The Drowned (ML 24)

From DDO Compendium
Orb 1 Icon.pngEpic The Drowned
Magical Training
Minimum Level: 24
Bound to Account on Acquire
Shield Bonus: +0
Damage Reduction (DR):
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 2.75
Damage: 1d4
Damage Types: Force
Critical Roll: 19 - 20 / x2
Attack Mod: INT
Damage Mod: CHA
  • +7 Orb Bonus: While this orb is equipped and you are actively blocking, you gain a +7 Orb bonus to all saving throws, as well as Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Sonice resistances.
  • Insightful Glaciation +62: Passive: +62 Insight bonus to Cold Spell Power.
  • Ice Lore +18%: Passive: Your Cold spells gain a +18% Equipment bonus to their chance to Critical Hit.
  • Quality Evocation Focus +1: Passive: +1 Quality bonus to DC of Evocation spells.
  • Insightful Fortification +62%: Passive: +62% Insight bonus to Fortification. (Fortification is a chance to negate additional damage incurred from Critical Hit or Sneak Attack. Some enemies can bypass a portion of your Fortification.)
Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Material: This item is made out of: Gem
Hardness: 35 Durability: 215
Description: Down, down, down they sink.
Base Value: 9,601 Platinum 5 Gold3 lbs
The Drowned.png
Where To Find: 
Vendor Location Qty Price Area
Euphonia's Barter Box GreyQuestion.pngSmuggler's Rest1
1,250x Silver Doubloon
500x Golden Doubloon
40x Stolen Opal
800x Green Dragonshard