Kendra Estleton

From DDO Compendium
Cleric 5 Icon.pngCleric 5 GS Icon.pngKendra Estleton
Cleric Hireling
Hireling Contract Folder Icon.png
I don't like the look of this place... keep your wits about you.

Minimum Level: 5

Level: 5
Race: Human
Class: Cleric
Gold Seal:  30 DDO Points

Hit Points: 105
Spell Points: 392

Available Commands:  

Description: A competent healer, Kendra brings a bit of grace and charm to a group.
Base Value: 62 Platinum 5 Gold 0.10 lbs
Kendra Estleton.png
Where To Find: 
Gold Seal: Unlike regular hireling contracts, Gold Seal Contracts allow you to summon more than one hireling at a time. With Gold Seal Contracts you can lead an entire party of hirelings.
Store Description: Level 5 Human Cleric Hireling. Gold Seal Contracts let you employ up to 5 different hirelings at once. Note each hireling can only be summoned once per party. Expires one hour after first use (timer pauses in public areas and upon log-out). (Can use: Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Vitality I, Lesser Restoration)