
From DDO Compendium
Orb 1 Icon.pngHallowsphere
Magical Training
Minimum Level: 5
Bound to Account on Acquire
Shield Bonus: +0
Damage Reduction (DR):
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 2.75
Damage: 1d4
Damage Types: Force
Critical Roll: 19 - 20 / x2
Attack Mod: INT
Damage Mod: CHA
  • Spellcasting Implement +5: Passive: +5 Implement bonus to Universal Spell Power.
  • +2 Orb Bonus: While this orb is equipped and you are actively blocking, you gain a +2 Orb bonus to all saving throws, as well as Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Sonice resistances.
  • Intelligence +4: Passive: +4 Enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
  • Illusory Death 1: This item increases your caster level when casting illusion and necromancy spells by one.
  • Insightful Nullification +29: Passive: +29 Insight bonus to Negative Energy and Poison Spell Power.
  • Insightful Impulse +29: Passive: +29 Insight bonus to Force, Physical, and Untyped Spells Spell Power.
  • Taint of Evil: This weapon is Evil aligned. Good aligned characters suffer a negative level until this item is unequipped.
Red Augment Slot: Empty
Seasons of the Feywild: 
2 Pieces Equipped: +10 Artifact bonus to your maximum Hit Points
3 Pieces Equipped: +50 Artifact bonus to your maximum Spell Points
4 Pieces Equipped: +1 Artifact bonus to all of your Ability Scores
5 Pieces Equipped: +1% Artifact bonus to Dodge
6 Pieces Equipped: +1 Artifact bonus to all spell DCs
7 Pieces Equipped: +5 Artifact bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating
Material: This item is made out of: Glass
Hardness: 25 Durability: 115
Description: This is a hole in the multiverse itself - something so incredibly powerful that only the most powerful of mages should risk wielding it.
Base Value: 2,100 Platinum3 lbs
Where To Find: Immortality Lessons (Heroic), End Chest
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