Category:Update 19 Loot

From DDO Compendium
Name Type ML Enchantments Augments Item Sets
Fell ShivDagger26 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Trapsmith's CrossbowRepeating Heavy Crossbow16
Magistrate's ScepterHeavy Mace17 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Magistrate's ScepterHeavy Mace19 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Magistrate's ScepterHeavy Mace26 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Magistrate's ScepterHeavy Mace27 Red Augment Slot: Empty
First BloodBastard Sword14
First BloodBastard Sword16
First BloodBastard Sword25
Elemental FuryShort Sword18
Elemental FuryShort Sword19
Elemental FuryShort Sword26
Elemental FuryShort Sword27
Elemental FuryShort Sword28
Frostbite BladeScimitar17 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Frostbite BladeScimitar18 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Frostbite BladeScimitar19 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Frostbite BladeScimitar27 Purple Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Frostbite BladeScimitar28 Purple Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
The Morning StarShuriken26 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Thunder and LightningHandwraps18 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Thunder and LightningHandwraps19 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Thunder and LightningHandwraps26 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Prison BreakDwarven War Axe14
Prison BreakDwarven War Axe15
Prison BreakDwarven War Axe16
Prison BreakDwarven War Axe25
Prison BreakDwarven War Axe26
Giant's FistMaul17 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Giant's FistMaul18 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Giant's FistMaul26 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Giant's FistMaul27 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Giant's FistMaul28 Red Augment Slot: Empty
+4 Flaming Returning Throwing DaggerThrowing Dagger14
DawnbreakerHeavy Mace15
Knight's BladeLong Sword15
Fell ShivDagger14 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Fell ShivDagger25 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Fell ShivDagger27 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Fell ShivDagger16 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Fell ShivDagger15 Red Augment Slot: Empty
First BloodBastard Sword27
Magistrate's ScepterHeavy Mace18 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Thunder and LightningHandwraps17 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Master's RiposteLong Sword27
Elemental FuryShort Sword17
Master's RiposteLong Sword28
Trapsmith's CrossbowRepeating Heavy Crossbow27
Trapsmith's CrossbowRepeating Heavy Crossbow25
First BloodBastard Sword15
The Morning StarShuriken16 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Trapsmith's CrossbowRepeating Heavy Crossbow14
Magistrate's ScepterHeavy Mace28 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Master's RiposteLong Sword17
The Morning StarShuriken14 Red Augment Slot: Empty
The Morning StarShuriken25 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Master's RiposteLong Sword19
First BloodBastard Sword26
Trapsmith's CrossbowRepeating Heavy Crossbow15
The Morning StarShuriken15 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Thunder and LightningHandwraps28 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Thunder and LightningHandwraps27 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Master's RiposteLong Sword18
Prison BreakDwarven War Axe27 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Giant's FistMaul19 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Trapsmith's CrossbowRepeating Heavy Crossbow26
The Morning StarShuriken27 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Master's RiposteLong Sword26
Frostbite BladeScimitar26 Purple Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Hero's LeathersLight Armor16
Hero's LeathersLight Armor27
Hero's PlateHeavy Armor16
Outsider's FursDocent16
Sage's VestmentsRobe16
WhisperchainLight Armor16
Martial OutfitOutfit16
Martial OutfitOutfit27
ShadowmailMedium Armor16
ShadowmailMedium Armor17
ShadowmailMedium Armor18
ShadowmailMedium Armor23
ShadowmailMedium Armor24
Gleaming PlateHeavy Armor15
Outsider's FursDocent27
Hero's BreastplateMedium Armor16
ShadowmailMedium Armor25
Purple Dragon Knight's ArmorHeavy Armor15
Shadar-kai ArmorLight Armor15
Hero's BreastplateMedium Armor27
Sage's VestmentsRobe27
Hero's PlateHeavy Armor27
Nether OrbOrb17 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Nether OrbOrb18 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Nether OrbOrb26 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Nether OrbOrb27 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Shield of MorningSmall Shield17 Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Shield of MorningSmall Shield18 Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Shield of MorningSmall Shield19 Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Shield of MorningSmall Shield26 Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Shield of MorningSmall Shield27 Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Shield of MorningSmall Shield28 Purple Augment Slot: Empty
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Shining WallLarge Shield15
Burning LightOrb15
BlockadeLarge Shield15
Nether OrbOrb28 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Nether OrbOrb19 Red Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's SashBelt26
Sage's SashBelt15
Glorious DawnRing14 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Glorious DawnRing15 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Glorious DawnRing16 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Glorious DawnRing25 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Glorious DawnRing26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Guardian's GauntletsGloves15
Guardian's GauntletsGloves26
Skullduggery KitBelt14 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Skullduggery KitBelt15 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Skullduggery KitBelt25 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Skullduggery KitBelt26 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet14

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet15

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet16

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet25

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Green Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet27

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Green Augment Slot: Empty
Bolstered BandolierBelt15
Covert CapeCloak15
Covert CowlHelmet15
Creation Forge BassinetHelmet15
Creation Forge GauntletsGloves15
Creation Forge GirdleBelt15
Creation Forge GorgetNecklace15
Creation Forge VambracesBracers15
Grim GreavesBracers15
Livewood BandRing15
Reinforced RingRing15
Ring of the RunawayRing15
Shadow SightGoggles15
Shard of the ShadowfellTrinket15
Silent StepsBoots15
Sly GlovesGloves15
Subtle AmuletNecklace
Skirmisher's GlovesGloves15
Skirmisher's GlovesGloves26
Sage's GlovesGloves17
Sage's GlovesGloves26
Skirmisher's BracersBracers15
Skirmisher's BracersBracers26
Sage's CuffsBracers26
Guardian's BracersBracers26
Guardian's CloakCloak19
Guardian's CloakCloak27
Prismatic Cloak, RedCloak18 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, RedCloak19 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, RedCloak26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, RedCloak27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's MantleCloak19
Sage's MantleCloak27
Skirmisher's CloakCloak19
Guardian's BootsBoots15
Guardian's BootsBoots27
Skirmisher's BootsBoots27
Guardian's HelmetHelmet19
Sage's SkullcapHelmet19
Skirmisher's CircletHelmet19
Skirmisher's CircletHelmet27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Guardian's GlassesGoggles19 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's SpectaclesGoggles15
Sage's SpectaclesGoggles27 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Skirmisher's LensesGoggles27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
ShadowsightGoggles14 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
ShadowsightGoggles15 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
ShadowsightGoggles16 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
ShadowsightGoggles25 Green Augment Slot: Empty
ShadowsightGoggles26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
ShadowsightGoggles27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Guardian's RingRing27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Skirmisher's LocketNecklace15
Skirmisher's LocketNecklace26
Skirmisher's BeltBelt15
Skirmisher's BeltBelt26
Guardian's LocketNecklace15
Guardian's LocketNecklace26
Sage's LocketNecklace15
Sage's LocketNecklace26
Guardian's GirdleBelt15
Guardian's GirdleBelt26
Gloves of the Master IllusionistGloves17 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Gloves of the Master IllusionistGloves19 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Gloves of the Master IllusionistGloves27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Skirmisher's RingRing19 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's RingRing19 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's RingRing28 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, VioletCloak18 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, VioletCloak19 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, VioletCloak26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, VioletCloak27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, VioletCloak28 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, BlueCloak17 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, BlueCloak18 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, BlueCloak19 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, BlueCloak26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prisoner's ManaclesBracers14
Prisoner's ManaclesBracers15 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Prisoner's ManaclesBracers16 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Prisoner's ManaclesBracers25 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Prisoner's ManaclesBracers26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prisoner's ManaclesBracers27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Goatskin BootsBoots17 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Goatskin BootsBoots18 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Goatskin BootsBoots19 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Goatskin BootsBoots26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Goatskin BootsBoots27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Goatskin BootsBoots28 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Consuming DarknessRing17 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Consuming DarknessRing18 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Consuming DarknessRing19 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Consuming DarknessRing26 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Consuming DarknessRing28 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreyCloak18 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreyCloak19 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreyCloak26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreyCloak28 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Threads of Falling ShadowBoots16
Threads of Falling ShadowBoots17
Threads of Falling ShadowBoots18
Threads of Falling ShadowBoots23
Threads of Falling ShadowBoots24
Threads of Falling ShadowBoots25
Stolen NecklaceNecklace14 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Stolen NecklaceNecklace15 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Stolen NecklaceNecklace25 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Stolen NecklaceNecklace26 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Stolen NecklaceNecklace27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Harper Pin, LesserActivator
  • Dispels Crowd Control effects incapacitating you
Harper Pin, GreaterTrinket
  • Dispels Crowd Control effects incapacitating you
Prismatic Cloak, GreenCloak17 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreenCloak18 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreenCloak19 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreenCloak26 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreenCloak27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreenCloak28 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's ShoesBoots19
Clear LensesGoggles15
Book of AmaunatorTrinket15
Signet of AmaunatorRing15
Band of LightRing15
Balanced BootsBoots15
Fists of JusticeGloves15
Cloak of the DawnCloak15
Undeniable TruthBelt15
Brilliant BracerBracers15
Cormyrian SpectaclesGoggles15
Momento of WarTrinket15
Knight's HelmHelmet15
Seal of the Purple DragonRing15
Knight's SabatonsBoots15
Knight's GauntletsGloves15
Knight's CloakCloak15
Knight's GirdleBelt15
Knight's VambracesBracers15
Knight's GorgetNecklace15
Shade's HoodHelmet14

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Shade's HoodHelmet15

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet16

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet25

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet26

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet27

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Gloves of the Master IllusionistGloves18 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Creation Forge LensesGoggles15
Skullduggery KitBelt27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Shade's HoodHelmet26

Shadow Walk (CL 14) - 1/1

Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Green Augment Slot: Empty
Gloves of the Master IllusionistGloves28 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Creation Forge SabatonsBoots15
Skullduggery KitBelt16 Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, RedCloak28 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Guardian's HelmetHelmet27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's ShoesBoots27
Skirmisher's CloakCloak27
Skirmisher's BootsBoots19
Glorious DawnRing27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Guardian's RingRing19 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's CuffsBracers15
Gloves of the Master IllusionistGloves26 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, BlueCloak27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Guardian's BracersBracers15
Icon of the Lord of BladesTrinket15
Skirmisher's RingRing27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Sage's SkullcapHelmet27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, RedCloak17 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, VioletCloak17 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreyCloak27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Guardian's GlassesGoggles27 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Stolen NecklaceNecklace16 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, GreyCloak17 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Skirmisher's LensesGoggles19 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Prismatic Cloak, BlueCloak28 Green Augment Slot: Empty
Consuming DarknessRing27 Yellow Augment Slot: Empty

Pages in category "Update 19 Loot"

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