Faedark Faerielights

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 17:14, 11 November 2020 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
Faedark Faerielights Icon.png Faedark Faerielights
Minimum Level: 29
Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Faeryfire Curse: Empowered by the Faerylights, your Illusion spells have a chance to curse your enemies with Purple Faery Fire, dispelling stealth, invisibility, blur, and displacement for 30 seconds, and giving a -40 penalty to hide. Sightless enemies are immune to the dazzle effect.
  • Illusory Death 3: This item increases your caster level when casting illusion and necromancy spells by one.
  • Quality Wizardry +110: Passive: +110 Quality bonus to your spell point maximum. (If you have Sorcerer or Favored Soul levels, you gain additional spell points proportionate to the ratio of those levels to other classes).
  • Magical Efficiency 10%: You take a 10% Enhancement discount to the Spell Point cost of your spells.
  • Augments: 
Green Augment Slot: Empty
2 Pieces Equipped: +25 Artifact bonus to Universal Spell Power
3 Pieces Equipped: +6% Artifact bonus to Universal Spell Critical Chance
4 Pieces Equipped: +10% Legendary bonus to Maximum Spellpoints
5 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
6 Pieces Equipped: +3 Artifact bonus to Spell DCs
7 Pieces Equipped: +15% Legendary bonus to Universal Spell Critical Damage

Material: This item is made out of: Paper
Hardness: 49 Durability: 390

FEYTWISTED form of Crown of Fireflies

The calm and hallow light of blinking faerylights fill your foes with despair.

Base Value: 11,601 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: The Feywild (Legendary), Feytwisted Chest
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