Smokebomb (SLA)

From DDO Compendium

Spell Smoke Bomb Icon.png

Spell-Like Ability: Smoke Bomb

Ranks: 3
Points (per rank): 1

Spell Smoke Bomb Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Smoke Bomb
Metamagic: Eschew Materials, Extend, Quicken
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Primer Element: Gildleaf

Throw a bottle beneath you that explodes into a cloud of smoke and leaves you Invisible and Displaced for 12 Seconds
Metamagic Feats may be used when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.
Rank 1:
  • Activation Cost: 25 Spell Points
Rank 2:
  • Activation Cost: 20 Spell Points
Rank 3:
  • Activation Cost: 15 Spell Points
Spell Smoke Bomb Icon.png

Bombardier - Swift Ambition

  • 20 Points spent in Tree
  • Alchemist 4