Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay (Nearly Finished Upgraded)

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 20:04, 8 November 2019 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
The page contains information retrieved from either lamannia or the forums that is scheduled for a future release and has not been updated with what is live.

This information is scheduled to be released when U42 goes live.

Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay Icon.png

Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay
Great Axe

Accepts Sentience
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Minimum Level: 29
Bound to Character on Acquire
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 123.00
Damage: 7[1d12+6]+15
Damage Types: Slash, Magic
Critical Roll: 19 - 20 / x3
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR

  • +15 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +15 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +15 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Almost There: This item is incredibly close to completion. Bring it to a Cannith Reforging Station and combine it with melted materials to restore this item to its full potential.
  • Keen V: Passive: This weapon deals an additional +2[W] damage. In addition, base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. This does not stack with the Improved Critical Feat. Vorpal strikes by this weapon also bypass all Fortification.
  • Disease: Unholy Tear: This weapon saps the vitality from your enemies, dealing 10d6 Evil damage on each hit to Good enemies. It also has a chance to spread its disease whenever you strike an enemy, which will reduce their Armor Class and Positive Healing Amplification.
  • Limb Chopper: This potent and feared ability allows the weapon to sever the limbs of those it strikes. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit, the weapon severs an opponent's limb from its body. Some creatures, including many aberrations and all oozes, have no limbs. Others, such as golems and undead creatures, are not affected by the loss of their limbs. Most other creatures, however, have their movement slowed 75% and attacks slowed by 50% when a limb is cut off.
  • [[File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|link=File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|36px|x36px|]]{{{name}}}
    Augment Bag Icon.png
    Binding: Unbound
    Augment Type:
    Slotted Effect: 

    • [[File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|link=File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|36px|x36px|]]{{{name}}}
      Augment Bag Icon.png
      Binding: Unbound
      Augment Type:
      Slotted Effect: 

Material: This item is made out of: Steel
Hardness: 39 Durability: 390

This unholy greataxe was wielded against you by Rudus Caskrage, a powerful Minotaur. It can tear the limbs from your enemies' forms and their souls from their bodies. Its terrible plague will drive your enemies to madness.
Base Value: 11,602 Platinum 12 lbs
Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay.png
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Upgraded From
Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay
Cannith Reforging Station
New Item
Upgraded Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay
Almost There: This item is incredibly close to completion. Bring it to a Cannith Reforging Station and combine it with melted materials to restore this item to its full potential.