Medium Armor Proficiency

From DDO Compendium

Feat Medium Armor Proficiency Icon.png

Medium Armor Proficiency

Type: Passive
Description: You are proficient with medium armor, and do not suffer armor penalties to your attack rolls when wearing medium armor. You also gain 4 + 2/3rds of your base attack bonus in physical resistance when wearing medium armor.

Wearing armor can cause Arcane spells to fail to cast (known as Arcane Spell Failure). In general, the heavier the armor, the greater the chance of failure.
  • You do not suffer armor penalty to attack
  • Gain 4 + 2/3rds Base Attack Bonus to Physical Resistance
Automatic Grant:
  • This feat is granted free to Artificer at class level 1
  • This feat is granted free to Barbarian at class level 1
  • This feat is granted free to Cleric at class level 1
  • This feat is granted free to Druid at class level 1
  • This feat is granted free to Fighter at class level 1
  • This feat is granted free to Paladin at class level 1
  • This feat is granted free to Dark Hunter at class level 1