Greater Command

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 23:31, 5 August 2019 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

Spell Greater Command Icon.png

Greater Command
Enchantment (Mind-affecting)
Level: Cleric 5Favored Soul 5
Cost (Spell Points): 30
Components: Verbal
Metamagic: Embolden, Enlarge, Heighten, Quicken
Range: Standard
Target: Foe
Duration: 6 Seconds per Caster Level
Cooldown (Seconds):  4
Save: Will save negates effect
School: Enchantment (Mind-affecting)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Enemies are commanded to fall to the ground and lie prone. A successful Will save negates this effect.

Notes: This casts Command on multiple targets nearby. This will effect 1 creater per caster level, as long as they are within an standard proximity of each other, it moves from one creature to another.


Aulandar Thistlecrown
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