Category:Barbarian Class Feats
From DDO Compendium
Level 1[edit]
- Dismiss Rage: Activate this barbarian ability to prematurely end your rage.
- Fast Movement: Allows barbarians to move 10% faster than other characters. This bonus applies even when wearing heavy armor.
- Rage (1/Day): Activate this barbarian ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting you a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. The duration of Rage is 18 + (Constitution modifier x 6) seconds. The rage-enhanced Constitution score is used for this calculation.
- Wilderness Lore: This feat grants represents your knowledge of the wilderness. One for every level of barbarian.
Level 2[edit]
- Damage Reduction 3%: Grants 3% damage reduction to all unarmed, weapon, or natural attacks.
Level 3[edit]
- Trap Sense +1: This feat grants the following bonuses. +1 on reflex saving throws vs. traps and +1 Armor Class vs. trap attacks.
Level 4[edit]
- Rage (2/Day): You can now rage 2 times per rest.
- Uncanny Dodge: This feat grants you a 1% passive bonus to Dodge at levels 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, and 20. Also, you can activate this ability to gain a temporary 25% dodge bonus and a +4 reflex save bonus. Cooldown: 180 seconds
Level 5[edit]
- Damage Reduction 4%: Damage reduction improves to a 4% reduction to all unarmed, weapon, or natural attacks.
Level 6[edit]
- Trap Sense +2: Trap sense bonus improves to +2.
Level 8[edit]
- Damage Reduction 5%: Damage reduction improves to a 5% reduction to all unarmed, weapon, or natural attacks.
- Rage (3/Day): You can now rage 3 times per rest.
- Improved Uncanny Dodge (2/day): This feat replaces the regular uncanny dodge feat and enhances it. You can activate this ability to gain a temporary 50% dodge bonus and a +6 reflex save bonus. Cooldown: 120 seconds
Level 9[edit]
- Trap Sense +3: Trap sense bonus improves to +3.
Level 11[edit]
- Damage Reduction 6%: Damage reduction improves to a 6% reduction to all unarmed, weapon, or natural attacks.
- Greater Rage: The bonuses to a barbarian's rage increase to a total of +6 Strength, +6 Constitution and +3 to will saving throws but the barbarian still incurs a reduction of its Armor Class by 2. Fatigue penalties remain the same as regular rage. Replaces the regular rage feat. While wearing medium armor and Barbarian Rage is active, gain +10 Physical Resistance Rating. While Barbarian Rage is active, gain +10 Melee Power.
Level 12[edit]
- Rage (4/Day): You can now rage 4 times per rest.
- Trap Sense +4: Trap sense bonus improves to +4.
Level 14[edit]
- Damage Reduction 7%: Damage reduction improves a 7% reduction to all unarmed, weapon, or natural attacks. (Currently not displayed upon level up, but does function correctly)
- Indomitable Will: While in a rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves he also receives during his rage.
Level 15[edit]
- Trap Sense +5: Trap sense bonus improves to +5.
Level 16[edit]
- Rage (5/Day): You can now rage 5 times per rest.
Level 17[edit]
- Damage Reduction 8%: Damage reduction improves to an 8% reduction to all unarmed, weapon, or natural attacks.
- Tireless Rage: Upon reaching level 17, a barbarian is no longer fatigued after raging. Also grants a stacking +2 Strength and Constitution and a +1 Morale Bonus to Will Saving Throws while raging.
Level 18[edit]
- Trap Sense +6: Trap sense bonus improves to +6.
Level 20[edit]
- Damage Reduction 9%: Damage reduction improves to a 9% reduction to all unarmed, weapon, or natural attacks.
- Mighty Rage: Upon reaching level 20, a barbarian's rage grows stronger. When raging, your base bonus to Strength and Constitution are increased to +8 and your morale bonus to Will saves is increased to +4.
- Rage (6/Day): You can now rage 6 times per rest.
Pages in category "Barbarian Class Feats"
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