Evil Spells

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This is the list of all the Evil Spells

Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Contagion Icon.pngContagion
Necromancy (Evil)
Target: Foe

Infects a living enemy with the chosen disease, which strikes immediatly and deals damage every minute to one or more attributes. A successful Fortitude save negates the damage. Affected creatures can only recover if they make two consecutive Fortitude saves.

Cleric 3
Dark Apostate 3
Druid 3
Blight Caster 2
Favored Soul 3
Sorcerer 4
Wild Mage 4
Warlock 3
Acolyte of the Skin 3
Wizard 4
Spell Points:
Spell Create Undead Icon.pngCreate Undead
Necromancy (Evil)
Target: Self, Positional

This evil spell allows you to create one of three types of undead: a wight priest, a dread wraith, or a mummy lord. Created undead are automatically under the control of their creator.

Cleric 6
Dark Apostate 6
Wild Mage 6
Favored Soul 6
Sorcerer 6
Warlock 5
Acolyte of the Skin 5
Wizard 6
Quicken Spell Points:
Spell Doom Icon.pngDoom
Necromancy (Fear)(Mind-affecting)(Evil)
Target: Foe

A single enemy is filled with a feeling of horrible dread that causes it to become shaken, penalizing all saves, attack rolls, and skill rolls by a -2. A successful Will save negates this effect. This is a fear effect.

Cleric 1
Dark Apostate 1
Favored Soul 1
Warlock 1
Acolyte of the Skin 1
Spell Points:
Spell Protection from Alignment, Mass Icon.pngProtection from Alignment, Mass
Abjuration (Chaotic)(Evil)(Good)(Lawful)
Target: Self

Grants temporary immunity to multiple targets to all forms of alignment-based energy for 1 minute per caster level or until 12 points of energy per caster level (max 120) for each energy type has been absorbed.

Spell Like Ability Enlarge
Spell Points:
Spell Symbol of Pain Icon.pngSymbol of Pain
Necromancy (Evil)
Target: Foe, Positional

You scribe a potent rune of power in the air. When the symbol is activated by a target approaching, all nearby targets suffer wracking pain that imposes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for a duration of 30 seconds plus 12 seconds per caster level. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. A symbol will persist for about 5 minutes until triggered. Once triggered, a symbol's power begins to wane. A symbol will dissipate 20 seconds after frist being triggered. Symboles are volatile when placed together.

Cleric 5
Dark Apostate 5
Favored Soul 5
Sorcerer 5
Wild Mage 5
Wizard 5
Eschew Materials
Spell Points:
Spell Unholy Blight Icon.pngUnholy Blight
Evocation (Evil)
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable

Unholy power smites your targets. The power takes the form of a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness. Only good and neutral (not evil) creatures are harmed by the spell. This spell deals 5 to 10 points of damage per caster level (up to a max of caster level 10) to a good creature (or twice that to a good outsider) and causes it to be sickened for 6 to 24 seconds. A successful Will save reduces damage by half and negates the sickened effect. The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither evil or good, and they are not sickened. This spell can only be cast by evil or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a good caster.

Cleric 4
Dark Apostate 4
Favored Soul 4
Spell Points: