Category:Items with Evocation Focus
From DDO Compendium
Pages in category "Items with Evocation Focus"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 219 total.
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- Band of Manifest Magic
- Belashyrra's Cleansed Scepter
- Blasting Chime (ML 11)
- Blasting Chime (ML 11) (Tier 2)
- Blasting Chime (ML 15)
- Blasting Chime (ML 15) (Tier 2)
- Blasting Chime (ML 15) (Tier 3)
- Blasting Chime (ML 20)
- Blasting Chime (ML 20) (Tier 2)
- Blasting Chime (ML 20) (Tier 3)
- Bracelet of Madness
- Brazenband
- Burning Manacles
- Caustic Forum Post (ML 5)
- Caustic Forum Post (ML 10)
- Caustic Forum Post (ML 15)
- Caustic Forum Post (ML 20)
- Caustic Forum Post (ML 25)
- Caustic Forum Post (ML 30)
- Clamorous Forum Post (ML 5)
- Clamorous Forum Post (ML 10)
- Clamorous Forum Post (ML 15)
- Clamorous Forum Post (ML 20)
- Clamorous Forum Post (ML 25)
- Clamorous Forum Post (ML 30)
- Combustible Devoted Quarterstaff
- Combustible Nullified Quarterstaff
- Combustible Radiant Quarterstaff
- Combustible Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Combustible Resonating Quarterstaff
- Countenance
- Countenance (Pre U41)
- Creeping Dust Conduit
- Crystalline Scepter (ML 12)
- Crystalline Scepter (ML 13)
- Crystalline Scepter (ML 14)
- Crystalline Scepter (ML 23)
- Crystalline Scepter (ML 24)
- Crystalline Scepter (ML 25)
- Earthen Mantle
- Entropic Edge
- Epic Brimstone Verge
- Epic Brimstone Verge (Pre U50)
- Epic Bullywug Priestess' Staff
- Epic Cacophonic Verge
- Epic Cacophonic Verge (Pre U50)
- Epic Cinderfingers
- Epic Diabolist's Ring
- Epic Flameward
- Epic Flameward (Pre U50)
- Epic Ring of the Blue Abishai
- Epic Ring of the Red Abishai
- Epic Ring of the White Abishai
- Epic Robe of Fire
- Epic Robe of Fire (Pre U50)
- Epic Rod of Mythant
- Epic Shaman's Beads
- Falrinth's Folly
- Firestorm Conduit
- Flameward
- Flameward (Pre U50)
- Flaming Forum Post (ML 5)
- Flaming Forum Post (ML 10)
- Flaming Forum Post (ML 15)
- Flaming Forum Post (ML 20)
- Flaming Forum Post (ML 25)
- Flaming Forum Post (ML 30)
- Forgotten Tome
- Fusible Sceptre of Combustion
- Fusible Sceptre of Glaciation
- Fusible Sceptre of Impulse
- Fusible Sceptre of Magnetism
- Icy Forum Post (ML 5)
- Icy Forum Post (ML 10)
- Icy Forum Post (ML 15)
- Icy Forum Post (ML 20)
- Icy Forum Post (ML 25)
- Icy Forum Post (ML 30)
- Impulsive Devoted Quarterstaff
- Impulsive Nullified Quarterstaff
- Impulsive Radiant Quarterstaff
- Impulsive Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Impulsive Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Attunement Gauntlets
- Legendary Attunement Guantlets
- Legendary Band of Manifest Magic
- Legendary Brazenband
- Legendary Bullywug Priestess' Staff
- Legendary Burning Manacles
- Legendary Cinderfingers
- Legendary Combustible Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Creeping Dust Conduit
- Legendary Diabolist's Ring
- Legendary Earthen Mantle
- Legendary Falrinth's Folly
- Legendary Firestorm Conduit
- Legendary Flameward
- Legendary Forgotten Tome
- Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Combustion
- Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Glaciation
- Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Impulse
- Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Magnetism
- Legendary Gauntlets of Innate Arcanum
- Legendary Glaciated Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Goggles of Dusk
- Legendary Hallowed Trail
- Legendary Impulsive Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Lilting Song
- Legendary Liturgy of the Dark Six
- Legendary Magnetic Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Mastermaker's Fingers
- Legendary Phasecloak
- Legendary Quarantine
- Legendary Ring of the Blue Abishai
- Legendary Ring of the Red Abishai
- Legendary Ring of the White Abishai
- Legendary Robe of Fire
- Legendary Scarlet Scale Cloak
- Legendary Shaman's Beads
- Legendary Silverthread Cloak
- Legendary Slave Master's Staff
- Legendary Stormsinger Cloak
- Legendary Wild Flame
- Lightning Coil
- Lightning Coil (Pre U41)
- Lilting Song
- Liturgy of the Dark Six
- Sage's Locket (ML 15)
- Sage's Locket (ML 26)
- Scarlet Scale Cloak
- Season's Anchors
- Shaman's Beads
- Shaman's Beads (Pre U36)
- Shocking Forum Post (ML 5)
- Shocking Forum Post (ML 10)
- Shocking Forum Post (ML 15)
- Shocking Forum Post (ML 20)
- Shocking Forum Post (ML 25)
- Shocking Forum Post (ML 30)
- Silverthread Cloak
- Slave Master's Staff