Epic Ring of Baphomet (Pre U50)

From DDO Compendium
Ring 1 Icon.png Epic Ring of Baphomet
Minimum Level: 20
Bound to Character on Acquire
Spell Bestow Curse Icon.pngBestow Curse
Target: Foe
Duration: 60 Seconds + 20 Seconds per Caster Level
School: Necromancy
Spell Resistance: Yes
The target is cursed, giving a -4 penalty to attack rolls, skill rolls and saves. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Caster Level: 5
3 / 3 Charges(Recharged/Day: 3)
Colorless Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Gold
Hardness: 11 Durability: 90

A large brass ring bearing demonic script. The metal is warm to the touch and appears to shrink to fit your finger.

Base Value: 6,420 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: No longer found with these stats
This item was replaced by SSG in U50. Epic Ring of Baphomet is the current version.