Machination of Madness (Pre U41)

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Raid Rune Arm 1 Icon.png Machination of Madness
Rune Arm
Feat Required: Artificer Rune Arm Use!
Minimum Level: 29
Bound to Character on Acquire
Spell Bee Shot Icon.pngBee Shot
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable
Duration: 6 Seconds
School: Evocation
Spell Resistance: No
Fires bees at enemies. At higher levels more bees are fired. Opponents struck by the bees receive a Fortitude save for half damage.

Charge Tier 1: 4 to 14 + 1 to 2 per Artificer Level

Charge Tier 2: 5 to 19 + 1 to 4 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier 3: 6 to 24 + 1 to 6 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier 4: 7 to 29 + 1 to 8 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier 5: 8 to 34 + 1 to 10 per Artificer Level

In addition, foes struck by the shot take a stack of enraged Bees, which deal 1d4 Piercing Damage every 2 seconds with no save. Enraged Bees may stack up to 20 times, and scales with Spell Power.
  • Maximum Charge Tier: V: The maximum charge tier of this Rune Arm is Tier V.
  • Rune Arm Imbue: Knife Shot VI: Wearing this Rune Arm will imbue any weapon you wield, dealing 2d10 knife shot damage per hit. This damage scales with 200% Melee or Ranged Power (whichever is higher).
  • Taint of Chaos: This weapon is Chaotically aligned. Lawfully aligned characters suffer a negative level until this item is unequipped.
  • Rune Arm Recharge Rate +30%: This Rune Arm has a 30% Enhancement bonus to its Charge Rate.
  • Impulse +196: Passive: +196 Equipment bonus to Force, Physical, and Untyped Spells Spell Power.
  • Natural Armor +15: Passive: +15 Natural Armor bonus to Armor Class.
  • Repair Amplification +31: Passive: +31 Enhancement Bonus to Repair Amplification.
  • Insightful Evocation Focus +3: Passive: +3 Insight bonus to DC of Evocation spells.
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Green Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Force
Hardness: 30 Durability: 385

Description: With this strange device attached to your arm, a whole world of new ideas is open to you. How did you never see the possibilities before?
Machination of Madness.png
Where To Find: No longer found with these stats
Upgradeable: This item can be upgraded to the current version using the Re-Acquire Raid Loot altar in the Hall of Heroes. This costs Thread of Fate Icon.png 50x Thread of Fate.
This item was replaced by SSG in U41. Machination of Madness is the current version.