Enchanted Healing Balm

From DDO Compendium
Enchanted Healing Balm Icon.pngEnchanted Healing Balm
Race Absolutely Required: Warforged
Minimum Level: 1
  • Oiled IV: While in a tavern, you slowly recuperate hit points and spell points. This balm heals 450 hit points over 1 minute.
Material: This item is made out of: Glass
Hardness:Durability: 3
This powerful ointment is enchanted with the finest repair spells.
Base Value: 40 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: 
Vendor Location Qty Price Area
Agramire QualforkEver Full Flagon140 PlatinumHouse Kundarak
Ala'kia D'agonThe Wayward Lobster140 PlatinumThe Harbor
Aramel 'Skully' BoneshardPhoenix Tavern140 PlatinumThe Marketplace
Arik LorenskBlood on the Vine Tavern140 PlatinumThe Land of Barovia
BarnoaVillage of Tanaroa140 Platinum
Betta FeenThe Ball and Chain Tavern140 PlatinumWheloon
Borlan CorriganBogwater Tavern140 PlatinumHouse Phiarlan
Brand GorvantThe Necropolis140 Platinum
BroivThe Refectory140 PlatinumAmrath
Brom GrimboundAnvilfire Inn140 PlatinumHouse Deneith
Bula O'loarimaDrowning Sorrows Tavern140 PlatinumHouse Jorasco
CogPhoenix Tavern140 PlatinumThe Marketplace
Danika MartikovBlue Water Inn140 PlatinumThe Land of Barovia
Darwell KiriagThe Lonesome Tankard140 PlatinumEveningstar
DewdropWynwood Hall140 Platinum
Gel HanthusMorgrave University - Upper Commons140 Platinum
GlaiveHouse Cannith Enclave140 Platinum
Goenther HammersmithHammersmith's Inn140 PlatinumHouse Deneith
Haddi MalewudOpen Palm Inn140 PlatinumHouse Jorasco
Hammond GreeneThe Leaky Dinghy140 PlatinumThe Harbor
Hascal d'GhallandaSharn - Clifftop Tower District140 Platinum
Jordan CoulterThe Rusty Nail140 PlatinumThe Marketplace
Jordu PurslaneMorgrave University - Lower Quad140 Platinum
Kegface KoggThe Inspired Quarter140 Platinum
Kestinia LeiThe Eye of Kol Korran140 PlatinumHouse Deneith
KinbaneIsle of Forgotten Dreams140 Platinum
Laina the ExcoriatedThe Foothold140 Platinum
Lamden WynnGolden Wing Inn140 PlatinumHouse Phiarlan
Lhantro of TantamarThe Salty Wench Tavern140 PlatinumBarrel's Bottom
Lordamire 'The Hammertongue'Ever Full Flagon140 PlatinumHouse Kundarak
Maddox LeifsonThe Twelve140 Platinum
Malison DeathsongEver Full Flagon140 PlatinumHouse Kundarak
Maude CoulterThe Rusty Nail140 PlatinumPhoenix Tavern
MiguelResort Spa140 PlatinumAtaraxia's Haven
Moritt HastigalThe One-Eared Bugbear Inn140 PlatinumTangleroot Gorge
MorksarnGianthold140 Platinum
Naloran DeathsongAnvilfire Inn140 PlatinumHouse Deneith
Orwal MullnSellswords' Tavern140 PlatinumGuild Airship
RaffZawabi's Refuge140 Platinum
Rudyard HyngeThe Keep on the Borderlands140 Platinum
SteppyDelver's Canteen140 PlatinumRuins of Threnal
StillThe Portable Hole140 Platinum
Sylvi GreenglasTethyamar Mining Outpost140 Platinum
Timber MiregrinHammersmith's Inn140 PlatinumHouse Deneith
Tiphane BarnesSaltmarsh Training Hall140 PlatinumSaltmarsh
Trosken AdzeThe Ball and Chain Tavern140 PlatinumWheloon
Ulf Q'shaThe Tower of the Twelve140 PlatinumThe Twelve
Uramyl WidemeadowOutskirts of Myth Drannor140 Platinum
Valrelyn JenscenaMeridia140 Platinum
VeelReaver's Refuge140 Platinum
Venna AlumarThe Lonesome Tankard140 PlatinumEveningstar
Yalina EldcrestThe Tower of the Twelve140 PlatinumThe Twelve