Dreampiercer (Tier 2)

From DDO Compendium

Dreampiercer Icon.png


Accepts Sentience
Simple Weapon Proficiency

Required Trait: Good (UMD: 26)
Minimum Level: 25
Bound to Character on Acquire
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 31.50
Damage: 4[1d10]+8
Damage Types: Pierce, Bludgeon, Good, Magic, Crystal
Critical Roll: 20 / x2
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR

  • Attuned to Heroism: Tier 2: This relic is attuned to heroic actions. Perhaps in the future your actions will be able to upgrade this item further.
  • +8 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +8 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +8 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Supreme Good: This weapon is infused with the supreme power of Good. It does an additional 3d6 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good-aligned characters.
  • Greater Evil Outsider Bane: This weapon gains +4 Enhancement Bonus versus Evil Outsider, and deals 3d6 Bane damage against them.
  • Life Stealing: This weapon has a chance to drain 1 to 3 levels from its target on a critical hit.
  • Enchantment Focus +3: Passive: +3 Equipment bonus to DC of Enchantment spells.
Red Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Crystal
Hardness: 36 Durability: 240

This is truly ancient relic of the giant wars against the Dal Quor. The dream-monsters were best fought with weapons that struck down the spirit, rather then the flesh
Base Value: 10,000 Platinum2 Copper 4 lbs
Where To Find: The Fall of Truth (Epic Elite), Raid Warded Chest
Upgraded From: