Epic Dragon's Eye

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 01:15, 15 August 2021 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
Epic Dragon's Eye Icon.png Epic Dragon's Eye
Minimum Level: 20
Bound to Character on Acquire
Spell Mnemonic Icon.pngGreater Efficacy
Target: Self
Duration: 3 Minutes
School: Abjuration
Spell Resistance: No
When activated, this effect provides a +12 Alchemical bonus to your Universal Spell Power for one minute.
Caster Level: 1
3 / 3 Charges(Recharged/Day: 3)
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Epic Draconic Prophecy: 
  • 2 Pieces Equipped:
+10 Artifact bonus to Universal Spell Power
+20 Artifact bonus to Magical Resistance Rating Cap

Material: This item is made out of: Gem
Hardness: 30 Durability: 220

A massive star ruby that resembles an eye, especially as it winks from time to time.

Base Value: 8,020 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Upgraded From
Dragon's Eye
Epic Crafting
New Item
Legendary Dragon's Eye
This item replaced a different version by SSG in U50. Epic Dragon's Eye (Pre U50) is the previous version.