Throwing Axe of the Undying Age

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Throwing Axe of the Undying Age Icon.png

Throwing Axe of the Undying Age
Throwing Axe

Accepts Sentience
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Minimum Level: 33
Bound to Character on Acquire
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 59.40
Damage: 6.10[1d6+3]+15
Damage Types: Slash, Magic
Critical Roll: 20 / x3
Attack Mod: DEX
Damage Mod: STR
Chance to Return: 100%

  • +15 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +15 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +15 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Dripping with Magma:  Your attacks have a high chance to deal very strong fire damage over time.
  • 3rd Degree Burns: On Vorpal: 85 to 195 Fire Damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, and adds 1-5 stacks of Vulnerability. (Vulnerability: You take 1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.)
  • Sovereign Vorpal: Passive: +0.5[W] damage dice.
    On Vorpal Hit: If your target has fewer than 3000 Hit Points, they are Instantly Slain. If your target has above 3000 Hit Points, they take 300 damage.
  • Sealed in Fire: This weapon burns with a sealed power. It can have its power unsealed at the Ritual Table, adding one effect. Attempting to add another will remove the original.
  • Returning: This missile will return to you.
Orange Augment Slot: Empty
Purple Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Steel
Hardness: 43 Durability: 360

The ritual's power has imbued this weapon with an immortal fire and unholy purpose.
Base Value: 13,200 Platinum 6 Gold 2 lbs
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Upgraded From: