Legendary Sirocco

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Legendary Long Sword 1 Icon.png

Legendary Sirocco
Long Sword

Accepts Sentience
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Minimum Level: 30
Bound to Account on Acquire
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 16.50
Damage: 2[1d8]+6
Damage Types: Slash, Magic
Critical Roll: 19 - 20 / x2
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR

  • +6 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +6 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +6 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Epic Telekinetic: Targets that suffer a critical hit from a telekinetic weapon must make a DC Strength or Dexterity DC: 35 check or be knocked down. The target will then be force to make Balance DC: 16 checks to recover from the effect.
  • Force Blast 4: This weapon is sheathed in Force, dealing 4d6 Force damage a successful hit, and an additional 4d6 Force damage on a critical hit.
  • Sirocco: A critical hit with this weapon causes a whirlwind of desert sand to swirl about the target, temporarily blinding it. A successful Reflex DC: 20 save prevents the effect
  • Smoke Screen: You are surrounded by wisps of concealing smoke, giving opponents a 20% chance to miss you.
  • Air Guard: This item stores the incredible, dynamic power of the air deep within. When the user of this item is successfully attacked in melee, this power occasionally comes to the surface, knocking enemies over or speeding up the wearer with rushing winds.
Red Augment Slot: Empty
The Legendary Desert's Biting Sands: 
  • 2 Pieces Equipped:
+6% Artifact bonus to Force Spellcrit Chance
+30 Artifact bonus to Force Spellpower
+30 Artifact bonus to Magical Resistance Rating

Material: This item is made out of: Steel
Hardness: 40 Durability: 370

A desert spirit bound to this sword summons a tiny sandstorm around its target on each hit. This sandstorm can blind and even knock down your opponent.
Base Value: 12,001 Platinum 5 Gold 4 lbs
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Upgraded From
Epic Sirocco