Category:Update 1 Loot
From DDO Compendium
This is a list of all the loot that was released in Update 1. The majority of this loot will be the Epic versions of Heroic loot that uses the Shard/Seal/Scroll crafting, as Update 1 released that crafting mechanism and all items that were in game before then that now use that crafting method were added in Update 1.
Update 1 also saw the release of the Inspired Quarter (IQ1) (The Path of Inspiration) quests, so all the loot related to those quests are in here.
Pages in category "Update 1 Loot"
The following 127 pages are in this category, out of 127 total.
- Elocator's Habiliment
- Elocator's Habiliment (Upgraded)
- Epic Adherent's Pendant (Pre U50)
- Epic Azure Necklace of Prophecy (Pre U50)
- Epic Bejeweled Letter Opener (Pre U50)
- Epic Belt of the Mroranon (Pre U50)
- Epic Bloodstone (Pre U50)
- Epic Bow of the Elements (Air) (Pre U50)
- Epic Bracers of the Demon's Consort (Pre U50)
- Epic Bracers of the Hunter (Pre U50)
- Epic Bramble-Casters (Pre U50)
- Epic Cape of the Roc (Pre U50)
- Epic Chainmail Coif (Pre U50)
- Epic Chaosblade (Pre U50)
- Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord (Pre U50)
- Epic Cloak of the Zephyr (Pre U50)
- Epic Collapsible Shortbow (Pre U50)
- Epic Coronation Shield (Pre U50)
- Epic Crimson Necklace of Prophecy (Pre U50)
- Epic Demon Scale Armor (Pre U50)
- Epic Docent of Grace (Pre U50)
- Epic Dragon's Eye (Pre U50)
- Epic Dusk Heart (Pre U50)
- Epic Dustless Boots (Pre U50)
- Epic Dynastic Falcata (Pre U50)
- Epic Firestorm Greaves (Pre U50)
- Epic Flint (Pre U50)
- Epic Gloves of the Falcon (Pre U50)
- Epic Golden Greaves (Pre U50)
- Epic Green Blade (Pre U50)
- Epic Hammer of Life (Pre U50)
- Epic Helm of the Mroranon (Pre U50)
- Epic Hruvayah's Medallion (Pre U50)
- Epic Ironweave Robe (Pre U50)
- Epic Kundarak Delving Boots (Pre U50)
- Epic Kundarak Delving Goggles (Pre U50)
- Epic Kundarak Delving Suit (Pre U50)
- Epic Kundarak Warding Bracers (Pre U50)
- Epic Kundarak Warding Shield
- Epic Kundarak Warding Shield (Pre U50)
- Epic Lion-headed Belt Buckle (Pre U50)
- Epic Marilith Chain (Pre U50)
- Epic Mirage (Pre U50)
- Epic Mummy Wrappings (Pre U50)
- Epic Phiarlan Spy Dagger (Pre U50)
- Epic Pouch of Jerky (Pre U50)
- Epic Rakshasa Hide (Pre U50)
- Epic Ring of Baphomet (Pre U50)
- Epic Ring of Spell Storing (Pre U50)
- Epic Ring of the Silver Concord (Pre U50)
- Epic Robe of Fire (Pre U50)
- Epic Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets (Pre U50)
- Epic Sandstorm Glasses (Pre U50)
- Epic Seal of the Earth (Pre U50)
- Epic Shard of Vollun (Pre U50)
- Epic Shield of the Scorpion (Pre U50)
- Epic Shining Crest of St. Markus (Pre U50)
- Epic Silken Mail (Pre U50)
- Epic Silver Necklace of Prophecy (Pre U50)
- Epic Siren's Charm
- Epic Siren's Charm (Pre U50)
- Epic Sirocco (Pre U50)
- Epic Souleater
- Epic Souleater (Pre U50)
- Epic Spectacles of Spirit Sight (Pre U50)
- Epic Spectral Gloves (Pre U50)
- Epic Spiked Turban (Pre U50)
- Epic Staff of Arcane Power (Pre U50)
- Epic Staff of Inner Sight (Pre U50)
- Epic Sting (Pre U50)
- Epic Stinkpelt's Hide
- Epic Stinkpelt's Hide (Pre U50)
- Epic Stonemeld Plate Armor (Pre U50)
- Epic Sword of Shadow
- Epic Sword of Shadow (Pre U50)
- Epic Thornlord (Pre U50)
- Epic Tinder (Pre U50)
- Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (Pre U50)
- Epic Tourney Armor (Pre U50)
- Epic Unkor's Cleaver (Pre U50)
- Epic Vambraces of Inner Light (Pre U50)
- Epic Vulkoorim Dervish Robe (Pre U50)
- Epic Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers (Pre U50)
- Epic Vulkoorim Pendant (Pre U50)
- Epic Ward of Undeath (Pre U50)
- Epic Weathered Targe (Pre U50)
- Epic Whirlwind (Pre U50)
- Epic Wolf Whistle (Pre U50)
- Epic Xuum (Pre U50)
- Epic Zephyr (Pre U50)