Category:Items with Magical Efficiency
From DDO Compendium
Pages in category "Items with Magical Efficiency"
The following 99 pages are in this category, out of 99 total.
- Cannoneer's Goggles
- Cannoneer's Goggles (Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Celestial Beacon
- Cloak of the Mountain
- Cloak of the Mountain (Pre U41)
- Combustible Devoted Quarterstaff
- Combustible Nullified Quarterstaff
- Combustible Radiant Quarterstaff
- Combustible Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Combustible Resonating Quarterstaff
- Corrosive Devoted Quarterstaff
- Corrosive Nullified Quarterstaff
- Corrosive Radiant Quarterstaff
- Corrosive Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Corrosive Resonating Quarterstaff
- Cursekeeper
- Legendary Aetherband
- Legendary Celestial Beacon
- Legendary Combustible Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Combustible Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Corrosive Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Corrosive Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Corrosive Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Corrosive Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Corrosive Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Cursekeeper
- Legendary Delicate Thimbletips
- Legendary Dragon's Eye
- Legendary Glaciated Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glaciated Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Glasses of the Studious Mage
- Legendary Impulsive Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Impulsive Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Devoted Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Nullified Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Radiant Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Reconstructed Quarterstaff
- Legendary Magnetic Resonating Quarterstaff
- Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone
- Legendary Pansophic Circlet
- Legendary Pendant of the Azure Sea
- Legendary Pendant of the Azure Sky
- Legendary Ring of Thelis
- Legendary Signet of Shavarath
- Legendary Transmutation Talisman
- Legendary University Researcher's Cloak
- Legendary Wristbound Register