Rune Arm Shots

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 18:24, 21 June 2019 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SpellsHeader|RuneArm}} __NOTOC__ This is a list of rune arm shots, these act like spells, but don't have a level. == Blasts == {{SpellDPLTable|Rune Arm Shots}}")
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This is a list of rune arm shots, these act like spells, but don't have a level.


Name Effect Levels Metamagics Cost
Spell Melf's Acid Arrow Icon.pngAcid Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a missile of acid that corrodes your enemies. At higher charge levels multiple projectiles are fired in a spray. Opponenets struck by a projectile receive a Fortitude save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Bee Shot Icon.pngBee Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires bees at enemies. At higher levels more bees are fired. Opponents struck by the bees receive a Fortitude save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Bee Shot Icon.pngBook Shot
Evocation (Bludgeoning)
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Hurls books at enemies. At higher charge levels multiple books are rapidly fired. Opponents struck by the books receive a Reflex save for half damange.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Niac's Cold Ray Icon.pngCold Bolts
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires ice crystals that damage your enemies. At higher charge levels multiple bolts are rapidly fired. Opponents struck by the crystals receive a Fortitude save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Fireball Icon.pngCorrupted Exploding Fire Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires an explosive ball of flame that damage your enemies. Opponents struck by the fireball receive a Will save for half damage. At Charge Tier 3 and higher, opponents within the blast have a 25% chance to have a Curse spell cast on them.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Scorch Icon.pngCorrupted Fire Blast
Target: Directional, Foe, Breakable

Deals fire damage to a target with a cone shaped blast of fire. At higher charge tiers the blast is larger. Opponents within the blast receive a Will save for half damage. At charge Tier 3 and higher, opponents within the blast have a 25% chance to have a Curse spell cast on them.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Lightning Bolt Icon.pngElectrical Blast
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Deals electrical damage to a target with a cone shaped blast of lightning. At higher charge tieres the blast is larger. Opponents within the blast receive a Reflex save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Chain Lightning Icon.pngElectrical Lash
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a slow-moving ball of electricity that lashes nearby opponents. At higher charge tiers additional enemies are lashed. Opponents struck by this receive a Reflex save for half damange.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Chain Lightning Icon.pngElectrical Storm
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires electrical bolts at enemies. At higher charge levels multiple bolts are rapidly fired. Opponents struct by the crystals receive a Reflex save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Fireball Icon.pngExploding Cannon Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a conjured stone projectile that explodes when it strikes an enemy or object. Opponents in the blast radius take both bludgeoning and fire damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Fireball Icon.pngExploding Fire Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires an explosive ball of flame that damage your enemies. Opponents struck by the fireball receive a Reflex save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Scorch Icon.pngFire Blast
Target: Directional, Foe

Deals fire damage to a target with a cone shaped blast of fire. At higher charge tiers the blast is larger. Opponents within the blast receive a Reflex save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Magic Missile Icon.pngForce Shot
Target: Foe, Directional,

Fires a missile of force that damages your enemies. At higher charge levels multiple projectiles are fired in a spray. Opponents struck by these bolts receive a Will save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Ghost Shot Icon.pngGhost Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a Spectre that damage your enemies. At higher charge levels multiple ghosts are rapidly fired. Opponents struck by the ghosts receive a Fortitude save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Gold Shot Icon.pngGold Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a glob of molten gold at your enemies that sticks to your foes or the ground. At higher charge tiers additional enemies can be stuck. Opponents struck by this receive a Reflex save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Bee Shot Icon.pngKnife Shot Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires knives at enemies. At higher charge levels multiple knives are rapidly fired. Opponents struck by the knives receive a Reflex save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Nimbus of Light Icon.pngLight Spirals
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires chaotic bolts of light that damage your enemies. At higher charge levels multiple bolts are rapidly fired. Opponents struck by these bolts receive a Will save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Salt Ray Icon.pngSalt Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a lance of Salt at enemies. At higher charge levels multiple knives are rapidly fired. Opponents struct by the knives receive a Reflex save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Shout Icon.pngSonic Blast
Evocation (Sonic)
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Deals sonic damage to targets with a burst of sound. At higher charge tiers the blast is larger. Opponents within the blast receive a Will save for half damage.

Rune Arm Shot
Spell Fire Trap Icon.pngTrash Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable

Fires a slow-moving pile of burning trash. Opponents in the blast radius take bludgeoning, fire, poison, and rust damage. Opponents struck by this receive a Fortitude save for half damage. When fully charged, this fires two projectiles that fly much faster. Enemies hit take the following values in each damage type:

Rune Arm Shot