Master|Efficient Metamagic (Empower/Maximize/Enlarge/Quicken)|Spell Critical: Negative Energy II|Corpsecrafter|Bone Armor}}
|tier2={{EnhTier|Pale Master|Efficient Metamagic (Empower/Maximize/Enlarge/Quicken)|Spell Critical: Negative Energy II|Corpsecrafter|Bone Armor}}
|tier3={{EnhTier|Pale Master|Necrotic Bolt SLA|Cloak of Night|Spell Critical: Negative Energy III|Eternal Servitude|Increase Ability (Constitution/Intelligence)}}
|tier3={{EnhTier|Pale Master|Necrotic Bolt SLA|Cloak of Night (Enhancement)|Spell Critical: Negative Energy III|Eternal Servitude|Increase Ability (Constitution/Intelligence)}}

Revision as of 01:20, 31 July 2018

Tree For:
  • Free
Pale Master Tree.png
Core enhancements

Master of Death

Enhancement Dark Reaping Icon.png
Dark Reaping
  • +5 Universal Spell Power
  • +5 Negative Energy Spell Power
  • +3 Negative Healing Amplification
  • Wizard 1
Enhancement Shroud of the Zombie Icon.png
Shroud of the Zombie

Activation Cost: 50 Spell Points
Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Shroud Toggle: You shroud yourself with Negative Energy and assume many of the traits of a Zombie. While in this form, you hunger for brains and gain:

  • +4 Constitution
  • +10 Melee Power
  • +3 Physical Resistance Rating
  • +3 Magical Resistance Rating
  • -10% attack speed
  • +100% Critical Hit Resistance
  • Healed by Negative Energy
  • 50% Healing from Positive Energy
  • Repair Spells do not effect you
  • You take double damage from Light energy
  • You are considered Undead rather than your original type for the purpose of most effects
  • Dark Reaping
  • Wizard 3
Enhancement Shroud of the Vampire Icon.png
Shroud of the Vampire

Activation Cost: 50 Spell Points
Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Shroud Toggle: You shroud yourself with Negative Energy and assume many of the traits of a Vampire. While in this form, you gain:

  • +2 Intelligence
  • +2 Charisma
  • +2 Wisdom
  • +3 Perform
  • Melee attacks have a chance to heal you for 1d3 with Negative Energy
    • Per Wizard Level
  • +100% Critical Hit Resistance
  • Healed by Negative Energy
  • 50% Healing from Positive Energy
  • Repair Spells do not effect you
  • You take double damage from Light energy
  • You are considered Undead rather than your original type for the purpose of most effects
  • Dark Reaping
  • Wizard 3
Enhancement Shroud of the Wraith Icon.png
Shroud of the Wraith

Activation Cost: 50 Spell Points
Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Shroud Toggle: You shroud yourself with Negative Energy and assume many of the traits of a Wraith. While in this form:

  • +2 Dexterity
  • +2 Intelligence
  • Enemy attacks have a 10% chance to miss you due to incorporeality
  • You float as if affected by featherfall
  • +1 Sneak Attack Dice
  • +100% Critical Hit Resistance
  • Healed by Negative Energy
  • 50% Healing from Positive Energy
  • Repair Spells do not effect you
  • You take double damage from Light energy
  • You are considered Undead rather than your original type for the purpose of most effects
  • Dark Reaping
  • Wizard 3
Enhancement Shroud of the Lich Icon.png
Shroud of the Lich

Activation Cost: 50 Spell Points
Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Shroud Toggle: You shroud yourself with Negative Energy and assume many of the traits of a lich. While in this form, you gain:

  • +2 Constitution
  • +2 Intelligence
  • +10 Negative Healing Amplification
  • +10 Negative Spell Power
  • +15 Magical Resistance Rating
  • +100% Critical Hit Resistance
  • Healed by Negative Energy
  • 50% Healing from Positive Energy
  • Repair Spells do not effect you
  • You take double damage from Light energy
  • You are considered Undead rather than your original type for the purpose of most effects
  • Dark Reaping
  • Wizard 3
Tier 1 enhancements
Spell Necrotic Touch Icon.png
Necrotic Touch
Spell Necrotic Touch Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Necrotic Touch
Metamagic: Empower, Enlarge, Heighten, Maximize, Quicken

You sheath your hand in cracking black flames, dealing 2 t0 7 points of negative energy damage per caster level to a creature. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Players are immune to this effect. Further points spent in this enhancement will reduce the cooldown of this Spell-Like Ability.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 6 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 4 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 2 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 4 Seconds
  • Wizard 1
Enhancement Deathless Vigor Icon.png
Deathless Vigor
Rank 1:
  • +10 Hit Points
Rank 2:
  • +20 Hit Points
Rank 3:
  • +30 Hit Points
  • Wizard 1
Enhancement Spell Critical- Negative Energy I Icon.png
Spell Critical: Negative Energy I

When casting a Negative Energy Damage Spell:

  • +2% Critically Hit Chance
  • Wizard 1
Enhancement Skeletal Knight Icon.png
Skeletal Knight
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Summon the reanimated body of an ancient knight to do your bidding
Rank 1:
  • Fighter Class
  • Level is Wizard Level + Epic Level
  • One Summons per Rest
Rank 2:

Increase Skeletal Knights:

Rank 3:

Increase Skeletal Knights:

  • Wizard 1
Enhancement Negative Energy Conduit Icon.png
Negative Energy Conduit
Rank 1:
  • +6 Negative Healing Amplification
Rank 2:
  • +12 Negative Healing Amplification
Rank 3:
  • +20 Negative Healing Amplification
This increases the amount by which you are healed from Negative Energy while you have a Shroud toggle active
  • Wizard 1
Tier 2 enhancements

Efficient Metamagic (Empower/Maximize/Enlarge/Quicken)

Bone Armor

Enhancement Spell Critical- Negative Energy II Icon.png
Spell Critical: Negative Energy II
  • While casting a Negative Energy Damage Spell:
    • +2% Critical Hit chance
  • Spell Critical: Negative Energy I
  • Wizard 2
Enhancement Corpsecrafter Icon.png
Rank 1:
  • Summoned Skeletal Knight gains:
    • +2 Profane Bonus to Strength
    • +2 Profane Bonus to Dexterity
    • +2 Profane Bonus to Constitution
Rank 2:
  • Summoned Skeletal Knight gains:
    • +4 Profane Bonus to Strength
    • +4 Profane Bonus to Dexterity
    • +4 Profane Bonus to Constitution
Rank 3:
  • Summoned Skeletal Knight gains:
    • +5 Profane Bonus to Strength
    • +5 Profane Bonus to Dexterity
    • +5 Profane Bonus to Constitution
  • Gain:
    • +1 Strength
    • +1 Dexterity
    • +1 Constitution
  • Wizard 2
Tier 3 enhancements

Eternal Servitude Increase Ability (Constitution/Intelligence)

Spell Necrotic Bolt Icon.png
Necrotic Bolt
Spell Necrotic Bolt Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Necrotic Bolt
Metamagic: Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, Quicken

You fire a dart of black energy from your hand that deals 4 to 9 ` hit points of negative energy damage per caster level. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Players cannot be targeted with this effect.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 10 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 8 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points
  • Cooldown: 5 Seconds
  • Necrotic Touch
  • Wizard 3
Enhancement Cloak of Night Icon.png
Cloak of Night

While blocking in an Undead Shroud, you gain:

  • Invisibility
  • Displacement
  • Immunity to Light damage


  • +5 Hide
  • Wizard 3
Enhancement Spell Critical- Negative Energy III Icon.png
Spell Critical: Negative Energy III
  • While Casting a Negative Energy Damage Spell:
    • +2% Critically Hit Chance
  • Spell Critical: Negative Energy II
  • Wizard 3
Tier 4 enhancements
Tier 5 enhancements