Bolt Insignia (Pre U41)

From DDO Compendium
Raid Trinket 1 Icon.png Bolt Insignia
Minimum Level: 29
Bound to Character on Acquire
  • Lightning Lore +27%: Passive: Your Electric spells gain a +27% Equipment bonus to their chance to Critical Hit.
  • Efficient Metamagic - Intensify II: The additional spell cost for using the Intensify Metamagic feat is reduced by 2 Spell Points.
  • Insightful Wizardry +189: Passive: +189 Insight bonus to your spell point maximum. (If you have Sorcerer or Favored Soul levels, you gain additional spell points proportionate to the ratio of those levels to other classes).
  • Quality Magnetism +46: Passive: +46 Quality bonus to Electric Spell Power.
Green Augment Slot: Empty
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Blue Dragonscale
Hardness: 39 Durability: 300

An Ancient Blue Dragonscale with a symbol of lightning carved into its face. Kor Kaza likely intended to grant this to one of her followers.

Where To Find: No longer found with these stats
Upgradeable: This item can be upgraded to the current version using the Re-Acquire Raid Loot altar in the Hall of Heroes. This costs Thread of Fate Icon.png 50x Thread of Fate.
This item was replaced by SSG in U41. Bolt Insignia is the current version.