Attuned Bone Rapier

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 23:18, 25 March 2023 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

Attuned Bone Rapier Icon.png

Attuned Bone Rapier

Accepts Sentience
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Minimum Level: 31
Bound to Account on Acquire
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 66.13
Damage: 5[1d6+3]+15
Damage Types: Pierce, Magic
Critical Roll: 18 - 20 / x2
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR

  • +15 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +15 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +15 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
Isle of Dread: Scale Slot (Weapon): Empty
Isle of Dread: Fang Slot (Weapon): Empty
Isle of Dread: Claw Slot (Weapon): Empty
Isle of Dread: Horn Slot (Weapon): Empty
Orange Augment Slot: Empty
Purple Augment Slot: Empty
The Legendary Dread Isle's Curse: 
  • 5 Pieces Equipped:
+15 Profane bonus to Melee and Ranged Power
+25 Profane bonus to Universal Spellpower
+30 Profane bonus to Physical Resistance Rating
+2 Profane bonus to Spell DCs
+2 Profane bonus to all Ability Scores
+3 Profane bonus to hit and damage
The Isle of Dread beckons you...

Material: This item is made out of: Bone
Hardness: 41 Durability: 355

Fashioned of intricately carved bones of long-forgotten Dinosaurs.
Base Value: 12,402 Platinum 2 lbs
Attuned Bone Rapier.png
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