Magic of Myth Drannor

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Myth Drannor, formerly known as the city of Cormanthor, the City of Song, or the City of Love among other names, was the former capital city of Cormanthyr in the forest of Cormanthor. It was considered by many to be the pinnacle of shared knowledge, culture, and civilization in Faerûn, as well a beacon of serenity and solidarity in the chaotic Realms.

For hundreds of years after the Weeping War, Myth Drannor languished as fiend-infested ruins. After hundreds of years the city was reclaimed by the elves of Evermeet in the late 14th century DR. It enjoyed a century-long renaissance, before falling to ruin once more.


Magic of Myth Drannor Splash.jpg
Magic of Myth Drannor Splash2.jpg
NPC: Naarhesh
Purchase: DDO Store




Ultimate Fan BundleCollector's EditionStandard Edition
  • Magic of Myth Drannor Content
  • Eladrin Character Race
  • Wild Mage Archetype
  • Elven Marksman Cosmetic Set
  • Elven Marksman Steed
  • Armored Cooshee Pet
  • Level 14 Hireling - Eladrin Druid
  • 1 Character Slot
  • Magic of Myth Drannor Content
  • Eladrin Character Race