Voices of the Dead

From DDO Compendium

any of the city's most powerful spellcasters are buried here. One of them took part in the ritual that created the Key to the Mythal. Time to find out what he knows, thanks to the Speak With Dead spell.


It turns out the man the Red Wizards have been looking for, Earyrnspieir Ongluth, is dead. Elred says the elves, though, know where he is buried. Since he is dead, Elred is giving you an amulate that lets you Speak with the dead, but only in the Burial Glen. To find him and have a chat.


  • Find Earynspieir Ongluth's body
  • Speak to the graveyard's groundskeeper
  • Speak with Earynspieir Ongluth's corpse
  • Speak (?) to the bear
  • Follow the bear
  • Defeat the Red Wizard
  • Investigate the Wall
  • Read the note
  • (Optional) Speak to the wizards' assistants to find clues: 4 total
  • (Optional) Figure out where all four Wizards are located

Named Loot


The puzzle is a 3x3 logic puzzle, random options. It is optional and can be ignored, or you can use the solver linked below. Skipping the puzzle will increase the mob density.

Bonus XP

  • Mischief Bonus: 24 or more breakables smashed (+8% Bonus)
  • Vandal Bonus: 32 or more breakables smashed (+10% Bonus)
  • Ransack Bonus: 39 or more breakables smashed (+15% Bonus)
  • Aggression Bonus: 25 or more monsters killed (+10% Bonus)
  • Onslaught Bonus: 49 or more monsters killed (+15% Bonus)
  • Conquest Bonus: 75 or more monsters killed (+25% Bonus)


Pack: Magic of Myth Drannor
Arc: Magic of Myth Drannor Part Two
Heroic Level: 13
Legendary Level: 35
Bestowed by:  Elred Maglan
Length: Medium
Takes Place in: The Burial Glen
Found in: Outskirts of Myth Drannor
Entrance in:  The Ruins of Myth Drannor

Heroic XP

Casual: 2,328
Normal: 4,060
Hard: 4,240
Elite: 4,420
Reaper: 89 RXP per skull

Legendary XP

Casual: 13,406
Normal: 22,857
Hard: 23,370
Elite: 23,883
Reaper: 310 RXP per skull


Patron: Cormanthor Elves
Solo/Casual: 2
Normal: 5
Hard: 10
Elite: 15
Voices of the Dead Map.png


Heroic Myth Drannor Saga
Legendary Myth Drannor Saga

External Links

Logic Puzzle Solver