Legendary Ward of Undeath

From DDO Compendium
Legendary Ward of Undeath Icon.pngLegendary Ward of Undeath
Large Shield
General Shield Proficiency
Minimum Level: 30
Bound to Account on Acquire
Shield Bonus: +22
Damage Reduction (DR): 21
Armor Check Penalty: -1
Spell Failure: 15%
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 94.25
Damage: 5[1d10+6]+15
Damage Types: Bludgeon, Good, Magic
Critical Roll: 18 - 20 / x3
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR
  • +15 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +15 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +15 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Impact: Passive: The base critical threat range is doubled. This does not stack with the Improved Critical Feat. Vorpal strikes by this weapon also bypass all Fortification.
  • Flaming Blast 6: This weapon is sheathed in Fire, dealing 6d6 Fire damage a successful hit, and an additional 6d6 Fire damage on a critical hit.
  • Undead Bane 6: This weapon deals 6d10 Bane damage against Undead.
  • Superior Undead Guard: This item burns those Undead that attack the wearer, causing 7d8 Good damage on a successful melee attack.
  • Shield Spikes: The sharp, hardened spikes on this item deal an additional 6d6 piercing damage on each hit.
  • Flametouched Iron: Mined only in Thrane, flametouched iron is rare and considered sacred by the Church of the Silver Flame. When mined, this iron variety has a speckled dark red color, resembling rust. Adherents of the Church of the Silver Flame believe that flametouched iron carries the particular blessing of their deity, and they use it to make holy symbols, weapons, and armor A flametouched iron weapon is treated as a good-aligned weapon.
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Legendary Oasis of Morality: 
  • 2 Pieces Equipped:
+6% Artifact Bonus to Positive Spellcrit Chance
+30 Artifact bonus to Positive Spell Power
+15% Artifact bonus to Fortification Bypass
Material: This item is made out of: Flametouched Iron
Hardness: 40 Durability: 375
Description: A large shield made from flame-touched iron. This shield is particularly effective when bashing the Undead.
Base Value: 12,102 Platinum15 lbs
Ward of Undeath.png
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Upgraded From: