Wild Magic (Effect)

From DDO Compendium

Wild magic is a chaotic force that can be harnessed by some spell casters or appears as an environmental effect that can be found where an extremely powerful magical event occurred. The casting of spells as a wild mage or in a wild magic zone has a random chance to cause a Wild Magic Surge.
Wild Magic Surge
Surges are random magical effects that occur on or around the caster at the moment they cast a spell. The frequency of surges and chance of good or bad results can be manipulated by things in the wild mage tree (sorcerer). Surges are divided into five categories:
  • Very Good (chance is very rare)​
  • Good​
  • Neutral​
  • Bad​
  • Very Bad (chance is very rare)​
Wild Magic Surge Rules: General design rules all surges follow
  • The spell you are casting when you surge always resolves normally (the surge is an ADDITIONAL effect, it never replaces)
  • Wild Magic Surges can only occur in dungeons (Your gonna have to play quests to try this one)
  • Bad or Very Bad negative effects ONLY affect the caster but Good/Very Good effects will sometimes apply to allies/party members
  • Bad effects may Debuff you but won't CC you.
  • Very Bad effects may CC you making them very dangerous.
  • You will get a VFX/Sound warning a few seconds before you character becomes "hot" with a wild surge on your next cast, that will indicate if it's good or bad surge.
  • Monsters/Henchmen use this system to but certain surges won't occur for them or will be different
Sample List of Surges
  • Very Good
    • Force Bubbles - You and all nearby allies gain a Force shield reducing damage by 95% for 4 seconds.​
    • Unicorn! - You summon a powerful unicorn unicorn which stands in place and generates a friendly aura of healing. This unicorn is ethereal does not fight or cause monsters to aggro, it's more like a spell effect. ​
    • Who's Dead? - Dead allies in the general area are true resurrected and living enemies near you die no save. This can only occur once a quest.​
  • Good
    • Hammer Time - A floating hammer appears next to you for a short period of time. As long as it's hammer time your offensive spells will knock down targets briefly. No save. Immunities apply.​
    • Truest Sight - You and all allies in the general area gain true sight and 10% dodge bypass for 60 seconds.​
    • Touch of Chaos - for 60 seconds all your offensive magic applies a 1d6 in chaos damage. in addition to their normal effects. This scales with spell power and can crit.​
  • Neutral
    • Butterflies - Butterflies appear around you. Enjoy!​
    • 'Free Beer - You conjure a free beer on the ground. Effects of drinking the free beer TBD. Using some tavern food atm.​ ​
  • Bad
    • 'Squirrel! - You conjure a pack of chittering squirrels! These can confuse nearby enemies (50% chance, no save) but they also really annoy the caster making it difficulty to cast spells for 4 seconds (50% spell failure chance)​
    • ​Shrinkage - Suddenly you are quite small. Your damage is reduced by 20% and you gain 10% dodge and +5 to reflex saves.​
    • Iron Pot Head - An Iron cauldron appears on your head blinding you for a moment until you adjust it. (this is not considered a blindness effect). Grants you +5 Armor class until it goes poof in a bit.​
    • So tired - You become fatigued.
  • Very Bad
    • Rats - You turn into a rodent! You can move but not use abilities or items. You gain 50% uncapped dodge and +25 reflex saves. Last for 8 seconds.​
    • Dance Party - You are afflicted with an irresistible dance for 6 seconds. Anyone who hits you will also start to dance.
    • Personal Bad Weather - A Stormy cloud appears over your head. It drenches you in rain increasing your vulnerability to electric damage by 25% for 10 seconds and then strikes you once with lightning before disappearing​