Scroll of Power Word Stun

From DDO Compendium
Scroll of Power Word Kill Icon.pngScroll of Power Word Stun
UMD Difficulty: 48
No UMD Check For: Cleric 15, Dark Apostate 15, Sorcerer 16, Wild Mage 16, Wizard 15, Warlock 16, Acolyte of the Skin 16
Minimum Level: 13
Spell Power Word- Stun Icon.pngPower Word: Stun
Target: Foe
Duration: Dependent on HP of creature
School: Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting)
Spell Resistance: Yes
A single word of power is uttered, causing your target to become stunned. Creatures with 150 or fewer current HP are stunned for 4 to 32 seconds, creatures with 151 to 300 HP are stunned for 2 to 16 seconds, and creatures with 301 hps or more are stunned for 8 seconds.
Caster Level: 15
A heavy sheet of fine vellum reinforced at the top and bottom with strips of leather, covered with arcane writing.
Base Value: 300 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: Random, any chest, quest reward, etc.