Mending Burst

From DDO Compendium

Enhancement Mending Burst Icon.png

Mending Burst

Ranks: 1
Points (per rank): 2
Cooldown: 6 Seconds GreyQuestion.png
Enhancement Mending Burst Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Mending Burst
Metamagic: Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten, Embolden

Epic Strike: A field of magical energy explodes from within you, repairing all nearby for 3d6+6 Repair healing + 1 per caster level.
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.

Epic Strike: A field of magical energy explodes from within you, repairing all nearby for 3d6+6 Repair healing + 1 per caster level.

Every Epic Strike shares a cooldown with every other Epic Strike. Using this ability will put every Epic Strike onto the ability's cooldown.
Selection option for: Epic Strike
  • 1 Points spent
  • Level 20