Book Burning
From DDO Compendium
Incendiary creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire are destroying the ancient texts held in this libary. Time to douse the flames and save what you can
OverviewIs that a dragon talking to you? Seems so... The dragon wants you to put out the fire in the nearby library. They have been sworn to protect it, and is keeping the enchantments that protect the books, but can't stop doing that to handle the creatures that are causing the fire. The dragon things a portal to the Elemental Plain of Fire has opened. |
Named Loot
NotesThe second chest in the Fire Giant Rare only appears if you solve the issue with skill, not fighting. |
Bonus XP
Pack: Magic of Myth Drannor |
Heroic Level: 13 Legendary Level: 35 Bestowed by: Jurin'ildren |
Length: Short Takes Place in: Burning Library Found in: Outskirts of Myth Drannor Entrance in: The Ruins of Myth Drannor |
Heroic XPCasual: 1,236Normal: 2,153 Hard: 2,246 Elite: 2,340 Reaper: 81.2 RXP per skull |
Legendary XPCasual: 7,033Normal: 11,989 Hard: 12,255 Elite: 12,521 Reaper: 268 RXP per skull |
FavorPatron: Cormanthor ElvesSolo/Casual: 2 Normal: 4 Hard: 8 Elite: 12 |
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SagasHeroic Myth Drannor SagaLegendary Myth Drannor Saga |
- Quests Bestowed in Outskirts of Myth Drannor
- Heroic Myth Drannor Saga Quests
- Legendary Myth Drannor Saga Quests
- Quests without Traps
- Update 69 Quests
- Quests Included with Magic of Myth Drannor (Pack)
- Level 13 Quests
- Heroic Difficulty Quests
- Level 35 Quests
- Legendary Difficulty Quests
- Quest with Entrance in The Ruins of Myth Drannor
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Adventure Pack > Quests Included with Magic of Myth Drannor (Pack)
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Difficulty > Heroic Difficulty Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Difficulty > Legendary Difficulty Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Entrance Location > Quest with Entrance in The Ruins of Myth Drannor
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Level > Level 13 Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Level > Level 35 Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Location Bestowed > Quests Bestowed in Outskirts of Myth Drannor
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Saga > Heroic Myth Drannor Saga Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Saga > Legendary Myth Drannor Saga Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Update > Update 69 Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests without Traps
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