Trap the Soul

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 20:08, 16 February 2023 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

Spell Trap the Soul Icon.png

Trap the Soul
Level: Sorcerer 8Warlock 6Acolyte of the Skin 6Wizard 8
Cost (Spell Points): 45
Components: Somatic, Verbal (Khyber Dragonshard)
Metamagic: Embolden, Enlarge, Heighten, Quicken
Range: Standard
Target: Foe
Duration: Instantaneous
Cooldown (Seconds):  10 (Warlock, Acolyte of the Skin, Wizard), 8 (Sorcerer)
Save: Will save negates effect
School: Conjuration
Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Forces a creature's life force and its material body into a gem on a failed Will save. Although this essentially 'kills' the target, it is not a death effect and functions on creatures such as undead (but not most constructs). This spell requires a khyber dragonshard as a special material component.

Notes: Warlock does not need the dragonshard.

Spell-Like Ability Enhancements:
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