Category:Items with an Augment
From DDO Compendium
Below is a listing of items that contain augment slots. Some may be pre-filled, others may not.
This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Items with an Augment"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,833 total.
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- A Garbage Can Lid?
- A Momento of Mori
- Aberrant Robe
- Absolute Judgement
- Absorption Gauntlet
- Accomplice
- Acera, the Dissolution of All
- Acidic Insignia
- Acidic Insignia (Pre U41)
- Acidic Sphere
- Acolyte's Lenses
- Acrida, the Caustic Arbalest
- Adamantine Knuckles (ML 12)
- Adamantine Knuckles (ML 13)
- Adamantine Knuckles (ML 14)
- Adamantine Knuckles (ML 23)
- Adamantine Knuckles (ML 24)
- Adamantine Knuckles (ML 25)
- Adherence
- Adherent's Pendant
- Adherent's Pendant (Pre U50)
- Admiral's Cummerbund
- Admiral's Gloves
- Admiral's Gumshoes
- Admiral's Wristwatch
- Adoryn's Malice
- Adversion
- Aegis of Aosu'riel
- Aegis of the First Watch
- Aeon, the Blazing Reign
- Aerania, the Boltbow
- Aetherband
- Agarta's Belt
- Agony, the Knife in the Dark (Tier 4)
- Alaric's Grim Gauntlets
- Allegiance (ML 14)
- Allegiance (ML 23)
- Allegiance (ML 24)
- Allegiance (ML 25)
- Allegience of the Wild Hunt
- Alveo
- Amber Pendant
- Amethyst Loupe
- Amplin, the Channeling Bolt
- Amulet of the Makers
- An Inexplicably Legendary Garbage Can Lid?
- Anathema
- Anchorchain
- Ancient Band (ML 14)
- Ancient Band (ML 23)
- Ancient Band (ML 24)
- Ancient Band (ML 25)
- Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
- Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger (Pre U50)
- Animated Rope
- Antipode, Fist of the Horizon (Tier 4)
- Antique Greataxe
- Antique Greataxe (Pre U39)
- Antithesis
- Aosu'riel's Bracers
- Aquatic Bracers (ML 13)
- Aquatic Bracers (ML 14)
- Aquatic Bracers (ML 23)
- Aquatic Bracers (ML 24)
- Aquatic Bracers (ML 25)
- Aral'Aul'Nevae's Hide
- Arc Ricochet
- Arcane Armor
- Arcane Shard
- Architect's Cloak
- Arcing Sky (ML 23)
- Arcing Sky (ML 24)
- Arcing Sky (ML 25)
- Arcsteel Brim
- Arctica, the Mystic Cold
- Argenti's Armor
- Arkat's Cord (ML 13)
- Arkat's Cord (ML 14)
- Arkat's Cord (ML 23)
- Arkat's Cord (ML 23)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Arkat's Cord (ML 24)
- Arkat's Cord (ML 24)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Arkat's Cord (ML 25)
- Arkat's Cord (ML 25)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Arlyn's Ring
- Arlyn's Ring (Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Arlyn's Staff
- Arm of the Aggressor
- Arm of the Aggressor (Pre U41)
- Arm of the Archons
- Armbands of the Silenced Ones
- Armor of Midday
- Armor of Midnight
- Armor of Moonlight
- Armor of Sunlight
- Armor of Sunset
- Armor of the Amok
- Armor of the New Moon
- Armor of the Unknown Hero
- Arraetrikos' Bane (ML 15)
- Arraetrikos' Bane (ML 29)
- Arrondi
- Artemist's Aegis (ML 5)
- Artemist's Aegis (ML 10)
- Artemist's Aegis (ML 15)
- Artemist's Aegis (ML 20)
- Artemist's Aegis (ML 25)
- Artemist's Aegis (ML 30)
- Asbestos Booties
- Ash Boots
- Aspect of the Wild Hunt
- Assassin Initiate's Leathers (ML 13)
- Assassin Initiate's Leathers (ML 14)
- Assassin Initiate's Leathers (ML 15)
- Assassin's Kiss
- Atonement
- Attuned Bone Bastard Sword
- Attuned Bone Battle Axe
- Attuned Bone Club
- Attuned Bone Dagger
- Attuned Bone Dart
- Attuned Bone Dwarven Waraxe
- Attuned Bone Falchion
- Attuned Bone Great Crossbow
- Attuned Bone Greataxe
- Attuned Bone Greatclub
- Attuned Bone Greatsword
- Attuned Bone Hand Axe
- Attuned Bone Handwraps
- Attuned Bone Heavy Crossbow
- Attuned Bone Heavy Mace
- Attuned Bone Heavy Pick
- Attuned Bone Kama
- Attuned Bone Khopesh
- Attuned Bone Kukri
- Attuned Bone Light Crossbow
- Attuned Bone Light Hammer
- Attuned Bone Light Mace
- Attuned Bone Light Pick
- Attuned Bone Longbow
- Attuned Bone Longsword
- Attuned Bone Maul
- Attuned Bone Morningstar
- Attuned Bone Quarterstaff
- Attuned Bone Rapier
- Attuned Bone Repeating Heavy Crossbow
- Attuned Bone Repeating Light Crossbow
- Attuned Bone Scimitar
- Attuned Bone Shortbow
- Attuned Bone Shortsword
- Attuned Bone Shuriken
- Attuned Bone Sickle
- Attuned Bone Throwing Axe
- Attuned Bone Throwing Dagger
- Attuned Bone Throwing Hammer
- Attuned Bone Warhammer
- Attunement Gauntlets
- Attunement Guantlets
- Attunement's Gaze
- Audion, the Shattering Way
- Autumn's Veil
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 12)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 13)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 13)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 14)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 14)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 23)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 23)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 24)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 24)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 25)
- Axe of Adaxus (ML 25)(Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Axe of the Unseen Blow
- Azure Buckler
- Azure Guard
- Azure Guard (Pre U41)
- Azure Rotella
- Azure Targe
- Azure Tower
- Backstabber's Gloves (ML 14)
- Backstabber's Gloves (ML 23)
- Backstabber's Gloves (ML 24)
- Backstabber's Gloves (ML 25)
- Balizarde, Protector of the King (Tier 4)
- Ball o' Yarn
- Band of Acrobatics
- Band of Diani ir'Wynarn
- Band of Faith and Fortress
- Band of Insightful Commands
- Band of Manifest Magic
- Band of Mental Magic
- Band of Seasons' Warding
- Band of the Holy Way
- Banner Cloak
- Barbarian's Spirit
- Barbette's Bracers
- Barnacled Buckler
- Barovian Handwraps
- Barovian Nobles' Regalia
- Barovian's Bastard Sword