Vein Freeze

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 03:15, 22 January 2020 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
The page contains information retrieved from either lamannia or the forums that is scheduled for a future release and has not been updated with what is live.

This information is scheduled to be released when U45 goes live.

Spell Vein Freeze Icon.png

Vein Freeze
Conjuration (Cold)
Level: Alchemist 4
Cost (Spell Points): 20
Components: Material, Somatic, Verbal
Range: Thrown
Target: Foe, Directional
Primer Element: Gildleaf
Duration: 12 Seconds
Cooldown (Seconds):  2
Save: Fortitude save negates
School: Conjuration (Cold)
Spell Resistance: No

D&D Dice: Deals 1d6+4 Cold damage per caster level, max 20d6+80. A successful Fortitude save negates the freeze effect.

Description: Throw a bottle at a targetted foe that explodes, dealing 5 to 10 Cold damage per caster level, and slows enemies caught within. Some enemies may be required to make a Fortitude save or be Frozen for 12 seconds.