Scroll of Web

From DDO Compendium
Scroll of Web Icon.pngScroll of Web
UMD Difficulty: 24
No UMD Check For: Sorcerer 4, Wild Mage 4, Wizard 3, Warlock 4, Acolyte of the Skin 4
Minimum Level: 1
Spell Web Icon.pngWeb
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable
Duration: 30 Seconds
School: Conjuration (Creation)
Creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands that entangle targets within them. A successful Reflex save negates this effect. Entangled creatures may attempt to make a Strength check every 2 seconds to escape. Area of effect fire spells will destroy these webs and free any entangled creatures. Incorporeal creatures, oozes, and spiders are naturally immune. Fire elementals and other fire creatures are immune because they burn through the webs.
Caster Level: 3
A heavy sheet of fine vellum reinforced at the top and bottom with strips of leather, covered with arcane writing.
Base Value: 15 Platinum 0.10 lbs
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