Necrotic Bolt

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 18:55, 23 September 2022 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

Spell Necrotic Bolt Icon.png

Necrotic Bolt
Level: Spell Like Ability
Cost (Spell Points): 10 (Rank 1), 8 (Rank 2), 5 (Rank 3)
Metamagic: Empower, Enlarge, Maximize, Quicken
Range: Standard
Target: Foe, Undead Foe
Duration: Instantaneous
Cooldown (Seconds):  15 (Rank 1), 10 (Rank 2), 5 (Rank 3)
Save: Fortitude save for half damage
School: Necromancy
Spell Resistance: No

D&D Dice: Deals 1d6+3 negative energy damage per caster level.

Description: You fire a dart of black energy from your hand that deals 4 to 10 hit points of negative energy damage per caster level. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. Players cannot be targeted with this effect.

Spell-Like Ability Enhancements: