Elemental Prod

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Spell Shocking Grasp Icon.png

Elemental Prod
Evocation (Electricity)(Force)
Level: Artificer 2
Cost (Spell Points): 4
Components: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Metamagic: Empower, Eschew Materials, Heighten, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken
Range: Touch
Target: Foe
Duration: 1d6+6 Seconds
Cooldown (Seconds):  6
Save: Will save for half damage, negates daze
School: Evocation (Electricity)(Force)
Spell Resistance: No

D&D Dice: Deals 1d6 damage per caster level (max 20d6).

Description: Deals 1 to 6 damage per caster level (up to a max of 20 to 120 at caster level 20) to any target you touch in two of three elements (Fire, Force, or Electric) chosen randomly each time. Elementals are also dazed. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the daze.


Taniera Grisvill
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